
  • 网络Itai-itai disease;itai itai disease;itai;Ita ita disease
  1. 大部分科学家援引20世纪60年代日本出现的痛痛病(itai-itaidisease),相信这是可确认的最早病例。

    Most scientists cite the identification of itai-itai ( ouch-ouch ) disease in Japan during the 1960s as the first recognition of this problem .

  2. ACAP主要考虑制定污染防治政策,监测、评估和补偿环境污染(如水俣病、痛痛病、呼吸道疾病等)造成的损害。

    Unlike ACAP concerned mainly with anti-pollution policy formulation , monitoring and evaluation as well as compensation to the environmentally disadvantaged resulting from specific environmental pollution such as Minamata methyl-mercury pollution , Itai-Itai limb and joint paralysis , Yokkaichi respiratory disease , and Niigata Minamata .

  3. 痛痛病、四日市哮喘病、水俣病和新泻水俣病,即所谓的四大公害病,可以说就是工业化进程中带来的负面影响。

    The so-called four diseases caused by environmental pollution , are the negative influence brought by the industrialization .