
  • 网络in our time
  1. 海明威成功的基石:《在我们的时代里》

    The Cornerstone of Hemingway ′ s Success : In Our Time ;

  2. 他们在我们的时代里能够、必须、也必将达到更高水平。

    They can , and they must , and they will meet higher standards in our time .

  3. 他的父母不愿读他的第二本短篇小说集《在我们的时代里》(InOurTime),1925年,他在一封感人的信中对他们说:

    In a moving 1925 letter to his parents , who refused to read " In Our Time , " his second story collection , he writes :

  4. 首先,《在我们的时代里》鲜明地反映出海明威毕生创作之主题:战争、斗牛、暴力、死亡。

    First of all , In Our Time distinctly reflects Hemingway 's lifetime subject : war , bull - fighting , violence and death .

  5. 他的成功离不开他第一部成名作《在我们的时代里》,而国内外学者对这部短篇小说集却评之甚少,肯定不足。

    In Our Time is his first major book , but scholars in and abroad have paid little attention to these short stories without much affirmation .

  6. 在我们生活的时代里,由于新技术的发展,那些一度是人们基本需求的产品和服务顷刻之间可以被取代。

    We live in a world in which demand for once-essential products and services can be superseded in an instant as a result of new technological developments .

  7. 我们是如此的轻率,以至于在不属于我们的时代里游荡,却根本想不到那唯一属于我们的时代;

    So imprudent are we that we wander in the times which are not ours and do not think of the only one which belongs to us ;