
  • 网络scientific fact;science fact;scientific reality
  1. 他甚至质疑是否由于HIV感染导致了艾滋病,而这是一个众所周知的科学事实。

    He had even questioned whether HIV infection leads to AIDS , a scientific fact known the world over .

  2. 正是那些可以社会化的重复性经验事实才能被称为科学事实或客观事实。

    The experience that can be repeated socially is real scientific fact .

  3. 科学事实和科幻小说之间的界限变得有点儿模糊了。

    The border between science fact and science fiction gets a bit fuzzy .

  4. 孩子们在这里能够发现关于世界的基本科学事实。

    Here children can discover basic scientific facts about the world .

  5. 神话故事是不符合科学事实的。

    Fairy stories do not square with the facts of science .

  6. 这不是科幻小说,而是科学事实。

    It 's not science fiction , it 's science fact .

  7. 这是把“科学事实”与“科学家的见解”混为一谈的结果。

    There is a common misperception that confuses scientific facts with scientists'opinions .

  8. 坦率地说,科学事实上并没有揭示人类思考的奥秘。

    And frankly , science does not really understand how we do it .

  9. 随着科技曰新月异,许多科幻小说情节无可避免地成为科学事实。

    As technology advances , much of science fiction inevitably becomes science fact .

  10. 但是科学事实并不清楚。

    But the scientific case is not clear cut .

  11. 阿西莫夫因结合科学事实和科学幻想而出名。

    AZUZ : Asimov was known for combining science fact with science fiction .

  12. 科学事实是一种解释。

    Scientific facts are one kind of interpretation .

  13. 这是个科学事实,混合泥土的汗水有防水的效果

    It 's a scientific fact -- dirt mixed with sweat makes you waterproof .

  14. 科幻与科学事实之间的距离正在不断地缩小。

    He gap between science and fiction and science fact is getting narrower and narrower .

  15. 进化是一个既定的科学事实就好比地球是圆的一样。

    Evolution is as firmly established a scientific fact as the roundness of the Earth .

  16. 如果系统的理论是从科学事实推导而来的,那么它的过程是什么?

    If systematic theory is derived from scientific facts , then what is the process ?

  17. 我相信宗教是一种信仰系统,而不是一系列科学事实。

    I believe religion is a system of beliefs , not a set of scientific facts .

  18. 埃及的科学家必须和媒体有效沟通,并且把他们的意见建立在科学事实之上。

    Egypt 's scientists must communicate effectively with the media and base their opinions on scientific fact .

  19. 她说没有科学事实可以证明旅游业会对老虎造成伤害。

    She says there is no scientific evidence to prove that tourism is harmful for the tigers .

  20. 他总能深入浅出,擅长将复杂的科学事实变成每个普通人都明白的有趣内容。

    He has a * knack for making complex scientific facts interesting and accessible to common people .

  21. 而科学事实的提炼离不开科学怀疑与科学批判。

    But to refine the scientific fact can not get away from the scientific skepticism and critical spirit .

  22. 动物和人类的衰老机制众说纷纭、错综复杂,但衰老是遗传因素和环境因素共同作用的结果已逐渐成为公认的科学事实。

    It has been generally accepted that aging process is mutual consequence of genetic regulation and environmental damages .

  23. 可以相信的以及生物学和科学事实,就是我们都起源于非洲,

    But what was credible , what is biological and scientific fact , is that we all stem from Africa

  24. 定位老鼠,人和模式生物:殖民国家建设和缔造科学事实的历史描述。

    Situating Mice , Men , and Model Organisms : Historical Narratives in Colonial Nation Building and Scientific Fact Making .

  25. 也因此,当一些人就基本的科学事实都逃避现实,是如此的落后。

    That 's why it 's so backward when some folks choose to stick their heads in the sand about basic scientific facts .

  26. 实验是获取科学事实的基本方法,数学方法则是科学实践的重要工具。

    The experiment is one of the basic ways obtaining scientific facts , while mathematic method is an important tool in scientific practice .

  27. 人们指责法官无视地震不可能被预测的科学事实、为安抚受灾居民而寻找替罪羊。

    The judge stands accused of ignoring the scientific truth that earthquakes cannot be predicted , and of seeking scapegoats to appease the embittered population .

  28. 但问题是,在每个时期因为当时知识积累的有限,有些“科学事实”有可能不是事实。

    But the problem is that some of " scientific facts " may not be facts due to the limited accumulated knowledge at that time .

  29. 在此案例中,钱学森试图以“质能量”概念来化解物理学中“唯物”与“唯心”之争,调解“科学事实”与“哲学标准”的矛盾。

    In this case , Qian Xuesen reconciled the conflict between " idealism " and " materialism " by advancing a new concept ," mass-energy " .

  30. 直到施泰默应用大量科学事实为归纳辩护的出现,才为归纳问题的解决开辟了一条阳光之道。

    It had not found a new way to solve the inductive problem until Stemmer Nathan justified for induction with a great deal of scientific facts .