
  1. 不管你信不信,他或她都会站在你身边,希望你一切顺利。

    Believe it or not , he or she is on your side and is eager to see you do well .

  2. 如果你想知道你的闺蜜是否真心对你,只需看你需要她的时候她是否在你身边。

    If you want to know whether your ladybro is true to you , just see whether she is there when you need her .

  3. LED就在你身边

    LED by Your Side

  4. 要是这个人就在你身边,那么我就应该直接问她叫什么名字。哎,对了,Larry,刚才你是说what'sherface,要是男孩子的话,那应该怎么说呢?

    You shouldn 't call someone what 's-her-face if she is nearby * in that case , you should just ask her what her name is .

  5. YogiBhajan说过,“当你知道你是谁并且如你所是的时候,你的光芒就投射进入宇宙的光芒中,在你身边的一切都变得富有创造力并且充满机遇。”

    Yogi Bhajan said ," When you understand who and what you are , your radiance projects into the universal radiance and everything around you becomes creative and full of opportunity . "

  6. 作为《怎样创造幸运》和《我接下来要说什么?》的作者,苏珊·罗安妮(SusanRoAne)表示,奥秘就在于将发生在你身边一切事都当做可与别人谈话的机会,而不是等待别人来与你谈话。

    Susan RoAne , author of How to Create Your Own Luck and What Do I Say Next ? , says the secret lies in seeing the world around you as full of opportunities to talk versus waiting to be addressed by someone else .

  7. 我会一直跟着你的,就在你身边。

    I 'll always be with you , somewhere close by .

  8. 你不孤独,我将永远陪在你身边!

    You are not alone . I am will be there !

  9. 当你有麻烦的时候,我都会在你身边;

    Whenever you 're in trouble , I 'm always near .

  10. 作为一个看不见的朋友,我们一直在你身边。

    As an invisible friend , we are always with you .

  11. 如果可以我愿意每天在你身边苏醒。

    If I am willing to every waking up beside you .

  12. 我在你身边,也在他身边。

    I stood by you and I have stood by him .

  13. 我只想你知道我会永远在你身边。

    I just want you to know that I 'm here .

  14. 他应该不常在你身边吧?

    I can 't imagine he 's around much , huh ?

  15. 天父救我,在你身边给我保留一个位置!

    Father help me save me a place by your side !

  16. 我便会出现在你身边。我会做那个你梦中的人。

    I 'll be the man you 've always dreamed of .

  17. 你需要他们的时候,他们总能陪在你身边。

    They can always be around you whenever you need them .

  18. 所以,时刻在你身边放上一杯水。

    Keep a bottle of water with you at all times .

  19. 他陪在你身边经历所有的起起落落。

    He stands by you through all your ups and downs .

  20. 当我不在你身边我的眼睛觉得很孤单。

    My ESES get very lonely when I 'm not around .

  21. 当你需要一个人帮忙的时候,总会有朋友在你身边的。

    There 's always a friend around when you need one .

  22. 因为我一直在你身边,搀扶。

    Because I have been at your side , arm .

  23. 你不是一个人,我们会永远在你身边!

    You are not a person We will always be with you !

  24. 我会在你身边保护你,支持你。

    I 'll be there to protect you , see you though .

  25. 萨布丽娜:我希望在你身边。

    Sabrina fairchild : I want to be near you .

  26. 无论何时你需要他们,他们总是在你身边。

    They were always there by you , whenever you needed them .

  27. 你的童年我不在你身边。

    I was out of the country for most of your childhood .

  28. 中国投资者将很快出现在你身边的金融市场上。

    Chinese investors are coming soon to a financial market near you .

  29. 你喜欢一个英雄的儿子在你身边。

    You liked having the son of a hero around .

  30. 死在你身边是一种非常神圣的方式

    To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die