- electrometer

A single-electron transistor ( SET ) can be used as a sensitive electrometer whose sensitivity is limi-ted by noise . Shot noise is the intrinsic noise which determines the limit of sensitivity of the SET .
The conductivity along c axis of Ga ~ ( 3 + ): KTP crystal was measured by electrometer and multifrequency measurer , and compared with that of the pure KTP crystal .
The Methods of Capacitance Calculation Between the Electrodes of Sensor in ECT System
Here , an electrometer ohmmeter is forcing a current ( IR ) through the unknown resistance ( RS ) and then measuring the voltage ( VM ) across the DUT .
The chief measure system , the X-ray set and the gamma calibration device and ambient condition of radiation fields have comprehensively been superseded and upgraded .
This paper describes a new type γ radiation monitoring system with wide range and multi function . It consists of high pressure ionization chamber , electrometer type amplifier , voltage current converter and STD bus .
The regular growth , structure , photoelectric and other characteristics were studied by using many structure and photoelectric detection means , such as ellipsometry , Auger spectroscopy , Raman spectroscopy , atomic force microscope , high precision ammeter and so on .
Towards the principles and characteristics of low-energy X-ray ionization currents , we established three measurement systems based on the Townsend compensation ( automatic , semi-automatic , manual ), and high-precision Keithley 6517 electrometer , PTW UNIDOS dosimeter micro-current measurement system .
Approximate calculation of the relation between static-voltage and spread-angle of static-voltmeter 's foil
The charge measurement range of most electrometers can be extended using external feedback .
Calibrating electrometer by gamma ray from radium
The ohmmeter uses an internal current source and electrometer voltmeter to make the measurement .
I 've smashed the electrometer .
More information on the measurement procedure can be found in the instruction manual of the electrometer .
When using the electrometer ohmmeter , measurement accuracy can be affected by a variety of factors .
Using with a vibrating capacitor electrometer and a digital voltmeter , the stability is better than 0.1 % .
Some electrometers and picoammeters have voltage sources built into the instrument and automatically can calculate the unknown resistance .
The external feedback mode allows an external device to be used as the feedback element of the electrometer .
These cables are excellent for general-purpose electrometer work because the surface leakage in this application is relatively unimportant .
Isolation resistance measurements are usually made by sourcing a voltage , then measuring the resulting current using an electrometer or picoammeter .
Calibrating electrometer by a solution of radium salt takes more steps of operation which have to be repeated at least three times .
An instrument for obtaining a mass spectrum by deflecting ions into a thin slit and measuring the ion current with an electrometer .
High resistance measurements using the constant-current method may be made using either an electrometer voltmeter and current source or just an electrometer ohmmeter .
Indirect-reading capacitor type pocket exposure meters and accessory electrometers ??? Investigation of the Characteristics of Radiate Field From the ESD According to Powder Industrial Production
To achieve the high impedance required specially designed " electrometer " vacuum tubes , field effect transistor must be used in the input stage .
Hardware of the system includes the voltage source table , electrometer , high precision digital multimeter , precision components such as capacitors and precision timers .
Notice that this is a two-wire resistance measurement compared to using the electrometer voltmeter and external current source , which can make a four-wire measurement .
This paper emphatically introduced the townsend compensation system , 6517 electrometer system current and charge gear measurement result , and analyzed the possible existence of deviation .
This paper describes the application of E-metcr operation amplifier in test and measurement , and shows the structure of circuit and the method to decrease the moise of circuit .
Placing the electrometer in the volts mode and then enabling external feedback switches the feedback circuit from an internal network to a feedback circuit connected to the preamp output .