
  • 网络unconscious state;oblivion
  1. 此外,为了改善这一方法,神经科学家正试图寻找意识的神经机制(neuralcorrelatesofconsciousness),即,人在从明显的意识知觉状态转变为明显无意识状态的过程中脑功能的改变。

    To improve on this method , neuroscientists are searching for what they call neural correlates of consciousness & changes in brain function as a person transitions from being apparently conscious to apparently unconscious .

  2. 此外,为了改善这一方法,神经科学家正试图寻找“意识的神经机制”(neuralcorrelatesofconsciousness),即,人在从明显的意识知觉状态转变为明显无意识状态的过程中脑功能的改变。

    To improve on this method , neuroscientists are searching for what they call neural correlates of consciousness - changes in brain function as a person transitions from being apparently conscious to apparently unconscious .

  3. 所以,并不是说精神分析的无意识状态就是真实。

    It 's not that the psychoanalytic unconscious is telling the truth .

  4. 我真遗憾自己处于无意识状态,没法清醒地享受那一切。

    I am just sorry I wasn 't conscious to enjoy it .

  5. 他发现,在无意识状态下做出的复杂决定似乎结果最好。

    He found that such complex decisions seem to be best made subconsciously .

  6. 我整日整夜都在无意识状态。

    I was not conscious of day and night .

  7. 在无意识状态下不加修饰地写出整个想法。

    Automatic writing without editing of the whole idea .

  8. 他们一旦进入无意识状态.他们的存在就消失在黑暗中

    As soon as they became unconscious their very existence faded away into darkness .

  9. 昏迷是无意识状态,病人眼睛关闭,不能被唤醒,彷佛就是睡著了。

    Coma is a state of unconsciousness in which the eyes are closed and the patient can 't be roused , as if simply asleep .

  10. 梦是心理活动在无意识状态下的一种特殊表现形式,它通常受潜意识的支配,但梦的全部内容都来源于客观现实。

    The dream , usually controlled by the subconscious , is a special form under the unconscious condition , but all its content stems from objective reality .

  11. 你愈偏离这共融之境,愈偏离「我的声音」,你就愈容易掉入无意识状态中。

    The more distracted you are from the communion , the more distracted you are from " my voice , " the more engaged you are in unconsciousness .

  12. 三是群体或种族在失根状态下,因被同化及精神本源的失却而凝积为一种隐蔽的社会无意识状态,我称之为种族流浪;

    Thirdly , the covert social unconsciousness , or Ethnic Vagrancy experienced by a rootless community or ethnic group due to assimilation or the loss of spiritual root .

  13. 随后,在一个阴沉萧索的二月,疾病封闭了我的眼睛和耳朵,重新将我抛进一个新生婴儿般的无意识状态。

    Then , in the dreary month of February , came the illness which closed my eyes and ears and plunged me into the unconsciousness of a new-born baby .

  14. 柳宗元认为人类社会是从无序无意识状态,由于某种需要而形成的有组织有制度的人类社会,而这种社会的形成及其发展是遵循势的历史观要求的。

    Only begin to think that human society is unconscious from a disordered state , due to a need to form a system of organized human society , and the formation and development of this society is follow the " potential " of history requirements .

  15. 在同一个村落生活范围内,蒙汉两个民族的民众在各自民族成员内部、民族之间所实践的有关民族文化的某些对话,往往具有发自内心并在无意识状态下真实的民族归属情感。

    In the same country boundary , these dialogues came out about life of people from the Mongolian and the Han Chinese often has been from inside and unconsciously and shows the emotion of real ethnic identity in their respective internal members or between ethnic groups .

  16. 是的,我觉知到无意识的状态。

    Yes , I am aware of being unconscious .

  17. 处在很深的、而且通常是持续的无意识的状态之中;不能对外界刺激作出反应。

    In a state of deep and usually prolonged unconsciousness ; unable to respond to external stimuli .

  18. 这是一种无意识的状态,是我们的本能,是高尚灵魂的驱使。

    This is an unconscious state , it is our instinct is driven by a noble soul .

  19. 不可以在,事物模型下,以及以唯物主义为主体的范式下考虑,意识和无意识的状态和过程。

    Conscious and non conscious mental states and processes cannot be conceived within the thing model and its paradigm of material bodies .

  20. 一个人死后,灵魂立即进入一个无意识昏睡状态直到基督使他死里复活。

    When people died , their souls immediately enter an unconscious , sleep-like state that lasts until Christ raises them from the dead .

  21. 醉酒后驾车发生交通事故,行为人在无意识的状态下离开现场,能否认定交通肇事后逃逸?这个问题可以从理论和实践两个方面加以考虑。

    Whether the fact that the drunken actor leaves the scene unconsciously after committing traffic offences can be regarded as hit-and-run or not should be considered practically and theoretically .

  22. 霎哈嘉瑜伽冥想的目标是达到无意识的觉醒状态。

    Sahaja meditation aims to create a state of " full or heightened mental alertness " .

  23. 由于持续不断在梦想层折磨人类物种无意识的无法状态,人类提升的启动已经被限制。

    Launching human ascension has been restrained due to the consistent lawlessness that plagues the unconscious of the human species in dreamtime .