
jiǎ dìnɡ xìnɡ
  • hypothetical nature
  1. “假定性”是戏剧的本质特征。

    Fiction is the essential characteristic of the drama .

  2. 影像空间造型假定性元素的可信性分析

    The Credibility Analysis for the Hypothesis Elements of Image Space Modeling

  3. 戏曲假定性、虚拟性和程式化的特征。

    The suppositious , the fictitious and the stylized characteristics of the drama .

  4. 艺术假定性与想象可能性&动画美学衍生机制探析

    Art Assumption and Imaginative Possibility & The analysis on the mechanism of animation aesthetics

  5. 疑似病例:没有假定性或确诊性实验室结果,但临床表现符合的病例。

    Case classification Suspected : a clinically compatible case without presumptive or confirmatory laboratory results .

  6. 对血栓症的假定性诊断。

    A presumptive diagnosis of thrombosis .

  7. 其中喜剧情境的假定性往往成为最有效的喜剧前提。

    Among it , the hypothetical situation in comedy is often the most effective comedy premise .

  8. 数码技术合成的虚拟空间,提出了一种全新的电影假定性。

    Last , the fictitious space combined by digital technique puts forward a new hypothesis of the film .

  9. 增加了镜头画面的真实感,强化了影视在美学层面上的假定性。

    It adds realism to the picture and strengthens the hypothetical of a movie at an aesthetic level .

  10. 对原发和输入继发病例除现症病人根治外,病人家属需进行假定性治疗。

    The family members of original and imported malaria cases were treated presumably besides radical treatment of malaria patients .

  11. 数学猜想能力是一种综合程度很高的数学能力,具有科学性、假定性、多样性、验证性、创新性。

    Mathematics conjecture ability is a highly integrated ability , scientific , presumptive , diversity , verification , and innovative .

  12. 在舞台美术方面也注重假定性,也注重与观众的交流,注重时空的自由转换。

    Concerning the stage art , the assumption , the communication with the audience , and the free conversion of space-time are equally stressed .

  13. 《威尼斯商人》的童话性质是通过童话氛围营造、道德训诲原则、假定性形式等因素来完成的。

    The characteristic of fairy tales in Merchants of Venice is made through the factors of atmosphere constructing , ethic teaching and assumption forming .

  14. 新时期话剧形态的变化趋势,是从逼真性、幻觉性、单一性走向写意性、假定性、综合性。

    The changing tendency of modern drama in the new period is that from vividness , illusion and singleness to impressionistic writing , supposition and synthesis .

  15. 该定义揭示了科学假说的科学性、假定性、解释说明性、推测预见性、待验证性和易变性特征。

    That definition is revealing the science , the assumption , the explanation , the prediction , the verification and the mutability of the scientific hypothesis ' characters .

  16. 科学假说是根据一定的科学事实和科学理论对研究中的问题所提出的假定性的看法和说明,科学假说在物理学发展过程中具有十分重要的作用。

    Science hypothesis based on certain science fact and science theories studies assumption problem that put forward , the science hypothesis plays the very important role in physics development .

  17. 第三,从人性主题的表达、电影假定性的探索和接受美学的延展等方面总结乔丹电影矛盾性的美学效应。

    Thirdly , according to the nature of the theme of expression , exploring the movie supposition and extending the accepted esthetics to conclude the esthetic effect on the movie contradictoriness .

  18. 探索戏剧“假定性”与西方现代戏剧中的“假定性”在精神实质上有很大不同。

    There is a tremendous difference in spiritual essence between the Chinese and the western drama , Fiction is not supposed to surpass the level of knowledge and acceptance of the audience .

  19. 对假定性在动画中的运用,特别是在现代科学技术支持下的运用的研究,也已经成为现代动画艺术的一个重要课题,也是动画进一步发展的一个重要动力。

    The application of the artistic presumption in animation , especially the research on it under the support of modern technology , has become an important subject of modern animation , which is also an ultimate dynamic in the development of animation .

  20. 动画场景设计是动画角色表演的舞台、是假定性的空间,也是一门为了更好地展现故事情节、加强戏剧冲突、刻画特定空间环境的时空造型艺术。

    The animated scene design is the stage for the animated characters ' performances , a imaginary space , and also an art of space design in order to better show the story , to strengthen the dramatic conflicts , and to show the specific space environment .

  21. WebSphereApplicationServer假定一致性/锁定通过其他方式(如数据库锁定、文件系统等)进行管理。

    WebSphere Application Server assumes that consistency / locking is managed through other means , like database locks , file systems , and so on .

  22. 钢筋混凝土异形柱平截面假定适用性初探

    Primary Study of Applicability of Plane-section Assumption of Shaped RC Columns

  23. 根据自我报告和评定对象计算出假定相似性。

    Assumed personality similarity ( APS ) was computed based on self-report and rating of target .

  24. 假定奇异性是除弱相互作用以外的所有相互作用中的一个守恒量。

    Strangeness is assumed to be a conserved quantity in all interactions that are not weak .

  25. 解决假定现实性争论的基本方案&试论假定的基本类型在算法中判定某个事实真假性的语句。

    Solution to Disagreement on Assumptive Realism & On Basic Kinds of Assumptions ; A statement of fact to be tested for truth or falsehood within an algorithm .

  26. 对于形变理论,假定塑性应变张量与总应变偏量张量成比例,其比例因子是总有效应变的标量函数。

    For plastic deformation theory , it is assumed that the plastic strain tensor is proportional to the total strain deviation tensor and the ratio is a sealer ' function of the effective total strain .

  27. 通过高温后RC梁的抗弯性能试验,研究了各高温影响因素对梁抗弯承载力的影响,归纳了温度裂缝和荷载裂缝的发展规律及相互关系,并验证了平截面假定的适用性。

    The effects of influence factors to residual load-carrying capacity is researched , and the relationship and development law of temperature crack and load crack is summarized .

  28. ~(13)C-NMR研究结果验证了动力学的基本假定的正确性,即多活性种参加的动力学模式是合理的,恒定温度下各活性种间的比例近似为(THF/nBuLi)的单交量函数。

    Detailed 13C-NMR studies reveal that the multiple reactive species anticipated Kinetic model , is reasonable . The ratio of different kinds / of reactive species could be traced approximately by a single variable function of THF / nBuLi , when the temperatuer Keeps constant .

  29. 超声成像物理假定的适用性及局限性探讨

    Discussion on Applicability and Limitation the Physics Assumes of Ultrasonic Imaging

  30. 略论科学研究规则对自然观假定的依赖性

    Scientific Research Rules ' Dependence upon Supposition of Points of View of Nature