
  • 网络scientific beliefs;scientific beilifs
  1. 科学信念的相对化是科学认识变革的前提与基础;

    Relativization of scientific beliefs ;

  2. 真正给活动教学以科学信念的是19世纪末、20世纪初的动力心理学和发生心理学。

    The scientific beliefs of activity teaching really originate in dynamic psychology and genetic psychology in19th century and20th century .

  3. 论科学信念在化约性与复杂性之间的关系&以系统论的发展为例

    The relationship between simplification and complexity in science belief & The development of systematism for examples

  4. 爱因斯坦的科学信念

    Einstein 's Faith in Science

  5. 理论的接受过程实质就是接受主体通过对理论的评价而采取的取舍态度,以及最终所形成科学信念的过程。全文围绕这一问题,分三个部分来说明。

    The acceptance course actually refers to the alternative attitude of the acceptance subject by evaluating theory and the whole course forming scientific belief .

  6. 第三部分通过对爱因斯坦宇宙宗教感情的分析来探讨宇宙宗教感情与科学信念的关系。

    The third part studies the relation of the religious affection to cosmos and scientific faith throw the analysis of Einstein 's " religious affection to cosmos " .

  7. 本文认真分析了科学信念的含义、科学信念的价值、科学信念培养的必要性;

    In this article , the necessity for the meanings of scientific belief , the value of scientific belief and the cultivation of scientific belief have been discussed ;

  8. 实施思想道德教育是帮助学生树立崇高道德理想、科学信念、正确人生观和良好道德品质的需要;

    To carry out ideological and moral education is the necessity to help students set up spiritual moral ideals , scientific beliefs , right outlook on life and good moral character ;

  9. 爱因斯坦源于终极关怀和价值自觉的宇宙宗教情感,是其科学信念和内心自由的依据,而这正是其科学原创性的价值之源。

    Einstein 's universal religious emotion originating from ultimate concern and value consciousness is the basis of his belief on science and inner freedom , which is just the origin of his scientific originality .

  10. 当前最重要的战略重心是:重树中医的科学信念,重拾中医的科学地位,为实现中西医配合奠定基础。

    The current foremost strategic target is to rebuild the scientific faith of CM and re-establish the scientific status of CM in order to form the foundation for the true cooperation of the CM and WM .

  11. 那么科学的信念告诉你们你们整个的世界是偶然地发生的。

    Your scientific beliefs tell you that your entire world happened accidentally .

  12. 略论科学美学信念论共有制

    A Compendious Discuss about Scientific Aesthetic Faith On Communal System

  13. 论先验自我略论科学美学信念

    On Prior-Experience Ego A Compendious Discuss about Scientific Aesthetic Faith

  14. 科学的信念根基

    The Belief Foundations of Modern Science

  15. 政治教育要在培养学生政治文明素质上下功夫,使学生有正确的政治观念、科学理想信念和自觉发展社会主义的奉献精神;

    Thirdly , political education should mainly horn the students on the aspects of quality of politics and morale , contribute to the students ' education of right political concepts and scientific thought as well as the sacrifice for the development of commonwealth .

  16. 小学高年级学生科学认识论信念的结构与特点

    Structure and Characteristics of Epistemological Belief of Science in Elementary School Students

  17. 三个代表重要思想为马克思主义理论教育中引导青年学生确立科学的理想信念指明了方向。

    Three Represents guides the young students in the Marxism theoretical education .

  18. 论科学的理性信念

    On the Rational Beliefs of Modern Science

  19. 论科学中的信念

    A Discussion on Belief in Science

  20. 科学的理想信念使人产生积极进取、奋发向上的力量和顽强拼搏的决心,是成才的必要条件。

    Scientific ideals and beliefs have a positive and enterprising people to advance the strength and indomitable spirit of determination is a necessary condition for talent .

  21. 研究四探讨了科学认识论信念、对科学的态度、推理能力、知识与科学探究的关系,并采用结构方程综合考察了不同任务条件下、小学和初中样本中各因素对科学探究的综合影响。

    Study 4 , using the structural equation method , investigated further how the reasoning ability , the epistemological belief of science , and the attitudes toward science affected the science inquiry .

  22. 阐述了以科学的理想信念为核心,以对历史的了解为基石和以五种精神为主要内容的当代中国社会主义社会发展的精神动力。

    And describes sprit impetus of socialistic development , of which cone is scientific ideality and faith , of which main content is " Five Sorts of Spirit ", and of which basis is comprehending of history .

  23. 第二部分首先对本研究需要的两个问卷进行了进一步的修编,通过研究二和研究三分别考察了学生科学认识论信念问卷与对科学的态度量表的结构和特点。

    In the second part , also with the primary and secondary school student as subjects , Study 2 and study 3 were designed to investigate the structure and characteristics of epistemological-belief-of-science questionnaire and the attitudes-toward-science questionnaire respectively .

  24. 四是构筑精神长城,教育军校学员要坚定科学的理想信念,打牢精神支柱,强化爱国意志,从容应对经济全球化的挑战和文化多元化的冲击,忠诚使命,献身使命。

    Forth , build a " spirit of the Great Wall ", educate cadets to strengthen the scientific ideals and faith and deal with the challenge of economic globalization and the impact of multi-culture , and be loyal and committed to mission .

  25. 科学:人性、信念与价值

    Research on the Views of Humanism on Science

  26. 体育伦理的哲学探究&从体育文化的差异性寻求体育科学发展的永恒信念

    Philosophical Research on Sports Ethics & Seeking Eternal Faith in Sports Scientific Development from the Different Qualities of Sports Culture

  27. 健全人格的培养,首先是要树立科学的理想和信念;其次,要充分发挥榜样模范的力量。

    In order to cultivate healthy personality , the first thing is to establish the scientific ideals and beliefs ; the second .

  28. 科学的理想和信念是大学生前进的指路明灯和健康成长的精神力量。

    Scientific ideal and belief are the beacon lighting the advance of university students and spiritual strength of their healthy growing up .

  29. 能否用正确的思想和理论引导大学生树立科学的理想和信念是高校思想政治教育的重要任务。

    Whether correct thoughts and theories can be applied to leading the students to foster scientific ideal and belief is an important task of university ideological and political education .

  30. 教育振兴国家的目标要求教师具有完善而坚定的育人信念,基础教育课程改革的当下任务也需要教师拥有科学的教育教学信念。

    The aim of vitalizing China through education requires teachers have perfect and firm teaching beliefs , and the present task of the curriculum reform in the basic education also demands teachers have scientific teaching beliefs .