
zài yě
  • not be in office;be out of office
在野 [zài yě]
  • [be out of office] 原指不在朝做官,后也指不当政

  • 在野派

在野[zài yě]
  1. 他们似乎在野时比执政时能提出更好的建议。

    They seem to make better proposals when they are out of office than when they are in power .

  2. 亚洲旅行社后院旅行(BackyardTravel)提供为期十天的旅游团,在野沢与周边景点游玩,包括七世纪的寺庙与该地区著名的雪猴栖息地。—

    The Asian operator Backyard Travel offers 10-day itineraries to explore Nozawa and nearby sights like a seventh-century temple and a refuge for the area 's famed snow monkeys . -

  3. 就在政府试图收拾乱摊子时,在野党自由民主党(LDP)通过挑毛病来替民众夸张的愤怒辩护。

    As the government has attempted to deal with the mess , the opposition Liberal Democratic Party ( LDP ) has picked on minor gaffes to justify exaggerated displays of outrage .

  4. 在野党要求民主党(DPJ)取消引入儿童抚养津贴和取消公路收费的承诺。

    The opposition will urge the DPJ to abandon pledges to introduce a child-support allowance and eliminate toll-road fees .

  5. 在野党社会民主党党首SigmarGabriel(2009年10月份之前他一直在政府就职)认为银行和金融市场“极力破坏公共利益”,因为是受政客们所使。长期的,全球化组织AttacDeutschland参加了“占领法兰克福”运动。

    Sigmar Gabriel , leader of the opposition Social Democrats , said banks and the financial markets had worked " massively against the common good " - because politicians let them . ( He was in government until October 2009 . ) Attac Deutschland , a longer-standing anti-globalisation group , joined up with Occupy Frankfurt .

  6. 我们的政党在野已经三年了。

    Our party has been out of office for three years .

  7. 在雪地里迷路,在野树林!

    Lost in the snow , and in the Wild Wood !

  8. 在野时,我对我国形成了真切了解。

    In opposition , I came to know my country intimately .

  9. 那个党已在野多年了。

    The party has been out of office for many years .

  10. 该方案实施时,威尔逊先生处于在野地位。

    Mr Wilson was in opposition when the scheme was instituted .

  11. 韧粘素在野百合碱诱导肺动脉高压大鼠右心室组织中的表达及意义

    Tenascin expression in right ventricule in pulmonary hypertensive rats induced by monocrotaline

  12. 在野党议员不准总理在议会发表讲话。

    They did not allow him to make a speech in parliament .

  13. 部长在议会上抨击在野党的领袖。

    The minister made a tilt at the opposition leader in Parliament .

  14. 反对是在野党的任务。

    It is the job of the opposition to oppose .

  15. 他们在野而不在朝。

    They are in opposition and not in office .

  16. 利用外脑和在野党等体制外资源,增强决策的科学性;

    Utilize resources outside such as opposition party to enhance scientific policy making ;

  17. 所有这些都会使工党面临长期在野的局面。

    All that could leave Labour facing a long spell in the wilderness .

  18. 韧黏素在野百合碱诱导肺动脉高压大鼠肺组织中表达与分布

    The Expression and Distribution of Tenascin in Pulmonary Hypertensive Rats Induced by Monocrotaline

  19. 哈特所扮演的有优点的坏人总是在野的人。

    Hart 's good-bad man was always an outsider .

  20. 他是在野党的一员。

    He is a member of the out party .

  21. 多尺度小波变换在野值剔除中的应用

    Application of multiscale wavelet transform in outliers elimination

  22. 在野党谴责首相是个没有原则的人。

    The opposition parties are branding the Premier ( AS ) a man without principle .

  23. 我们不想在野树林里再迷失去路而浪费又一个晚上。

    We don 't want to spend another night lost in the Wild Wood . '

  24. 特别地,他希望能和决意令他下台的在野党合作。

    In particular , he wants collaboration with opposition parties mostly bent on ousting him .

  25. 在野孩群里,凡是难忘的意外都是极受重视的。

    In the brotherhood of gamins , a memorable accident counts for a great deal .

  26. 所以我建议让泰斯蒂诺在野口勇博物馆拍这组片。

    So I suggested that , uh , Testino shoot them at the Noguchi garden .

  27. 讽刺的是,在野副州旦的领导下,富士通是公司改革的楷模。

    The irony is that under Mr Nozoe , Fujitsu was a model of corporate reform .

  28. 在1975&1979年,保守党在野时期并没有为将来执政制定完善的反工会政策。

    In 1975-1979 , there had not been a perfect unti-trade union policy in Conservative Party .

  29. 5年在的在野经历之后,她被重新担任外交部长。

    After five years in the political wilderness , she was recalled to be foreign minister .

  30. 政府正在酿造挽回人民对危机的信心,但是在野党坚持,国有化并不能解决问题。

    A crisis of confidence was brewing but the opposition insists nationalization is not the answer .