
  • 网络online travel;online tourism;online tour;on-line travel
  1. 元旦春节假期期间,依旧不允许旅行社及在线旅游企业出入境团队旅游及“机票+酒店”业务。

    During the New Year and Spring Festival holidays , travel agencies and online travel service providers will remain forbidden from offering inbound and outbound group tours and travel packages including flight tickets and hotels .

  2. 迪勒发表此番言论的一周多前,谷歌与ITASoftware达成协议,以7亿美元收购后者,这令在线旅游业备感不安。ITASoftware的技术被用来寻找飞机航班和机票价格。

    The comments come less than two weeks after Google unsettled the online travel industry with an agreement to pay $ 700m for ITA Software , whose technology is used to find airline flights and tickets prices .

  3. E&H在线旅游公司(为某些特定的用户优先提供更昂贵的酒店;

    Expedia and prioritized more expensive hotels for certain users ;

  4. 还有可能是因为夏日炎炎让人打不起精神,威廉•夏纳(WilliamShatner)重新出演在线旅游服务公司Priceline广告中的“谈判家”,或波士顿红袜队(RedSox)和阿森纳(Arsenal)遇到了困难。

    Maybe it was the languid summer , William Shatner 's return as Priceline 's ' negotiator ' or the struggles of the Red Sox and Arsenal .

  5. Priceline在线旅游公司则根据用户的购买历史来变更搜索结果。

    and Priceline skewed search results based on past purchases .

  6. 美国航空公司今天宣布将机票信息从在线旅游网站Orbitz上撤下。

    American Airlines announced today it will immediately be pulling its fare from online travel site , operated by Orbitz .

  7. 这表明,在美国上市的在线旅游公司携程(Ctrip)、去哪儿(Qunar)以及在开发购物中心方面重视娱乐体验的开发商大连万达(DalianWanda)等公司,很可能会获益于这股潮流。

    This suggests that companies such as US-listed online travel companies Ctrip and Qunar and mall developer Dalian Wanda - which emphasises entertainment in its shopping centres - stand to benefit .

  8. 在线旅游代理携程(CTrip)和国有保险公司平安(PingAn)联手推出“雾霾险”,面向受到雾霾困扰的7个城市的游客和市民。

    CTrip , an online travel agent , and Ping An , the state-owned insurance company , have teamed up to offer " smog insurance " to travellers and residents in seven cities plagued by smog .

  9. 作为在线旅游业务的两大对手,携程(Ctrip)和去哪儿(Qunar)终于同意合并,合并后估值达150亿美元。

    Ctrip and Qunar , the great rivals in the online travel business , finally agreed to merge earlier this week , in a $ 15bn tie-up .

  10. 众多在线旅游代理商和在线旅行点评网站,像旅程网(Orbitz)、到到网(TripAdvisor)等,在网站上加入专门针对单身人士和单人旅行的搜索条件,正在逐渐成为一种常规做法。

    It 's becoming par for the course for online travel agents and review sites like Orbitz and TripAdvisor to include search filters for singles and solo travel .

  11. 中国在线旅游服务供应商携程旅行网(Ctrip)已同意斥资近14亿英镑,收购飞机票比价网站Skyscanner。

    Ctrip International , the Chinese online travel service provider , has agreed to buy Skyscanner , the airfare comparison web site , for approximately £ 1.4bn .

  12. 斯坦福大学和北京大学的学者最近做了一项研究,汇报了对携程旅行网(CTrip)的实验结果。携程旅行是一家在美国纳斯达克(NASDAQ)上市交易的中国在线旅游服务公司。

    A recent study by academics at Stanford University and the University of Beijing reports the results of an experiment at CTrip , an online travel company in China that is quoted on America 's NASDAQ stock market .

  13. 韩国是发达国家里员工工作时间最长、自杀率最高的国家。去年,韩国工人平均只休假8.6天,是在线旅游公司Expedia所调查的24个国家里面最低的,而全球工人平均休假天数为20.5天,其中法国达到30.7天。

    Workers in South Korea - home to the longest working hours and highest suicide rate in the developed world - took just 8.6 days of holidays last year on average , the lowest among the 24 nations surveyed by online travel agency Expedia , compared with the global average of 20.5 days and the French 's 30.7 days .

  14. 打破边界&创业型企业如何改变在线旅游业?

    Breaking the Boundaries-How disruptive companies are changing the travel landscape ?

  15. 蓝牙多人游戏和在线旅游是默认启用。

    Bluetooth multiplayer and Online Tour are enabled by default .

  16. 澳大利亚和新西兰的短途在线旅游。

    Short online tours of Australia and New Zealand .

  17. 是的,她是这个受到人们空前喜爱的名为“在线旅游者”的教育光盘的设计者。

    Yes , she is the designer of the all-time favourite CD-ROM'Online Traveller ' .

  18. 新时期在线旅游的环境变化及其影响因素分析

    Analysis of Effects of International Environment Change and Other Factors on Online Traveling Industry

  19. 颜筱是中国最大的在线旅游机构携程旅行网公共事务部高级经理。

    Yan Xiao is the public affairs manager at China 's largest online travel agency Ctrip .

  20. 新的在线旅游格式。

    New Online Tour format .

  21. 中国领先的在线旅游服务平台携程网,于星期四发布了春节旅游趋势展望。

    Ctrip , a leading online travel service , released its tourism outlook for Spring Festival on Thursday .

  22. 它近来出售了在快速增长但往往亏损的在线旅游和在线视频板块的一些投资。

    It has been selling off some investments in the fast-growing but lossmaking online travel and online video sectors .

  23. 作为在线旅游市场的重要组成部分,在线旅游代理商取得了优异的市场业绩。

    As an important component of the online tourism market , the online travel agents have had an excellent market performance .

  24. 同时也给同类在线旅游网站的发展提供一定程度上的借鉴意义。

    At the same time also provides a certain degree of reference significance to the development of similar online travel website .

  25. 在线旅游服务商携程表示,其网站上英国线路的点击量爆增。

    Online travel operator Ctrip said it noticed a sharp jump in clicks on its website on tours to the UK .

  26. 最后对在线旅游企业全面提升电子旅游服务质量提出了相应对策建议,即电子旅游服务质量三步走战略决策。

    Finally , this paper put forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions to comprehensively upgrade e-tourism service quality for online travel company .

  27. 分析师普遍预计,在线旅游企业和租车公司或者彼此合并,或者跟相关行业公司合并。

    Analysts widely expect online travel companies and auto rental firms to either merge with each other or with companies in related spaces .

  28. 尽管此笔交易标志着腾讯对在线旅游市场的首笔重大投资,却绝不是第一次。

    While the deal marks the first significant investment in the online travel market by Tencent , it is by no means its first .

  29. 尤其是实验观察法的引入,弥补了传统问卷调查法以游后追忆获取数据的不足,直观且较为真实地反映了在线旅游信息需求情况和搜寻行为轨迹。

    In particular , the experimental observation method adopted in the paper reflects intuitively the demand of online tourism information and trajectory of seeking behavior .

  30. 在线旅游服务业目前正处于其生命周期的快速增长阶段,它的发展已经成为旅游业的一个热点。

    The online travel service is in the rapidly growing stage of its lifecycle at present . Its development has become a hotspot of tourism .