
tòng gǎn
  • keenly feel;smitten
痛感 [tòng gǎn]
  • [keenly feel] 深深地体会到

痛感[tòng gǎn]
  1. 论悲剧痛感和快感&对悲剧审美主体情感活动规律的分析

    The Keenly Feel and the Large Charge of Tragedy : an Analysis of the Regularities of the Emotional Activities of the Aesthetic Subjects of Tragedy

  2. 痛感阵阵袭来。

    The pain came in waves .

  3. 经常运动有助于减轻痛感。

    Regular exercise can help to lessen the pain .

  4. 研究人员表示,他们的发现可能有助于开发一种疼痛预测系统,使人们能在痛感最低的日子里安排活动。

    The researchers say their findings could help to develop a pain forecast , which would allow people to plan activities for the least painful days .

  5. 结果:CSA组镇痛效果良好,CSEA组5例患者有轻微痛感,两组患者生命体征平稳。

    Results : The analgesic effect in group CSA was better than that of group CSEA , and 5 patients felt painful slightly in group CSEA .

  6. 研究人员关注最多的是一种名为降钙素基因相关口(CGRP)的大脑化学物质,这种物质似乎与痛感传递有关,但是在认知或情绪等大脑的其它功能方面并没有造成影响。

    Of greatest focus for researchers is a brain chemical known as CGRP , which appears to play a role in the transmission of pain , but not in other brain functions , such as cognition or mood .

  7. 世界卫生组织的医生AlexanderTiendrebeogo说,起初这种疾病不会引发痛感,通常开始是在皮肤上出现一个肿块。

    Doctor Alexander Tiendrebeogo from the World Health Organization says the disease causes no pain at first . The condition usually begins as a swelling on the skin . Then large ulcers form .

  8. 世界上毒性最强的鱼是石鱼(stonefish),它也是亚洲和热带地区的一道美食。被石鱼的致命毒针蛰到的痛感被认为是人类能够感觉到最严重的疼痛。

    The world 's most venomous fish is the stonefish , a fixture of Asian and tropic cuisine ; its potentially fatal sting has been described as the worst pain a human can feel .

  9. 好的设计一定能引起共鸣,无论痛感、快感

    Good design can certainly cause resonate , regardless of pain , pleasure

  10. 一些人甚至都感觉不到最初的剌痛感。

    Some people can 't even feel the initial incision .

  11. 所有这些都有利于缓解高昂的售价给人带来的痛感。

    All this will help ease sticker shock , too .

  12. 痛感是由周围神经传导丘脑才被感知的。

    Pain from peripheral nerve conduction were not aware of the hypothalamus .

  13. 它是神经刺激品,用来引发痛感的。

    It 's a neuro-inflamatory , designed to induce pain .

  14. 在巴勒莫一家医院里动个简单手术,就可以一劳永逸地免除痛感。

    Simple surgery in a Palermo hospital would permanently relieve the pain .

  15. 于是有关于生理痛感共有的零星文件材料。

    And there 's sporadic documentation of shared physiological pain .

  16. 他表明许多基因都是在痛感研究之中被鉴别的。

    He notes that many genes have been identified along the pain pathway .

  17. 身体与心灵之间&当下文学中的痛感表达

    Between Body and Mind & the Expression of Agony in the Present Literature

  18. 亨:不过在吃过几粒止痛丸之后,痛感消失了。

    However , after I took some soothing pills , the pain subsided .

  19. 阿加西:我知道,随着痛感的增加,我的比赛不好打了。

    ANDRE AGASSI : I didn 't know last year what it was .

  20. 没有痛感,但是你却在我的视线中湮灭。

    There is no pain , you are receding .

  21. 两周左右痛感应该就会减弱。

    Pain should subside in two weeks or so .

  22. 痛风脚趾有明显的发红,肿胀,僵硬和痛感。

    ' Gouty toe'is characterized by swelling , redness , and stiffness and pain .

  23. 由此,恐怖痛感与审美快感统一于恐怖艺术作品中。

    That is how the pain and pleasure are unified in horror art works .

  24. 他痛感她的观点僵化。

    He deplored the rigidity of her views .

  25. 特里斯痛感小学生常常太受限制以致不能把阅读和学习联系起来。

    Trelease laments that elementary-school students are too often conditioned to associate reading with work .

  26. 麻醉药品能缓和饥饿的痛感。

    Drugs deaden the pangs of hunger .

  27. 强烈的痛感;像是由锋利的刃或者尖导致的一样。

    Keenly and painfully felt ; as if caused by a sharp edge or point .

  28. 在他们看这些照片时,他们的手掌会被安全地加热至略有轻微痛感。

    As they looked at the photos , their palms were safely heated to mild pain .

  29. 医生们从前非常确信:切断的神经不可能传播痛感因为它们被切断了!

    Doctors used to be so confident that severed nerves could not transmit pain-they 're severed !

  30. 渐渐退去的饥饿痛感。

    The deadened pangs of hunger .