
  • 网络Prosthesis;prosthetic;prosthetics;prostheses
  1. 曲安奈德联合维生素E预防硅凝胶假体植入后纤维包膜再挛缩

    Prevention of fibrous capsule contracture using triamcinolone combined with vitamin E following silica gel prosthesis implantation

  2. 目的采用CT成像技术评估髋关节置换术后股骨假体远端的中心化状态。

    Objective To evaluate the centralization of the distal stem of hip femoral prosthesis after total hip replacement with CT imaging .

  3. “妈咪整容术”可以包含多种整容手术程序,通常包括使腹部皮肤紧致的腹部拉皮手术,去除多余脂肪的抽脂术,以及乳房提升手术(使用或不使用假体)。

    So-called mommy makeovers can involve a variety of procedures , but often involve tummy tucks to tighten2 stretched abdominal3 muscles , liposuction to remove excess fat and a breast lift , with or without implants4 .

  4. 肱骨近段髓腔CT测量与假体柄设计的相关研究

    Proximal endosteal part of the humerus : relevance to artificial humeral stem

  5. 结论:髋关节三维CT成像有助于术前制定手术计划和选择合适的假体型号(大小)

    Conclusion : 3D CT images of hip is helpful in preoperative planning and choice of proper component .

  6. 结果早期骨假体界面骨性结合率比较:Ti

    Results The comparing result of the early osseointegration ratios in the interfaces is Ti

  7. 结果CAD分析显示假体与股骨平均匹配度为23.2%,骨损伤率0.033%。

    Results 23.2 % hip-bone average matching rate and 0.033 % bone damage rate were presented by CAD analysis .

  8. 结论:股骨远端轴位X射线片可用于全膝关节置换术前确定股骨假体旋转力线,具有同CT相当的准确性。

    CONCLUSION : The axial radiography of distal femur is acceptable for evaluating femoral component rotation with comparable accuracy as CT .

  9. 目的探讨使用Friendly骨水泥股骨假体在老年股骨颈骨折假体置换中的应用。

    Objective To explore the application of Friendly cemented stems for hip arthroplasty in old patients with femoral neck fracture .

  10. 目的:探讨人工关节假体骨溶解模型动物外周血清和关节液中IL-6与骨溶解的相关性。

    Objective : To assess the correlation between IL-6 and periprosthetic osteolysis in rabbit experimental study .

  11. AML假体在人工髋关节股骨侧翻修中的应用

    Application of total hip revision in femur side with AML prosthesis

  12. IV型松动骨缺损1髋,采用解剖异体植骨,重建髋臼、骨水泥髋臼假体成型。

    Hips of IV type loosening , using allograft bone with anatomic reconstruction and bone cement acetabular component molding .

  13. X线片复查按Gross治疗原则翻修者假体无松动或移位,未见植骨块吸收或塌陷,未见骨溶解;

    No prothesis loosening , osteolysis or visible absorption of bone graft was found in the patients treated by Gross principle .

  14. 结论这提示Fb对假体松动及骨溶解有影响。

    Conclusion Fibroblasts are related to conponent loosening and bone lysis .

  15. VancouverB1型股骨假体周围骨折的手术治疗

    Surgical treatment of Vancouver type B1 periprosthetic femoral fractures

  16. 目的:通过CT三维重建正常中国人股骨近端大体形态,测量29个解剖参数,为选择、设计假体提供解剖学依据。

    Objective : To obtain 29 anatomic parameters of normal Chinese proximal femur through CT 3D reconstruction so as to provide anatomical references for hip prosthesis selection and design .

  17. 根据伤残手的不同类型和残损程度,分别设计制作手指假体的C形手夹板和安装辅助具插孔的手夹板。

    In accordance with the type and degree of disabilities , two types of hand splints , the splint with finger prosthesis and " C " shaped splint with holders were designed .

  18. 目的应用CT技术测量全膝关节置换术股骨假体和胫骨假体旋转角度,探讨假体旋转性和髌股关节并发症之间的关系。

    Objective To study the rotation value of femoral component and tibial component by a computed tomography technique , evaluate the relationship between rotational alignment of components and patellofemoral complications .

  19. UNIVERS~(TM)3-D假体对肩关节的解剖适应性及其临床应用

    Adaptability of UNIVERS ~( TM ) 3-D Prothesis to Shoulder Anatomy and It 's Clinical Outcome

  20. C式.在胸肌纤维水平走向部沿肌纤维走向作切口,假体上1/3位于胸肌后间隙,下2/3位于乳腺后间隙。

    C type . In the breast muscle fiber horizontal part , an incision was made along the muscle fibers , prosthesis 1 / 3 in subpectoral space and 2 / 3 in the inframammary space .

  21. Bryan颈椎间盘假体置换治疗硬膜外型颈椎间盘突出症

    Cervical arthroplasty with Bryan disc prosthesis for the treatment of epidural cervical disc extrusion

  22. 混合型(Hybrid)THA,未出现髋臼杯及股骨柄假体的松动。非骨水泥THA,除1例外无髋臼杯及股骨柄假体松动或下沉。

    While no loosening of socket and femoral components appeared in all hybrid THA and in non - cemented THA except one .

  23. 两个或三个固定螺钉的无柄假体在股骨的VONMISES应力分布上没有明显差别。

    No obvious difference in von Mises stress distribution for the cervico-trochanteric implanted model with two or three fixation screws .

  24. 假体的生存率采用Kaplan-Meier分析,分别以髋臼、股骨假体的无菌性松动和任何原因所致的翻修为终点。

    Kaplan-Meier analysis was performed to evaluate the survival of the femoral and acetabulum components .

  25. 方法按照Poland综合征不同个体胸壁畸形的形态定制柔软固体硅橡胶假体,柔软度接近人的胸大肌。

    Methods The customized , textured silicone prosthesis was fabricated from a soft silicone polymer that approximated to the softness of the pectoralis major muscle .

  26. ABGⅠ代髋臼杯假体翻修原因分析

    The analysis of the causes for ABG ⅰ acetabular prosthesis revisions

  27. 结果微小组合假体Baker评级、包膜裂开最大宽度、包膜厚度均明显低于大假体组(P<0·01)。

    Results Baker ranking , capsular incision width and capsular thickness of the control groups were evidently higher than that of experimental groups ( P < 0.01 ) .

  28. 方法:2003年12月~2005年5月应用Bryan颈椎间盘假体置换术治疗脊髓型颈椎病患者67例,其中28例合并有神经根型表现。

    Method : From December 2003 to May 2005,67 cases of CSM patients were treated surgically by cervical arthroplasty using Bryan disc prosthesis .

  29. Zweymüller非骨水泥型髋关节假体治疗髋关节疾病疗效分析

    Analysis of clinical effect using Zweym ü ller cementless hip prosthesis for hip joint disease

  30. 结论:微创THA术后恢复快、围手术期出血少、软组织创伤小、关节置换时间短、假体功能良好,但应注意手术适应证及技术熟练程度。

    Conclusion : The advantages of MIS THA are less traumatic tissue , less blood loss , good cosmetic incision and rapid recovery of function .