
  1. 教堂:宗教信仰能让俘虏们默默地忍受痛苦的生活。

    Church : Religion helps captives accept their lot in life .

  2. 这有我们拥有的痛苦的生活。

    There 's just this horrible life that we have .

  3. 一支缝补针刺进他的心窝、结束了他的痛苦的生活。

    A darning-needle forced into his heart had ended his earthly woes .

  4. 我理解你过去所遭受的痛苦的生活。

    I know you 've had a miserable life that 's understandable .

  5. 她们想抗争,想摆脱这种痛苦的生活情形。

    They wanted to struggle against the sorrowful situation .

  6. 事实上,这确实是痛苦的生活。

    Actually it 's the real life in pain .

  7. 多么痛苦的生活方式啊!一个人怎么能在这样要命的生活条件下生活呢?

    What a miserable existence ! How could anyone live in such dreadful conditions ?

  8. 我认为,面对不断面临毁灭的威胁,很多人会陷入痛苦的生活中。

    I think most people would have a hard time living with the threat of constant impending doom .

  9. 可能是你没从根本上突破,而注定孤独痛苦的生活。

    Chances are you 're not a fundamentally broken person , destined for a life of lonely misery .

  10. 生活在里面的人们抛弃了传统的价值和信仰,过着虚无痛苦的生活。

    People living in this world discard traditional values and faith , living a nihilistic and miserable life .

  11. 毋庸置疑,不吃饭,不管怎样理解都是一种痛苦的生活方式。

    It serves to reason that not eating -- in any capacity -- would be a horrible way to live life .

  12. 在另外一个证明他活着的包裹里,他给她妻子写到:“你需要更多的勇气去忍受比死亡还要痛苦的生活。”

    In another proof-of-life package , he wrote to his wife ," You need more courage to suffer than to die . "

  13. 天主教援助服务的发言人说,这些灾民可能还要忍受很长一段时间痛苦的生活。

    " These people are going to be suffering for a long time ," said Elizabeth Griffin , a spokeswoman for Catholic Relief Services .

  14. 人们执迷不悟,以为充满欢笑、没有痛苦的生活就等于幸福;这实际上减少了他们真正臻于幸福之境的可能性。

    The way people clingto the belief that a fun-filled , pain-free life equates happiness actually diminishes their chances of ever attaining real happiness .

  15. 研究者马克?西里是美国布法罗大学的心理学家,他说:“许多观点似乎都只是常识,并没有科学证据支持。确实,有很多可靠的心理学研究表明痛苦的生活经历对一个人不利。”

    Researcher Mark Seery , a psychologist at the University at Buffalo in the U.S. , said : ' A lot of ideas that seem like common sense aren 't supported by scientific evidence . ' Indeed , a lot of solid psychology research shows that having miserable life experiences is bad for you .

  16. 他哪儿还记得我在家里过那种痛苦的幽禁生活?

    How would he remember that I was still suffering , pent up at home ?

  17. 痛苦的奴隶生活坚定了亨森为自由而战的决心。

    Henson 's painful life as a slave strengthened his determination to struggle for freedom .

  18. 始终痛苦不堪的生活。

    A life of unrelieved misery .

  19. 人生活在这个荒谬处境中是痛苦的。生活给人们带来的是无穷无尽的苦闷和失望。所以人生是极其痛苦的。

    Man as a painful being lives in this absurd world , which gives him the endless spiritual depression and disappointments , so life is anguished .

  20. 自从人类社会开始,人们就一直试图逃避充满痛苦的现实生活,向往完美的生存状态。

    The impulse of searching for perfect life in order to survive the miserable real life exists in men ever since the beginning of the human society .

  21. 作为老父亲跟前最疼爱的儿子,约瑟被他的哥哥们卖到一个陌生的地方,他即将面对一个痛苦的奴隶生活,他会不会觉得自己很可怜而去抱怨呢?他有没有不愿意顺服这样的环境呢?没有!

    Joseph , the favorite son of his old father , sold by his brothers , was now in a land of strangers facing a life of misery and slavery . Would he feel sorry for himself and complain ? Do you suppose he refuse to obey ? NO !

  22. 有个与之相关的老笑话“女人们总是最后说了算的”,我们确信这个笑话使得男人们延长了自己的寿命,让他们与自己的爱人一同再享受20年甜蜜与痛苦交织的生活。

    An old joke about the subject states that this is " so women can always get the last word , " a joke we 're sure has brought many men comfort while being lowered into the grave , survived by women who went on to enjoy another 20 years of their sweet , Breaking Bad-filled life .

  23. 强烈的空虚无助、强烈的痛苦占据我的生活。

    The huge void in my life , this intense grieving .

  24. 最终她们只能在痛苦而缓慢的生活中苦苦忍耐和挣扎,甚至悲惨地死去。

    Ultimately they can only be painful and slow life , patience and hard struggle , even a miserable death .

  25. 很多工伤职工由于得不到及时有效的康复,使得残疾程度加重,丧失了本不该丧失的身体机能,过着痛苦而贫困的生活。

    Many injured workers as a result of lack of timely and effective rehabilitation , the degree of disability increased , loss the body functions and living the poverty live .

  26. 我们好像认为我们每天所过的生活,这个充满挣扎、冲突、痛苦、忧伤的生活,它和苦难、困惑的外部世界是不同的。

    We seem to think that the daily life we lead , the life of struggle , conflict , pain and sorrow is something separate from the outer world of misery and confusion .

  27. 而且操作简便,无副作用,易于患者接受,可减轻患者的痛苦,提高患者的生活质量。

    It simply operate , being without side effects , being easy to patients , and reduce the pain of patients and improve the quality of life of patients .

  28. 舒晴表示,网站倡导分手时举行仪式,以示对对方的尊重,同时可以帮人们走出痛苦,开始新的生活。

    " We will promote the ceremony as a way for divorced couples to show respect to each other , gain relief and then begin their new lives ," Shu said .

  29. 第二:你将不时地经历痛苦的磨炼,经历生活中的种种困难,但是只有这样你才能够成为一个更为坚强的人。

    Two : You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time , by going through various problems in life , but you 'll need it to become a stronger person .

  30. 因为,虽然经历过一些痛苦,但我的生活依然很好,我在很多方面也获得了成功。

    This was because , despite a few periods of great sadness , life has been very good to me and I know that I have experienced success in many parts of it .