
  • 网络Dutch police;Nederlandse politie
  1. 荷兰警察对新制服感到愤怒,因为上衣是透明的。

    Policewomen in the Netherlands were furious when they were issued with new uniforms including blouses which turned out to be transparent .

  2. 昨天荷兰警察和法院调查员对前嫌疑犯的院子进行了连续两天来的第二次搜索,他们怀疑警方可能领先一步。

    Dutch police and forensic investigators searched the yard of a one-time suspect for a second consecutive day yesterday , prompting suspicion that police may have a lead .

  3. 近日,荷兰女警察们对发放给她们的新衬衫抱怨连天,因为这款新警服太过透明,以至于能清楚地显露出她们穿在里面的胸罩。

    Women police officers in the Netherlands have complained about being issued with see-through blouses as part of their uniforms .