
jiǎ shè
  • assume;assumption;hypothesis;suppose;posit;presume;postulate;supposition;grant;tentative
假设 [jiǎ shè]
  • [suppose;presume] 暂时认为

  • 他们假设他与石油有关

  • [hypothesis] 科学研究中根据事实提出的假定说明,必须经过实践证明才能成为理论

假设[jiǎ shè]
  1. 比方说,我们假设你成家了,还有两个孩子。

    Let us suppose , for example , that you are married with two children .

  2. 假设有人给了你一枚鸡蛋并要你准确描述鸡蛋里面有什么。

    Suppose someone gave you an egg and asked you to describe exactly what was inside

  3. 假设你错了,那你会怎么办?

    Supposing you are wrong , what will you do then ?

  4. 假设你把工作丢了,那你怎么办呢?

    Say you lose your job : what would you do then ?

  5. 我们有必要向西方哲学的某些基本假设提出质疑。

    We need to challenge some of the basic assumptions of Western philosophy .

  6. 他的观点建立在人人平等的假设之上。

    His views are grounded on the assumption that all people are equal .

  7. 我并没有问到具体某个人——那不过是个纯粹假设性的问题。

    I wasn 't asking about anybody in particular ─ it was a purely hypothetical question .

  8. 假设他赢了——不过这还是个很大的疑问——他将成为五十年以来第一个获胜的英格兰人。

    If he wins ─ and it 's a big if ─ he 'll be the first Englishman to win for fifty years .

  9. 这样的观点建立在很多不正确的假设之上。

    Such a view rests on a number of incorrect assumptions

  10. 奥费也质疑“有组织的资本主义”的假设。

    Offe also challenges the postulate of an ' organized capitalism ' .

  11. 有几个作者都假设存在普遍意识。

    Several writers have posited the idea of a universal consciousness

  12. 关于这两块大陆相似的假设是一种误解。

    It is a misconception to assume that the two continents are similar

  13. 经济学家正在研究降低利率的假设。

    Economists are working on the assumption of an interest rate cut .

  14. 现在将开始在老鼠身上做实验以验证该假设。

    Work will now begin to test the hypothesis in rats

  15. 我们假设这是一场燃气爆炸事故。

    We are working on the assumption that it was a gas explosion .

  16. 苏布罗托博士质疑全球变暖理论所依据的科学假设。

    Dr Subroto questioned the scientific assumption on which the global warming theory is based

  17. 收集数据来证明他的假设是否成立要花上数年的时间。

    The statistics to prove or disprove his hypothesis will take years to collect .

  18. 暂且假设我是你的诉讼当事人。

    Let 's assume for a moment that I am a litigant in your court .

  19. 在评估它的影响之前,我们应该解释清楚它的基本假设。

    We shall have to explicate its basic assumptions before we can assess its implications .

  20. 他们可能有望颠覆“被告在证实有罪之前是无辜的”这一假设。

    They may be hoping to invert the presumption that a defendant is innocent until proved guilty .

  21. 博物学中虽然有许多类似的假设,却从没人对此考证过。

    But as with many such suppositions in natural history , no one had ever tested it .

  22. 事实上我对这个案件一无所知,很多观点都只能是假设。

    I 'm having to make a lot of presumptions since I don 't really know anything about the case .

  23. 假设他是对的,我确实明天就会死,那该怎么办?也许我应该再买一份保险。

    Supposing he 's right and I do die tomorrow ? Maybe I should take out an extra insurance policy .

  24. 当艾尔弗雷德·阿德勒于1908年首次提出人生来就有攻击性本能的假设时,弗洛伊德对此表示反对。

    When Alfred Adler first postulated in 1908 that there existed an inborn instinct of aggression Freud argued against it .

  25. 我们假设这消息是正确的。

    Let us suppose ( that ) the news is true .

  26. 假设be线与cf线等长。

    Let line be be equal to line CF.

  27. 假设她结了婚,以后会怎样?

    Supposing that she changes her condition in life , what then ?

  28. 先让我们假设这是对的。

    Let us assume that it is true .

  29. 这一理论是建立在靠不住的假设基础上的。

    The theory is bottomed on questionable assumptions .

  30. 这种假设与问题或被断言的结果之间远远联系不上。

    The connection between the assumption and the question or alleged consequent is remote .