
tóng zhì
  • comrade;friend;a form of address;congenial
同志 [tóng zhì]
  • (1) [congenial]∶志趣相同;志向相同

  • 自有国同志者在。--清. 林觉民《与妻书》

  • 和他同志的多得很

  • (2) [friend]∶指志趣相同的人

  • 乐得与二三同志,酒余饭饱,雨夕灯窗,同消寂寞。--《红楼梦》

  • 四卿及同志。--清. 梁启超《谭嗣同传》

  • (3) [comrade]∶为共同理想事业而奋斗的人,特指同一个政党的成员

  • 党员同志

  • 我得引为同志,是自以为光荣的。--鲁迅《且介亭杂文末编》

  • (4) [a form of address]∶某些国家人民彼此之间的通称

  • 同志,你的帽子掉了

同志[tóng zhì]
  1. 同志,注意你的书生气!

    Better be careful of your bookish approach , comrade .

  2. 这位同志会讲英语,而且讲得很好。

    This comrade speaks English , and that very well .

  3. 他们之间存在着一种同志情谊。

    There was a sense of comradeship between them .

  4. 不知怎么的,昆廷脱离了自己的同志。

    Somehow , Quentin split off from his comrades .

  5. 9,000多名退伍的男女战士列队行进而过,以悼念他们倒下的同志。

    Over nine-thousand ex-servicemen and women marched past in tribute to their fallen comrades .

  6. 就他而言,背叛自己的同志是不可能的。

    As far as he was concerned there was no question of betraying his own comrades

  7. 同志们,党的权威将受到严重的考验。

    The Party 's authority , comrades , will be put to a serious test .

  8. 他肯定不想带累别的同志。

    Certainly he wasn 't going to involve the other comrades .

  9. 我们一向把这些人看成真正的同志。

    We always consider these people as our true comrades .

  10. 同志间的交谈应该是开诚相见。

    During the talk among the comrades , nothing should be concealed .

  11. 他暗暗发誓要为牺牲的同志报仇。

    He vowed to himself to avenge his martyred comrade .

  12. 同志们有困难我们不能不闻不问。

    We can 't remain indifferent when any comrade is in difficulty .

  13. 他不该在同志们之间搬弄是非。

    He shouldn 't have carried tales among his comrades .

  14. 将派更多的同志出国深造。

    More comrades will be sent to study abroad .

  15. 他虚心领受同志们的批评建议。

    He accepted his comrades ' criticisms and suggestions with an open mind .

  16. 同志有困难当然要帮助。

    It goes without saying that we should help a comrade in difficulty .

  17. 但凡同志们有困难,他没有不热情帮助的。

    Whenever a comrade needs help , he is ready to give it .

  18. 对犯错误的同志,要批评帮助,不能一棍子打死。

    Instead of bludgeoning our erring comrades , we should help them with criticism .

  19. 由于同志们的帮助,他进步很快。

    Owing to the help from his comrades , he has made rapid progress .

  20. 他对同志从不疾言厉色。

    He is never brusque with his comrades .

  21. 经过同志们再三劝导,他终于想通了。

    After repeated exhortation by his comrades , he finally straightened out his thinking .

  22. 现派张同志前往你处接洽。

    We are now sending Comrade Zhang along to get in touch with you .

  23. 同志们先别走。

    Don 't go yet , comrades .

  24. 有三个同志在会上发了言。

    Three comrades spoke at the meeting .

  25. 同志之间有些小矛盾,过去就算了,不要老是耿耿于怀。

    Forget about trivial disagreements among comrades , and don 't take them to heart .

  26. 他对同志不是满腔热情,而是冷冷清清,漠不关心,麻木不仁。

    He felt no warmth towards his comrades but was cold , indifferent and apathetic .

  27. 我没料想到他对同志们的批评竟充耳不闻。

    I didn 't expect him to turn a deaf ear to his comrades ' criticism .

  28. 她心里装着同志们,惟独没有她自己。

    She always bears her comrades in mind ; scarcely does she ever think of herself .

  29. 我已约了王同志。

    I 've invited Comrade Wang .

  30. 这篇文章是集体讨论,王同志执笔的。

    The article was discussed by us all , but Comrade Wang did the actual writing .