
  • 网络Human immune system
  1. PrlRmRNA在人体免疫系统中的表达

    Expression of PRLr mRNA in human immune system

  2. 目的探讨催乳素受体(PRLr)在人体免疫系统中的表达。

    Objective : To investigate the expression of prolactin receptor ( PRLr ) in human immune system .

  3. 瑜伽能增强人体免疫系统。

    Yoga can be used to strengthen the immune system .

  4. 基于人体免疫系统RBF网络的数控机床热误差建模

    Immune System Based RBF Neural Network Modeling for Machine Tool Thermal Error

  5. 因为人体免疫系统不能对付HIV,免疫逃避致使该病毒具有更大的危险性。

    Immune escape renders HIV more dangerous because the virus cannot be reigned in by the immune system .

  6. 利用天然植物及其提取物防止HIV感染人体免疫系统是一种全新的尝试。

    And its use of natural plant extracts to prevent HIV infection in the body 's immune system is a new attempt .

  7. 结论UG在体外试验中不抑制正常人体免疫系统机能。

    Conclusion Haemaccel in vitro has no influence on the immune ( system ) of healthy persons .

  8. 对NAA的研究表明,健康人体免疫系统中存在着一个庞大而复杂的自身抗体网络。

    Previous studies have showed that human immunity system includes a huge and complicated autoantibody repetoire .

  9. 淋巴属于人体免疫系统的一部分。这种病就始于淋巴系统,通常分为霍奇基姆淋巴瘤(Hodgkinlymphoma)或非霍奇基姆淋巴瘤(non-Hodgkinlymphoma)。

    The disease begins in the lymph system , which is part of the body 's immune system , and is typically described as Hodgkin lymphoma or non-Hodgkin lymphoma .

  10. 免疫细胞之所以能杀死靶细胞比如癌细胞,真是因为,ADCC活性是人体免疫系统的一项重要功能。

    ADCC activity is an important function of the human immune system , whereby immune cells can kill target cells , e.g.cancer cells .

  11. 确切地说Islets主要是,为一型糖尿病所开发,这种糖尿病是一种慢性疾病,患者的胰腺,被人体免疫系统所攻击。

    And more specifically , Islets is designed to work with type I diabetics , which is a chronic medical condition in which the pancreas for whatever reason is attacked by the immune system .

  12. 为对抗入侵的病原体,人体免疫系统产生抗体。

    Antibodies are produced by individuals'immune systems to fight off foreign pathogens .

  13. 尿素交连明胶对正常人体免疫系统细胞因子的影响

    Effects of haemaccel on immune system cytokines in healthy persons

  14. 伽马德耳塔T细胞是人体免疫系统的一部分。

    Gamma delta T cells are part of the body 's defenses .

  15. 这些不良行为都会破坏人体免疫系统,增加得病几率。

    These behaviours can harm their immune system and increase vulnerability to diseases .

  16. 调节机体免疫系统,增强人体免疫系统的抗癌能力。

    By modulating immune system , Se compounds can enhance the anticancer ability .

  17. 目的探讨稀土暴露对人体免疫系统功能的影响。

    Objective To study the effects of rare-earth exposure on human immune system .

  18. 真难以相信,人体免疫系统在小鼠身上复制出来了。

    It 's incredible that the human immune system has been reproduced in mice .

  19. 外周血T淋巴细胞亚群是反映人体免疫系统内环境的一个重要指标。

    Peripheral T cell subset is a vital factor to indicate human immuno state .

  20. 人体免疫系统在抗感染方面起着非常重要的作用,但它具有双重性。

    Human immune system plays an important role in the defence of human body against infection .

  21. 这一研究结果提供了关键证据,证实此病毒是人体免疫系统遇到的新病毒。

    This finding provided critical evidence that the virus was new to the human immune system .

  22. 人体免疫系统对该寄生虫卵的反应会引起发烧和头痛等症状。

    The body 's immune response to the worm 's eggs causes symptoms such as fever and aches .

  23. 他们认为,如果吃掉鼻屎的话,鼻子中收集的细菌对人体免疫系统有好处。

    They believe that the bacteria collected in the nose could improve the body 's immune system if eaten .

  24. 保持充足的水分可以让我们更警觉,注意力更集中,还能提高人体免疫系统的能力。

    Being well hydrated can make us feel more alert and focused , as well as boosting our immune system .

  25. 该系统中的一家公司NantKwest正在研发调节人体免疫系统的癌症治疗法。

    One company in the network , NantKwest , is developing cancer treatments that harness the body 's immune system .

  26. 然而,仍然没有完全弄清楚这些病毒是在哪里、什么时候进化以抵御人体免疫系统的。

    However , it is still fully unclear where and when the viruses are evolving to beat the immune system .

  27. 介绍了人体免疫系统的基本原理及其免疫算法在0-1背包问题中的应用。

    The basic principle of biological immune system and the using of immune algorithm in the 0-1 knapsack problem are introduced .

  28. 近年来,重组人促红细胞生成素对人体免疫系统的影响开始受到重视。

    During latest years , re-combinant human erythropoietin ( rHuEPO ) has received attention to the influence of human immune system .

  29. 方法是借助激光分解墨迹,使人体免疫系统最终去除纹身。

    Troy zaps the tattoos with a laser , breaking up the ink so that the immune system can destroy it .

  30. 此项研究在一组粗略模拟人体免疫系统的特殊小鼠中进行。

    The work was done on a particular group of mice that are a poor mimic for the human immune system .