
  • 网络scientific communication;Science Communication
  1. 网络交流将成为科学交流的发展趋向。

    Network communication will become the trend of Science Communication development .

  2. 网络环境与科学交流系统

    Network Environment And Science Communication System

  3. 基于Web的科学交流模式

    On Web-based Scientific Communication Model

  4. e印本文库(e-printArchive)是开放存取(OPENACCESS)运动推荐的一种非正式科学交流系统。

    E-print archive is an informal scholarly communication system advocated by the Open Access Movement .

  5. 基于科学交流的网络文献交流模式分析

    Patterns of Scientific Exchange under the Environment of Network Document Transmission

  6. 基于数字出版的科学交流系统成本收益模型

    A Cost-effective Model of Scientific Communication System Based on Digital Publishing

  7. 科学交流中的负责行为(续3)神经科学学会

    Responsible Conduct Regarding Scientific Communication Society for Neuroscience , USA

  8. 引文分析应用:跨国科学交流的定量研究

    Application of Citation Analysis : Quantitative Study of Cross National Science Communications

  9. 国家科学交流体系探析

    The State System of the Science Exchange

  10. 基于信息共享的网络科学交流

    Networked Scholarly Communication Based on Information Sharing

  11. 网络环境为科学交流系统提供了最新的交流手段,并对科学交流系统产生了一系列的影响。

    Network environment provides the maximal communication means for science communication system , and affects it .

  12. 科学交流系统&科学共同体的社会结构与科学的成长

    The communication system in science : the social structure of scientific community and the growth of Science

  13. 我们之间已经开始进行通讯、合作、贸易、投资、旅游、文化和科学交流。

    We have communication , cooperation , trade , investment , tourism , cultural and scientific exchanges .

  14. 个体网络结构分析在科学交流活动中的应用研究&以碳纳米管领域的科学合作为例

    The research of egocentric network analysis in scientific communication : a case study for carbon nanotubes domain

  15. 英语是世界科学交流中所使用的主要语言,这是很明显的。

    It has turned out that English has become the main language in science communication in the world .

  16. 科学交流模式探讨

    Discussion on Scientific Communication

  17. 虽然数字网络环境尚在形成与完善中,但是以数字网络为载体的科学交流和研究已愈来愈成为一种重要的发展趋势。

    The scientific communication and research with digital network as a carrier has become an important developing trend .

  18. 与传统交流模式相比较,网络环境下科学交流与研究有其优越性,也有一些弊端;

    Compared with the traditional scientific communication , the digital network communication and research has both superiorities and limitations .

  19. 让我提议为我们两国科学交流的发展事业干杯。

    I will like to propose a toast to the further development of scientific intercourse between our two countries .

  20. 从科学交流到科学研究:谈中国科学院文献情报中心的发展问题

    From Scientific Communication to Scientific Research : On the Development of Documentation and Information Centre , the Chinese Academy of Sciences

  21. 我非常相信这些互利的合作方式,无论是在经济、人民对人民还是科学交流方面。

    I very much believe in those mutually beneficial ways of cooperation , both economic , people to people , scientific exchanges .

  22. 科学交流模式探讨理想的科学交流与研究系统应该是由传统交流方式和数字网络交流方式所共同构成的优势互补、相互协同的系统。

    Discussion on Scientific Communication The perfect model of scientific communication and research should include traditional scientific communication and digital network scientific communication .

  23. 为完善我国的国家科学交流体系,应当在制度建设、组织建设、文化建设等方面采取相应的对策。

    The relevant measures should be taken in the construction of system , organization and culture to perfect the science exchange system in China .

  24. 就世界范围而言,国家科学交流体系近年来呈现制度化、综合化、社会化、超域化的发展趋势。

    In recent years , national science exchange system all over the world has shown the development trend of institutionalization , synthesization , socialization and cross-discipline .

  25. 化学网站的发展不仅为人们提供了丰富的化学信息和资源,同时还为跨时空科学交流提供了便利条件。

    The development of chemical website not only provides abundant chemical information and resources , but also offers the advantage for science communication that spans time and space .

  26. 本文从术语演变,科学交流实践及其研究发展两个角度探讨了科学交流及其研究的流变。

    The author sums up the change and development in scientific communication research from two levels : the evolvement of the related terms ; the progress of pertained practice and theory .

  27. 我们深深地感到,我们之间的友好合作关系日趋广泛,深入到了生活的方方面面,包括商业,文化,教育以及科学交流。

    We have deeply felt that our friendly and cooperative ties have become extensive , affecting all aspects of our lives : Commerce , culture , education , and scientific exchange .

  28. 国家科学交流体系具有动力机制、粘合机制、技术推动机制和媒介选择机制,这些运行机制为国家科学交流体系的完善和发展提供基本规律。

    Four running mechanisms such as driving mechanism , conglutinating mechanism , technology-changing mechanism and media-choosing mechanism provide the basic rule for the development of state system of the science exchange .

  29. 科学家应该与公众进行科学交流与对话,强调每个党派都应该尊重和回应他人的需求和公众的关注。

    He said scientists should engage the public in a dialogue about science and it 's uses , stressing that each party should respect and respond the other 's needs and concerns .

  30. 在科学交流的主体层面,科学家也要运用修辞学的方法来使自己的科学发现和成果获得科学共同体、无形学院和科学公众的接受和承认。

    On the level of the subject of scientific communication , scientists need use rhetorical method to let the scientific community , invisible college and the public accept their scientific discoveries and results .