
kuī shì kǒnɡ
  • peephole;spyhole
  1. 在瞄准器的后部有一个开着的凹口取代了原来的窥视孔或望远镜。

    Rear gunsight having an open notch instead of a peephole or telescope .

  2. 窥视孔她对着窥视孔向我做鬼脸。

    peephole ( n. ) She 's making faces at me through the peephole .

  3. 这门的中间,固定着一个金属板:Simon不知道它是个插销,还是窥视孔的盖子。

    Midway up the door was fixed a plate of metal : Simon could not tell if it was a latch or a peephole cover .

  4. 窥视孔,贱金属制(不包括配备光学部件的)

    Judas of base metal ( excl. those fitted with optical elements )

  5. 你不是棕鸟队员,我可以从窥视孔看到�

    You 're no Brown Bird , I can see you through my peephole .

  6. 你不是棕鸟队员,我可以从窥视孔看到你。

    Woman : You 're no Brown Bird , I can see you through my peephole .

  7. 通过窥视孔可连续观察试件表面的脱皮现象和得出激热开裂时间。

    The fracture phenomenon and spalling time of the test piece can be observed continuously through a sight hole .

  8. 一定要让前门装一个家里人人都能够得着的窥视孔。

    Make sure your front door has a peephole at a level that everyone in the family can see through .

  9. 分离器设有窥视镜,通过它能够视察液间的分界线。窥视孔玻璃,观察镜

    The separator is equipped with a sight glass through which a boundary line of the liquid phases can be observed . inspection glass

  10. 穆斯林妇女全身严严实实地裹着白色或玄色长袍,只有一双眼睛从织网式的窥视孔里露了出来,她们在人群中行色匆匆。

    Muslim women , heavily swathed in black or white cloaks , their eyes barely visible through mesh peepholes , dart among the crowds .

  11. 他按了一下门铃,站在从大门另一边的一个小小的单向窥视孔能看见他的地方。

    He depressed a bell push and stood where he could be seen from the other side of the door through a tiny one-way peephole .

  12. “有时候,在晚上,我感觉我在被人盯着,”瓦妮特解释说。“所以我认为那里有一个窥视孔。”

    " Sometimes , in the night , I would get the feeling I was being watched ," Vanity explained . " So I figured there was a peephole . "

  13. 透过窥视书中观察孔,读者可以看出动物躲在大自然真实的环境当中。

    By peeking through peep holes the reader discovers animals hiding in their natural environment .