
liánɡ dǎo tǐ
  • good conductor
  1. 铜是热的良导体。

    Copper is a good conductor of heat .

  2. 应用VLF法不公可以发现良导体矿,而且可以确定矿体的产状、规模和矿体叠加状态。

    By applying VLF method , not only good conductor can be found but also occurence , scale and superposition state of ore body can be determined .

  3. 铜是热和电的良导体。

    Copper is a good medium for the conduction of heat and electricity .

  4. 根据表面电流分布预测了任意形状良导体柱的单站雷达散射截面(RCS)的宽带与宽角响应。

    The broadband or broad-angular responses of the mono-static radar cross-section ( RCS ) of an arbitrarily shaped two-dimensional highly conducting cylinder is predicted based on the surface current distributions .

  5. 结合大量的光纤复合架空地线复合光缆(OPGW)工程设计实践,对于110~500kV架空线路中的2条良导体地线,为了防雷逐塔接地所带来的电能损耗值得关注。

    Combined with many practices of OPGW project designing , this paper proposes that the electric energy loss of two good conductor ground wires on 110 kV to 500 kV OPGW is worth concern .

  6. 通过采用吸收边界条件和完全匹配层(PML)等边界条件、场源和良导体等相关问题的特殊处理方法,建立了探地雷达二维和三维有限差分正演模拟程序。

    With some special processes for absorbing boundary conditions ( ABS ), completely marched layer ( PML ), source position and conductors , 2-D and 3-D Finite-Difference Time Domain ( FDTD ) numerical modeling program is developed for GPR survey .

  7. 细线、薄板状良导体的时域散射特性可由全切向时域电场积分方程(TDEFIE)描述。

    The electromagnetic scattering properties of thin wire and thin plate conductor can be depicted by entire tangent time domain electric field integral equation ( TDEFIE ) .

  8. 铝和大多数金属一样,是良导体。

    Aluminium as well as most metals is a good conductor .

  9. 良导体地线限制超高压输电系统工频过电压的作用

    Effect of ACSR on Suppressing Power Frequency Overvoltage of EHV Transmission System

  10. 金属和不纯的水分别是良导体和绝缘体的例子。

    Metals and impure water are examples of good conductors or insulators .

  11. 良导体导热系数测定实验的改进

    Improving the Experiment on Determination Heat Conduction Coefficient of Conduction

  12. 高斯型良导体随机粗糙面散射系数的数值计算

    Numerical Computation of Scattering Coefficient from Gaussian Perfect Conductor Random Rough Surface

  13. 传热快的东西是热良导体。

    The things along which heat passes quickly are good heat conductors .

  14. 任意良导体均可作为屏蔽。

    Any good conductor can be used as a shield .

  15. 铜与其他许多金属一样是良导体。

    Copper , like many other metals , is a good conductor .

  16. 电阻很低的铜可用作良导体。

    Copper whose resistance is very low serves as a good conductor .

  17. 铜和铝是热和电的良导体

    Copper and aluminum are good conductors of heat and electricity

  18. 金属是热的良导体,因为热容易通过。

    Metals are good heat conductors because heat goes through them easily .

  19. 铁是良导体这是我们大家都知道的。

    That iron is a good conductor is know to us all .

  20. 我们认为铜和银是良导体。

    We refer to copper and silver as good conductors .

  21. 为什么金属是良导体是个疑问。

    Why metals is good conductor is a question .

  22. 平面电磁波在良导体表面上的反射和透射

    Reflection and Transmission of Plane Electromagnetic Waves on the Surface of Good Conductor

  23. 有些金属,例如铜和银,都称为良导体。

    A few metals such as copper and silver are called good conductors .

  24. 并不是所有的物质都是电的良导体。

    All substances are not good conductors of electricity .

  25. 几乎所有的金属都是良导体,而银则是最好的导体。

    Almost all metals are good conductors , silver being the best of all .

  26. 测定良导体导热系数实验的两个问题的分析

    Analysing two problems in the experiment to determine heat conduction coefficient of the metal

  27. 金属是电的良导体。

    Metal is a good conductor of electricity .

  28. 水是电流的良导体。

    Water is a good conductor of electricity .

  29. 这些金属并非都是良导体。

    Not all these metals are good conductors .

  30. 并非所金属良导体。

    Not all metals are good conductors .