
  1. 让你微笑的唇儿发一个誓,说我的歌声若何地消散踪在默然沉静沉静里,像一只在荷花里沉浸的蜜蜂。

    Let your smiling lips say on oath how my voice lost itself in silence like a drunken bee in the lotus .

  2. 难怪像是在荷花世界里一样。

    No wonder I feel as if this was a world of lotuses .

  3. 我们来找一找,荷花池里都有哪些色彩?

    Seeking it as hurriedly as I could , I came straight to a lotus pool .

  4. 她们向荷花淀里摇,最后,努力的一摇,小船窜进了荷花淀。

    They rowed for the creek and with one final effort drove their small craft in among the lotus .

  5. 蕴藉在荷花意象里的诗意笔墨&徐若鸿中国画评析

    The Poetry and Artistic Conception Contained in the Lotus Image & Comment and Analysis of Xu Beihong 's Chinese Painting

  6. 一天,一只老鹤站在荷花池里的浅水处,它那张长长的脸上一副沮丧的射神情。

    One day an old Crane stood in the shallows of a lotus pond with a very dejected look upon his long face .