
  • 网络irene;Irena
  1. 历史学家相信,他们的女儿伊雷娜也是左撇子。

    Historians believe their daughter , Irene , was also left-handed .

  2. 同这个叫伊雷娜的阔女人的通信一直持续了六个多月。

    For six months or more it 's been going on , this correspondence with the rich cunt , Irene .

  3. “我告诉你了他不在这里,”伊雷娜插话说。

    ' I 've told you he 's not here , ' Irena intervened .

  4. 伊雷娜也和她的丈夫一起获得了她自己的诺贝尔奖,而她的丈夫嘛……你猜对了,也是个左撇子。

    Irene went on to win a Nobel Prize of her own with her husband -- who , you guessed it , was also left-handed .

  5. 我们在伊雷娜住的旅馆前下了出租车,卡尔抖得很厉害,我只好先扶着他沿这条街走了一会儿。

    When we get out of the taxi in front of her hotel he 's trembling so much that I have to walk him around the block first .

  6. 最近我天天都向卡尔汇报,好叫这场恋爱开始,因为在伊雷娜那方面这件事可以无限期地发展下去。

    Recently I 've been reporting to Carl every day in order to bring the affair to a head , because as far as Irene is concerned this thing could go on indefinitely .