
jiǎ mào wěi liè chǎn pǐn
  • Counterfeit and shoddy products;counterfeit and inferior-grade products
  1. 坚决打击出售假冒伪劣产品及欺行霸市行为。

    Determined blow sells fake product and bully travel bully city action .

  2. 如果再次发现携带假冒伪劣产品,将被依法起诉!

    Futhermore , if any more counterfeits are found , he may be trailed .

  3. 开发基于RFID的产品防伪追溯系统意在为消费者和监管部门提供快速方便的产品防伪查询和追溯平台,从源头杜绝假冒伪劣产品的流通。

    The development of products anti-counterfeiting system based on the RFID intended to provide an anti-counterfeiting platform for consumers to query and retrospective the product quickly and easily .

  4. 另外,假冒伪劣产品并不仅限于LV的包或是百元大钞,实际上任何可以赚取利润的东西,比如药物、食物,甚至是车辆,都是可以伪造的。

    And counterfeiting is hardly limited to Louis Vuitton bags and $ 100 bills - literally anything that can glean a profit is faked , from medicine to food to entire cars .

  5. 每天的报纸登载有关假冒伪劣产品的报道。

    Almost every day newspapers carry articles pertaining to fake commodities .

  6. 现代社会的一大特点就是假冒伪劣产品和工程到处泛滥。

    Today 's society is deluged with fake products and constructions .

  7. 假冒伪劣产品的生产成因

    Contributing Factors for the Production of Inferior and Fake Products

  8. 在这次检查中,发现并没收了132种假冒伪劣产品。

    In this inspection , 132 counterfeit products were discovered and confiscated .

  9. 而当有假冒伪劣产品时,我们就被剥夺了上述这些权益。

    When there are counterfeit products , we are denied these rights .

  10. 目前社会上有很多假冒伪劣产品。

    There are many fake commodities in our society now .

  11. 我们要杜绝假冒伪劣产品的生产和销售。

    We must forbied marketing and manufacturing the fake and substandard products .

  12. 其次,假冒伪劣产品通常廉价出售。

    Secondly , fake and inferior products are usually sold on the cheap .

  13. 毫无疑问,假冒伪劣产品极其有害。

    There is no doubt that fake and inferior products are extremely harmful .

  14. 假冒伪劣产品的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis of the Fake and Forged Products

  15. 通常来说,假冒伪劣产品会比真货便宜很多。

    Generally speaking , the fake one is much cheaper than the real one .

  16. 治理假冒伪劣产品泛滥的经济博弈分析

    Economic game analysis for administering counterfeit commodity

  17. 为什么人们会买到假冒伪劣产品呢?

    Why people buy the fake goods ?

  18. 销售市场上制售假冒伪劣产品长期以来困扰茅台酒的发展,消费者在消费时总是提心吊胆,怕买到假货。

    The sham Maotai products in the selling market has seriously hindered the health development of Maotai Liquor .

  19. 严厉打击制售假冒伪劣产品、非法传销和商业欺诈行为。

    Producing and marketing counterfeit and shoddy goods , pyramid schemes and commercial fraud must be severely punished .

  20. 消费者对目前解决假冒伪劣产品的措施并不十分满意,他们认为政府、制造商和分销商应对此负责任。

    Not satisfied with current solutions on counterfeits . government , manufactures , and retailer should take the responsibility .

  21. 当中国市场上假冒伪劣产品泛滥的时候,伟志的做法赢得了消费者的信心和信任。

    When the Chinese market was inundated with fake and poor-quality commodities , Weizhi 's policy won consumers'confidence and trust .

  22. 因此,开展商品防伪技术的研究、打击假冒伪劣产品就显得尤为重要。

    Therefore , it is important to develop researches on anti-counterfeit technology and take strong measures to against the fake .

  23. 本文从惩罚性产品损害赔偿的构成要件,如何建立行之有效的惩罚性产品损害赔偿制度,解决我国日益严重的假冒伪劣产品问题等方面展开论述。

    This article explain constitute of punitive compensation and build of punitive system to solve imitate and sham bad product .

  24. 非洲也需要制止中国大陆将其当不合标准的假冒伪劣产品的倾销地。

    Africa also needs to stop China from using the continent as a dumping ground for sub-standard and fake products .

  25. 面对假冒伪劣产品的泛滥,保护名牌产品和消费者的利益,是我国防伪行业所面临的重大挑战。

    It is the magnitude challenge to anti-counterfeit industry of our country in protecting famous production and interest of consumer .

  26. 而目前我国企业信用严重缺失,表现在信息欺诈、企业之间互相拖欠、假冒伪劣产品屡禁不止、企业主体为求经济利益不惜钻空扰序等多方面。

    At present , enterprise credit lacks seriously , such as false information , default payment , shoddy goods prevalent , etc.

  27. 构建产品目录、产品黑名单和红名单,形成有效的监督机制,从根源上杜绝假冒伪劣产品在市场上的流通。

    The establishment of product directory and blacklist forms a effective mechanism which prevents the counterfeits to circulate in the market .

  28. 中国市场由国有企业和假冒伪劣产品主导,因此控烟令对跨国公司的直接影响将会很小。

    The Chinese market is dominated by state-owned enterprises and counterfeit goods , so the direct impact on multinationals will be small .

  29. 从加强市场准入管理、做好信息的流通传递和加大假冒伪劣产品查处力度三方面来提出执法建议。

    The advices are put forward from three aspects from strengthening market management , improving information circulation , and doing the inspection .

  30. 其形成原因是这类假冒伪劣产品相对于正品的巨大价格优势。

    The cause of its formation is that this kind of fake and inferior commodity is very cheap relative to its original .