
  • 网络cross-docking
  1. 目的探讨JC病毒(JCV)病毒样颗粒(VLP)是否可以直接转运进入细胞核。

    Objective To determine whether the JC virus-like particles ( VLP ) can enter the nuclear as an intact particle .

  2. 通过把转运问题描述成一般网络上的运输问题,给出了直接求解转运问题的新算法,与先将转运问题转化成经典运输问题,然后再按经典运输问题求解的算法相比,这种算法简便适用。

    In this paper , a new algorithm that directly solves the transshipment problem is given by describing the transshipment problem as the transportation problem on the general network . The algorithm is more convenient and utility than the old one .

  3. 结果:发现125I-酪氨酸可以被坐骨神经直接吸收并转运,吸收时间约2小时,转运速率约1mm/h。

    Results : Animal experiments showed that 125 I Tyrosine could be absorbed and transported in rat 's sciatic nerve . The absorption time was about 2 hours . The transportation speed was about 1mm / h.

  4. 多数学者认为,胰岛素进入毛细血管,直接通过血液转运。

    Most scholars believe that after insulin entered into capillaries , it transferred through the blood directly .

  5. 稻穗各部维管束的发育程度直接影响养分转运和吸收,表现与秕粒率负相关;

    It was found that degree of development of the vascular bundles directly influenced the transport and assimilation of nutriment , and showed a negative correlation with the sterility rate .

  6. 采用直接付运还是转运,主要视乎有没有具成本效益及可靠的运输服务。

    The choice between direct shipments and transhipments depends largely on the availability of cost-effective and reliable transport services .