
diàn gōng
  • electrician;electrotechnics;electrical engineering;wireman
电工 [diàn gōng]
  • (1) [electrician]∶安装、保养、操作或修理电气设备的工人

  • (2) [wireman]∶保持电气装置(如马达、开关或配电盘)正常运行的维修工人

电工[diàn gōng]
  1. 虚拟电子工作台EWB及其在电工和电子实验中的应用

    Electronic workbench and its application to experiments of electrical engineering and electronic technology

  2. 浅谈电工专业课教学

    Analysis on the Teaching of the Curriculum of Electrical Engineering Specialty

  3. 他的职业是电工。

    He was an electrician by profession .

  4. 我们唯一能够联络到的电工离这里有好几英里远。

    The only electrician we could get hold of was miles away .

  5. 开始电工作业之前取下电路保险丝。

    Remove the circuit fuse before beginning electrical work .

  6. 发电厂的电工们举行了罢工,一直持续了近5天。

    The electricians at the power stations went on strike and stayed out nearly five days .

  7. 这些女电工真能干。

    These women electricians really know their job .

  8. 所有的电工活都由我哥干。

    All the electrical work was done by my brother .

  9. 电工把电线卷起解下来。

    The electrician wound the wires off .

  10. 第三个医生说,“我喜欢给电工手术,他们的器官都有带颜色的编码。”

    The third surgeon said , " I prefer to operate on electricians . Their organs are color-coded . "

  11. 基于Web的电工电子实验系统

    A Web - based Electric and Electronic Experiments System

  12. 供电电工技能PLC课程综合化教学实践

    The synthetical practice of teaching in power supply electrotechtics PLC course

  13. 基于PC的电工电子实验及其发展趋势

    PC Assisted Electrical and Electronic Test and Its Developing Trend

  14. MATLAB在《电工电子学》形象教学中的应用

    Application of MATLAB in Teaching of Electrotechnics & Electronics

  15. 用CAD制作电工教学动画

    Use CAD to make electrical teaching cartons

  16. 主要介绍PLC在电工学电工技术实验课中带负载实验。

    The paper mainly introduces PLC experiments with burden in electro technical experiment classes .

  17. 《电工技术》CAI课件的开发

    The Development of the < Electric technology > I Courseware

  18. 电工电子技术计算机辅助教学(CAI)系统,采用Matlab语言实现。

    The computer-aided teaching system for electric engineering and electronics was realized with MATLAB language .

  19. 电工电子技术CAI系统的实现

    Realization of CAI System for Electrical Engineering and Electronics

  20. 主要成分及工艺对极低铁损高磁感中等Si含量的无取向电工钢磁性的影响

    Influence of main composition and processing on magnetic property of extre-low iron loss high magnetic induction non-oriented electrical steel

  21. 电工电磁场多媒体CAI

    Electrical Engineering Electromagnetic Field CAI

  22. CSP工艺开发电工钢的现状及其优势

    Current State and Advantages on Developing Electrical Steels in CSP Process

  23. CSP生产无取向电工钢的组织和性能

    Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Non-Oriented Electrical Steels Produced by CSP Technology

  24. 依托EDA平台,加速电工电子类课程教学改革

    Accelerate the Educational Reform of Subjects about Electrics and Electronics Relying on EDA

  25. 电工级高纯超细SiO2粉研究

    Research of highest degree pure and super-fine sio_2 powder for electronic grade

  26. 局部放电(PD)是导致高压电工设备绝缘击穿的主要原因。

    Partial Discharge ( PD ) is the main cause of insulation breaking down of HV equipments in power system .

  27. 四辊/六辊HC中试轧机冷轧电工钢技术

    Technology for cold rolling electric steel by 4 high / 6 high HC intermediate experimental mill

  28. 文章针对电工与电子技术实验CAI课件稿本,谈了编写思路与体会。

    This paper aimed at writing the play book of electrotechnics and electronics experiment CAI courseware , and introduced writing thoughts and amprehension .

  29. PCVD法制6.5%Si电工钢的研究PCVD法制作高硅硅钢片的研究

    Research on 6.5 % Silicon Steel Sheet Produced by PCVD Technique

  30. 近年,国际电工委员会(IEC)和我国的有关标准委员会正在对电机及交流拖动系统的标准进行修订。

    Recent years , IEC ( International Electrical Committee ) and China are revising the standards of adjustable-speed AC drive systems .