
  • 网络seed production;stock breeding;elite breeding;Genetic improvement
  1. 解决问题的关键是建立科学的良种繁育体系,提纯复壮。

    The key to these problems is to establish the scientific seed production system .

  2. 油菜良种繁育中几个植物学问题的研究

    Studies on some botanical problems in the seed production of rape

  3. 植物立体培育器+ABT生根粉是目前桑树扦插育苗的最佳途径,在桑树良种繁育方面具有广阔推广应用前景。

    It was best way of mulberry cuttage breeding to use the incubator and plant growth regulator ABT.

  4. 银杏良种繁育技术

    Technique for Propagation and Cultivation of Improved Variety of Ginkgo biloba

  5. 加快甘蔗良种繁育体系建设的探讨

    Discussion on speedy construction of propagating system for elit sugarcane varieties

  6. 毛白杨良种繁育技术的研究

    Studies on technique of propagation of improved varieties of Populus tomentosa

  7. 我国林木良种繁育现状及发展趋势

    The status and trends of improved varieties of trees in China

  8. 江苏棉花良种繁育技术研究进展

    Advances in Techniques of Producing Cotton Stock Seeds in Jiangsu Province

  9. 福建果茶良种繁育场建设规划

    Construction Plannings of Fruit and Tea Fine Variety Breeding Fields in Fujian

  10. 甜菜单胚型杂交种良种繁育技术探讨

    Review on Improved Monogerm Hybrid Sugarbeet of Seed Reproduction Techniques

  11. 浅谈黑龙江省林木良种繁育的技术改造问题

    Technological Transformation Of Forest Fine Variety Breeding In Heilongjiang Province

  12. 组织培养是一种高效率、低成本的良种繁育技术。

    Tissue culture was a breeding technology of high efficiency and low cost .

  13. 转基因抗虫棉育种及良种繁育技术研究进展

    Advances in Breeding Techniques of Transgenic Insect-resistant Cotton and Seed Reproduction and Multiplication

  14. 试论甘肃林木良种繁育的战略思想和策略措施

    The Strategy and Tactics for Breeding improved Variety of Forest Tree in Gansu

  15. 对福建省马尾松良种繁育的几点建议

    Several Suggestions on the Fine Variety Breeding of Pinus massoniana in Fujian Province

  16. 四川牧草良种繁育体系建设思路

    Thoughts on the establishment of reproductive system of fine forage grass seed in Sichuan

  17. 转基因抗虫棉良种繁育方法研究

    Study on the Methods of Seed Growing of Transgenic Cotton with Resistance to Insect

  18. 无病毒草莓良种繁育技术体系的建立

    Techniques for propagation of virus - free strawberry

  19. 宁夏农垦百万肉羊良种繁育和杂交利用体系的设计

    Designing on Crossbreeding and Reproduction System of Million-Mutton Sheep for Ningxia Agriculture and Reclamation System

  20. 我国林木良种繁育体系结构浅析

    A Superficial Analysis of the Fine Variety Breeding System Structures of Forest Trees in China

  21. 杂交水稻良种繁育体系研究

    Studies on Hybrid Rice Seed Production System

  22. 然而,其相对滞后的良种繁育技术仍然制约着两个树种的发展。

    The lagging breeding technology for elite clones is limiting the development of the two species .

  23. 电子自控技术在林木良种繁育中的应用

    Research on Application of electron automatic control technique to propagation of elite varieties of crop trees

  24. 马铃薯早熟品种无病毒小薯的快速繁殖及良种繁育体系

    Rapid propagation of potato Mini tuber and the system of seed improvement for potato early cultivar

  25. 1994~1997年分别在镇南种羊场宝山分场和白城市牧草良种繁育站等地进行了优质细毛羊胚胎移植技术研究。

    From 1994 to 1997 , Sheep embryo transplant technigue was conducted in different livestock breeding station .

  26. 蔬菜品种的提纯复壮是蔬菜良种繁育工作的重要环节。

    It is of great importance to purify and rejuvenate the bred plant varieties in vegetable breeding .

  27. 三明市杉木良种繁育体系的研究

    A Study on the System of Reproduction and Breeding of Chinese Fir 's Fine Strains in Sanming Region

  28. 明确影响单株产量的重要因素,为美国无架豇豆栽培以及良种繁育提供参考。

    The component of yield per plant would provide the reference for American non-bracket cowpea cultivation and multiplication .

  29. 现已成为山东省养殖规模大、科技含量高的现代化大型畜牧良种繁育推广单位。

    Shandong Province has become a large-scale farming , modern high technology to promote large-scale livestock breeding units .

  30. 这是马尾松无性系良种繁育的一项新技术,可供生产应用。

    This is a new technique in clone breeding of masson pine and it could be used in practice .