
hé yè biān
  • flounce;falbala;frill;scallop;scollop;rolling list
荷叶边[hé yè biān]
  1. 荷叶边带蝴蝶结睡鞋你可别打蝴蝶领结了!

    You 're not going to wear a bow tie .

  2. 给量的上衣的胸部由于荷叶边。

    The blouse gives volume to the chest due to the flounces .

  3. 米歇尔?奥巴马的白色衬衣在讲究修身的同时又点缀了巨大的荷叶边。

    Michelle Obama ` s white shirt was tight , with giant flounces .

  4. 埃斯特使着熨斗,把荷叶边上的一道道小皱纹熨平。

    Esther , wielding an iron , pressed out the wrinkles between the flounces .

  5. 饰以荷叶边领带,自由的风筝,但是也喜欢那。

    Flounce the kite of tie , freedom , but also was fond of the .

  6. 剪绒荷叶边仿麂皮人造丝手套

    Velvet ruffle trim sueded rayon gloves

  7. 衬裙和里裙均采用丝绸面料并带有荷叶边,由此形成展开的喇叭形。

    Lining and underskirts , both silk and trimmed with flounces , gave fullness to the dress .

  8. 小船上,两个男子两个女郎对坐在淡蓝布荷叶边平顶船篷下。

    On the boat , two couples seated face to face under the pale blue awning with flouncing .

  9. 这种类型的衬衫,我们不建议增加一个带自荷叶边已经留出足够的形状。

    With this type of blouse we don 't recommend adding a belt since the flounces already give it enough shape .

  10. 她开口唱出“少女”这个词的时候,烟雾也跟着变幻成为一位身着黄色荷叶边蓝裙的少女。

    She opened her mouth , singing the word " girl ," and the colors assumed the shape of a young lass in a blue dress with yellow frills .

  11. 裙状物象女式衬裙的物品,如装饰性的布边或荷叶边裙子、外衣或者大衣的底边沿。

    Something , such as a decorative valance or flounce , that resembles a woman 's underskirt . the line formed by the lower edge of a skirt or coat .

  12. 他注意到她那洁净的、镶上荷叶边的白晨衣,这衬托了她那满头的红发,而他对这些曾一度非常钦佩。

    He noticed her snowy , flouncy , white dressing gown , the kind she always favoured , since it tended to show off her red hair , which at one time he had so greatly admired .

  13. 这条被子有漂亮的荷叶饰边,而且绗缝活做得也很精致。

    The quilt has pretty , scalloped edges and intricate quilting .