
  • 网络Electrostatics;Electrostatic attraction;electrostatic interaction
  1. 纳米粒与DNA的连接多通过静电吸引作用来完成。

    It is proved that the binding between NPs and DNA was accomplished by electrostatic attraction .

  2. 首先讨论了具有不同叠加方式ZnO双层纳米结构的相对稳定性和电子结构性质,计算表明两个单层之间通过静电吸引和偶极矩相互作用耦合在一起。

    First we investigate the relative stabilities and electronic structures of various stacking configurations for ZnO bilayer , which reveals that only the electrostatic attraction and the dipole moment interaction exist between the two single ZnO layers .

  3. 发现Eu3+-芦丁配合物与DNA通过静电吸引和沟槽键合模式键合。

    All experimental results indicate that the complex binds to DNA by the electrostatic mode and the groove binding mode .

  4. 结果表明,GOx是以静电吸引为驱动力吸附到PMMA-BSA纳米粒子上。

    The results show that the adsorption of GOx on PMMA-BSA particles is driving by electrostatic interaction .

  5. 实验结果表明:改性REC对苯酚和Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附作用分别是由阴阳离子静电吸引和表面配位反应所引起的。

    A comparison of adsorption isotherms and of the isotherm fractal model shows that the adsorption reactions for phenol and Cr (ⅵ) are caused by static electric attraction between the cation and anion and surface complexation reaction respectively .

  6. 在pH2.35的B-R缓冲溶液中,酸性染料四溴荧光素(TBF)与碱性染料中性红(NR)之间由于静电吸引能够发生有效的能量转移,使能量受体NR荧光增强,能量给体TBF的荧光猝灭。

    In the Britton-Robinson buffer solutions of pH 2.35 , effective energy transfer could occur between tetrabromofluorescein ( TBF ) and neutral red ( NR ) due to static attraction . The fluorescence intensity of TBF was reduced and that of NR was increased at the same time .

  7. 基于静电吸引的自组装树状超分子复合物

    The Self - assembled Dendritic Supramolecular Complex Based on Electrostatic Attraction

  8. 静电吸引发生于相反的电荷之间:+与-。

    Electrostatic attraction occurs between opposite electrical charges : + and - .

  9. 其识别推动力主要来自静电吸引以及阳离子一二相互作用。

    The drive forces mainly come from static electricity allurement and cation interaction .

  10. 量子化学计算结果表明配合键的性质主要属于静电吸引作用。

    The result of quantum chemistry calculation shows that the bonds are electrostatic action .

  11. 静电吸引在病毒吸附到带正电荷的表面中起主要的作用。

    Electrostatic attraction will play a major role in the absorption of viruses to positively charged surfaces .

  12. 然而,近十几年来的实验研究表明,在一定条件下,同性颗粒间的有效相互作用势能可能表现出静电吸引。

    Recent experiments , however , provide evidence that the effective interparticle potential show a long range attraction under certain conditions .

  13. 带同种电荷颗粒间存在静电吸引是当前胶体科学领域的一大研究热点,也是颇有争议的一个课题。

    The existence of long range electrostatic attraction between particles with like charge is one of the great current controversies of colloidal science .

  14. 具有这种较高熔点是因为带电原子之间的强烈的静电吸引,这使得破坏晶格很难。

    This high melting point is the strong electrostatic attraction between the charged atoms , which makes it difficult to disrupt the crystalline lattice .

  15. 增大相同离子的离子强度,反胶束内表面的双电层变薄,减弱了蛋白质与反胶束内表面之间的静电吸引,萃取率减小。

    When ionic strength of the cation is increased , the double ionization layer becomes thinner and extraction rate decreases for electrostatic force weakened .

  16. 头孢氨苄主要以阳离子和两性离子的形式被活性炭吸附,其吸附机理包括静电吸引、憎水亲和及与表面官能团共价结合。

    Cephalexin was primarily adsorbed in cationic and zwitterionic forms . Electrostatic attraction , hydrophobic interaction and chemical bonding with surface functional groups were demonstrated as primary mechanisms for cephalexin removal .

  17. 利用介电常数非均匀情况下的浓分散体系中的粒子双电层力表达式,发现高表面电荷能够引起胶体粒子间产生长距离静电吸引作用。

    Combined with the double-layer force expression on a particle in concentrated dispersions in the case of nonuniform dielectric constant , long-range electrostatic attractions between colloidal particles can be accounted for high surface charge density .

  18. 指出了螺旋多肽链的扭曲变形结构比其均匀螺旋结构更稳定,和由螺旋多肽链的扭曲变形而产生的附加电荷间的静电吸引有助于蛋白质链折叠为三级结构。

    It is shown that the twisting deformed structure of helix polypeptide chain is more stable than the uniform helix structure and the static attraction between the extra charges arising from deformation of helix polypeptide chain is advantageous to fold protein chain into the tertiary structure .

  19. 静电电磁波吸引技术运用于地下爆炸物的探测

    Detection of Explosive Underground with Electrostatic Electromagnetic Induction

  20. 静电悬浮真空陀螺仪吸引型直线悬浮电动机

    Electrically suspended vacuum gyroscope attraction type LLM

  21. 通常,固体或液体外面的电子要受到静电镜象力的吸引作用。

    In general , an electron outside a solid or liquid is attracted to the surface by the electrostatic image force .