
tónɡ yī rèn dìnɡ
  • identification;establishing identity
  1. 传统的笔迹学理论揭示出人的书写动作习惯具有特殊性、稳定性和反映性,对书写人的同一认定,是通过对个体书写习惯总和的比较进行的。

    According to the traditional theory of graphology , humans ' handwriting habit possesses characteristics such as particularity , stability and reactivity , and the establishing identity of hand-writer is carried out via comparing the " summation " of individual writing habits .

  2. 在法医学同一认定实践中,根据检材状态和生前个人信息可分别从人体软组织的DNA分析或软、硬组织的形态结构识别两个方面入手。

    In the practice of forensic identification depending on status of the samples and prenatal personal information , we can analyses the DNA of soft tissues or analysis the architecture of hard tissues .

  3. DNA鉴定解决了困扰司法鉴定多年的、以生物检材进行人身同一认定的技术难题。

    DNA identification solves the technology tickler that discriminated by the biological material and the tickler badger judicial identification so many years .

  4. 结论颌面DR全景片全口牙型32位编码和颌面DR侧位片中6项骨性指标可用于同一认定。

    Conclusion The method of coding full dentition in DR orthopantomogram and measuring six bony indexes in DR lateral cephalogram can be used to forensic identification .

  5. 有利于测算本地区亲权鉴定和同一认定的似然比率,为法医学个人识别、亲权鉴定、DNA数据技术,以及群体遗传学研究等提供了重要的基础资料。

    The data can also be used to calculate the likelihood ratio of the paternity test in the region . The ratio provides important basic data in forensic identification 、 the paternity test 、 DNA data technology , as well as population genetics studies .

  6. 结论Y-STR基因座可应用于法庭科学中的个体识别与同一认定,但在应用中要注意各种特例的发生。

    Conclusion Y-STR loci are suitable for forensic personal identification and paternity testing , but should be careful of various peculiar examples in application .

  7. 对3例本教研室不能用常规常染色体STR对男性成份作出同一认定的混合斑检材,该系统成功的作出了与嫌疑人血液Y-STR基因型一致的鉴定结论。

    A total of 78 different haplotypes was identified and the genetic diversity reached 0.9881.To the three cases of mixture stains failed by using conventional autosomal STR analysis , our multiplex system drew conforming conclusion comparing to the suspect ′ s Y-STRs genotypes .

  8. 论司法实践中的痕迹鉴定和同一认定结论

    Identification of Trace Evidence and Expression of Conclusions in Judicial Proceedings

  9. 同一认定理论在侦查中的继承与拓展

    The succession and development of identical cognizance theory in penal investigation

  10. 物证同一认定的过程及特征量化分析

    Quantitative Analysis of the Process and Features of Material Evidence 's Identification

  11. 利用激光干涉条纹对透明玻璃碎片进行同一认定的研究

    Study on identifying transparent bits of broken glass by laser interference fringe

  12. 根据复印文件对复印机的同一认定

    Cognizance of Identity of the Printer According to Duplicate Documents

  13. 同一认定原理是侦查学的特定基础理论。

    The theory of individualism is the specific basic theory of criminal investigation .

  14. 同一认定理论及其逻辑分析

    Theory of Identity Cognizance and Logical Analysis Of It

  15. 经常出现的物证同一认定矛盾结论,需要更加明确的同一认定理论标准。

    More explicit criterions for identification are needed because of contrary conclusions presented frequently .

  16. 练习摹仿笔迹特征鉴定价值分析及同一认定条件

    The Value of Characteristics of Imitated Handwriting by Practice and the Requirements for Its Identification

  17. 一起涉案打印文件言语人的同一认定

    Authorship Identification of a Printed Document

  18. 该探针的应用,将在法医学亲子鉴定和个人同一认定中发挥重要的作用。

    The application of this probe will play an important part in the individual identification and paternity test .

  19. 随着医学影像学技术的进步,用于法医牙科影像同一认定的方法也不断地发展。

    With the development of medical image , the method of identification for forensic radiology is also developing .

  20. 同一认定原理界说&侦查学的特定基础理论侦探将假扮为一乞丐。

    On Orientation of the Theory of Individualism ; The detective will appear in the person of beggar .

  21. 假设检验与同一认定

    Hypothesis Testing and Identification

  22. 结果证明,咬痕同一认定数字化分析具有较高的精确性,可对人牙咬痕作出精确的认定。

    The result shows that the human bitemarks digital analysis is a more accurate approach to human bitemarks identification .

  23. 犯罪信息检索的理论基础是同一认定原理和信息流原理。

    The theoretical basis of the criminal information retrieval is the principle of identity establishment and the principle of information stream .

  24. 进行同一认定需要两个前提:一是特征“同位”比较,二是足够特征“位置”比较。

    There are two preconditions in identification , one is that the characters compared must be in the same character location ;

  25. 接下来指出唯物辩证法是司法会计鉴定的理论基础,同一认定理论是司法会计鉴定的一般基础理论。

    Next the article point out that Materialist dialectics is the theoretical foundation and The Same Theory is the basic theory foundation .

  26. 提取现场足迹,是寻找案后足迹的先决条件、是同一认定的基础;

    To take crime scene footprints is the precondition of finding the footprints left after the case and the basic of the identification .

  27. 本研究旨在于进一步探究额窦的数字X线影像学分型和同一认定的指标及数字编码。

    This study is aimed at probing in the classifications , items and the numericcodes based on the digital X-films of frontal sinus .

  28. 它能为确定案件性质、提供破案线索、印证其他证据、话者同一认定起到重要或决定性作用。

    It plays a vital role in determination of case nature , providing the investigation clue , verifying the identical recognition of other evidence and the speech .

  29. 枪弹痕迹检验的主要任务是枪弹的种属认定和枪支的同一认定,即确定在现场找到的弹头、弹壳是哪一支枪发射的。

    The main subject of bullet marks identification is to judge the type of gun and whether the bullet recovered from the crime scene is fired by the suspected gun .

  30. 对同一认定原理的价值定位关系到侦查学的基础理论研究乃至整个侦查学科自身的发展。

    Proper orientation of the theory of individualism is very significant for the research of the basic theory of criminal investigation , which also affects the development of criminal investigation .