
  1. 但是那些没有家人可以去依靠的人,那些可怜的灵魂,或者那些在需要帮助的时刻而没有爱人来帮助他们的人呢?

    What happens to those poor souls ? Or have no loved ones to help them in the hour of need . While , most learned to walk life through by themselves , but sad few of us simply stop trying .

  2. 海地人民是美国人民的邻居,这里就如同他们的家乡,所以在他们需要帮助的紧急时刻,我们要伸出援手。

    So we have to be there for them in their hour of need .

  3. 死亡是不可避免的,但我们可以提高寡妇的地位,在她们最需要帮助的时刻帮助她们,减轻她们的痛苦。

    Death is inevitable , but we can reduce the suffering that widows endure by raising their status and helping them in their hour of need .

  4. 此人原是汉密尔顿小姐,现为史密斯夫人,曾在安妮生平最需要帮助的时刻,向她表示了珍贵的友情。

    Miss Hamilton , now Mrs Smith , had shewn her kindness in one of those periods of her life when it had been most valuable .