
zhí jiē zé rèn
  • direct responsibility;direct liability
  1. 其责任分为直接责任与间接责任,这也是本文研究的主线。

    The main line is the tort liability , and it can classify direct liability and indirect one .

  2. 例如,大部分只包括或有负债的原始面貌,不包括承包商的专业服务的直接责任。

    For example , most of the original forms covered only contingent liability and did not cover a contractor 's direct liability for professional services .

  3. 对这种不幸境况负有直接责任的人是该省的省长。

    The man immediately responsible for this misery is the province 's governor

  4. 他没有直接责任。

    He is not directly responsible .

  5. 违反本法规定,造成重大环境污染事故,导致公私财产重大损失或者人身伤亡的严重后果的,对直接责任人员依法追究刑事责任。

    If a violation of this Law causes a serious environmental pollution accident , leading to the grave consequences of heavy losses of public or private property or human injuries or deaths of persons , the persons directly responsible for such an accident shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law .

  6. 按照我的懂得,DRDO应该为这些无谓的战斗伤亡负直接责任。

    In my view , DRDO should be held directly responsible for these unwarranted war causalities .

  7. 承担责任的形式可能是直接责任,也可能是补充责任。

    But this liability may be direct-liability , or supplementary liability .

  8. 他对员工们已经不负有直接责任了。

    He is to be freed of direct responsibility for his staff .

  9. 安全保障义务人承担的责任分为直接责任和补充责任。

    It can be divided into direct or supplemental liability .

  10. 专业中介服务机构及其直接责任人;

    Professional agencies and direct persons liable in the agencies ;

  11. 单位犯罪直接责任人员的认定

    On the Determination of the Direct Person Liable in Crimes Committed by Units

  12. 央行控制通胀的直接责任相对较新。

    The direct responsibility of central banks for controlling inflation is comparatively recent .

  13. 我要追究你对此事的直接责任。

    I am holding you directly responsible for this .

  14. 论单位犯罪中的其他直接责任人员的刑事责任

    The Criminal Responsibility of other Persons Who Bear Direct Responsibility in Unit Crime

  15. 单位犯罪中直接责任人刑事责任的根据及其界定

    On the Direct Responsible Personnel in Unit Crime

  16. 论股东对公司债权人的直接责任

    The Direct Duty of Shareholder for Company Creditors

  17. 实行腐败追究制度,对发生腐败的组织、单位应追究其领导者和直接责任者的责任。

    We should carry the corruption investigation system to find out the related responsibility .

  18. 事实上,除了日本军国主义外,天皇对战争负有直接责任。

    In fact , besides the Japanese militarism , Mikado shouldered the direct responsibilities .

  19. 完善现行法规处罚措施的不足,加大对直接责任人的处罚力度等方面。

    Perfect the measure of punishment , increase the efficacy on duty and so on .

  20. 这些家伙对设计、构建、测试负有直接责任。

    These folks have direct responsibility for designing , building , and testing the code .

  21. 运营商违反对虚拟财产的安全保障义务所承担的责任包括直接责任和补充责任。

    The responsibility of ISP disobeying the safety-guard duty includes direct responsibility and complementary responsibility .

  22. 恶意抵押中抵押人的法定代表人或直接责任人需要对受害人承担民事赔偿责任。

    The legal representative or direct parties concerned should be liable for damages of civil duty .

  23. 奥拉基及其组织对许多也门公民的死亡负有直接责任。

    Awlaki and his organization have been directly responsible for the deaths of many Yemeni citizens .

  24. 注:这里“无直接责任的人员”并不意味着必须来自组织外部。

    NOTE : The word " independent " here dose not necessarily mean external to the organization .

  25. 对负有责任的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分;

    The liable person and other directly liable persons shall be subject to administrative sanctions in accordance with the law ;

  26. 并由上级机关追究直接责任人员的行政责任。

    The administrative liabilities of the officials directly responsible shall also be investigated by the authorities at a higher level .

  27. 工会对于广大职工思想道德的教育和水平的提高负有直接责任。

    The laborer union has the direct responsibility for improving the thought moral education and its level of the extensive workers .

  28. 学生的伤害可以分为学校直接责任的伤害、学校间接责任的伤害、学校无责任的伤害。

    The harm done to students can be divided into direct responsibility , indirect responsibility and no responsibility for the college .

  29. 如果停止生产红雀是大错的话,他们谁也没有直接责任。

    None of them would have to take direct responsibility if stopping the Cardinal turned out to be a gigantic mistake .

  30. 学生校园伤害事故中,学校宜统一承担侵权责任,对学校过错宜适用过错推定,其责任形式有直接责任和补充责任两种。

    In case of an injury on campus , Schools shall bear liability for tort with presumption of fault on their part .