- 名group

The V group have green burgeon .
Bacterium was the main microbial group to degrade organic matter and PAHs .
34 accessions were divided into eight groups at DNA level .
Geographical distribution map of China of each group is done by GIS techniques and distributional pattern and character is discussed .
Heterotic groups were classified by cluster analysis with RAPDs based on16 important maize inbreds .
And in turn the decrease in major soil physiological groups weakened the circulation rate and energy flow of nutrition elements such as nitrogen and carbon .
Previous work has showed that the Lagrange multipliers changed systematically from species to species .
Composition of Pests and Natural Enemies and Dynamics of Dominant Groups in Transgenic Bt Cotton Fields
Grey correlation analysis revealed that soil organic matter and soil pH are significant factors which respectively affected soil fauna individual number and group number .
Study of the effect of transgenic Bt rice on the composition of bacterial populations in the rhizosphere soil
Studies on the Phylogenetic Conservation of SRY Gene in Some Animals
For the vertical distribution , soil fauna individuals , group abundance and diversity were significantly higher in layer I than in layer II and III.
20 populations were divided into four major groups by UPGMA clustering .
Also , each site had its own specific AOB populations .
When all of polymorphic bands were analyzed by clustering , 50 isolates were classified into 3 groups ( AFLP groups , abbreviated AGs ) .
Make use of mtDNA polymorphism to probe into insect group , phylogenetic relationships is the focus of systematics of insects at present .
The New Distribution Taxa of and the Revision of Scientific Names of the Plants of Gramineae in Inner Mongolia
Both biomass and individual density are relatively high , with an annual average of 80 . 88 g / m2 and 655 d / m2 , and dominated by mollusc .
Therefore , SSRs might be a valuable complementary tool to traditional field trails for identifying heterotic groups and can be used to study the genetic diversity of popcorn inbred lines .
Adopting Shannon-Wiener , the niche breadth index , the article classified constructive species on both slopes into 3 ecologic groups respectively .
Genus Paspalum , a perennial or annual grass of Gramineae , is one of the with great economic value groups .
The annual average abundance of the phytal fauna is 606 inds . / g dwt algae on Sargassum thunbergii . Nematodes and copepods are the most dominant , followed by gastropods and polychaetes .
Cyrtomium and Polystichum are both resolved as paraphyletic , and Dryopteris polyphyletic ;
The paper systematically introduces RAPD and its application to the identification of animal 's breed and population , genetic differentiation , gene location , construction of genetic fingerprint and selection The paper also prospects for its application
The amount variation of the three types of microorganism and its main microbial physiological groups in rhizosphere soil and non rhizosphere soil in DF communities indicates the dynamic process of soil degradation .
The genetic similarity coefficient was between 0.5691-0.9106 , and the average was 0.7396 ; The sixty germplasm were divided into two groups using UPGMA method .
By the classical classified method , the NW strain was primarily identified as Albosporus group of Streptomyces , which is similar to Streptomyces albidus .
PCA ordination plot could directly reveal the similarities of the element contents in sites and weeds , and also reveal the correspondence of the ecological groups of weeds in relation to the concentration of elements in sites .
The I_2 inferior group includes Chinese Region Trial varieties ( R5 , R6 , R8 ), which have closer relationships with varieties overseas .
The results of soil micro flora showed that the total of soil microorganisms and the quantity of bacteria and several main microbial physiological groups in CF communities were obviously greater than those in DF communities .