
jiǎ jūn sī
  • pseudohypha
  1. albicansAS2538假菌丝的形成,并引起细胞形态发生改变。

    Albicans AS2,538 and caused cell morphological change .

  2. PAS染色显示舌表面上念珠菌的出芽细胞和假菌丝。

    PAS stain reveals the budding cells and pseudohyphae of Candida on the surface of the tongue .

  3. 可见带有假菌丝的芽殖细胞是假丝酵母感染的特征。

    Budding cells with pseudohyphae seen here are characteristic for Candida infection .

  4. 平板培养菌落有皱纹,可形成假菌丝。

    Cultured by malt extract solid medium , plate colony surface had wrinkle , and could form pseudomycelium .

  5. 对进化株进行显微观察,进化株的细胞变小、且更多以聚集在一起的形态出现,甚至出现了假菌丝。

    Microscopic observations on the evolutionary strains shows that , the evolutionary cells became smaller and tend to gather together , even form a false hyphae .

  6. 3例经病理检查发现大量真菌假菌丝和孢子,4例经查尿常规发现有假菌丝,2例经尿液培养阳性而确诊。

    Of which were found to have a large amount of pseudohyphae and spores by pathological study , 4 with pseudohyphae found in routine urine analysis and 2 were confirmed by positive urine culture .

  7. 白假丝酵母菌菌丝壁蛋白1(HWP1)是已知的白假丝酵母菌芽管和菌丝的特异性蛋白之一,因其在假丝酵母菌的黏附过程中起重要作用而成为近年来的研究热点。

    It is known that Candida albicans hyphal wall protein 1 ( HWP1 ) is one of specific protein of Candida albicans germ tubes and hyphae . It is of great importance in the adhesion , which makes it to be a focus of researches .

  8. 结论消炎痛能抑制白假丝酵母菌菌丝和芽管的生成,极有可能成为一种很有前途的治疗外阴阴道炎症的药物。

    Conclusion Indomethacin can suppress the filamentous growth and germination of Candida albicans , and it may be a promising drug of treating vulvovaginal candidiasis .

  9. 近年来的动物实验和临床证据均表明,高雌激素水平使个体对外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病的易感性增加,雌激素促进白假丝酵母菌菌丝形成及增殖,使其毒力增强。

    Recent animal experiments and clinical observations demonstrated that high level of estrogen contributes to the susceptibility to vulvovaginal candidiasis . Estrogen promoted hyphal formation and proliferation of C. albicans , leading to virulence enhancement .

  10. 是用患有肾念珠菌病的患者的小便做的直接涂片,显示有菌丝的白假丝酵母菌。以出芽方式增殖,在组织内可见芽生孢子和假菌丝。

    Direct smear of urine from a patient with candidiasis of the kidney showing C.albicans in mycelial or tissue phase with blastoconidia budding from the pseudohyphae .