
  • 网络astomia;lipostomy;Halter;absence of mouth
  1. Sjogren综合征(SS)好发于女性,由于较多患者早期症状不典型,可无口眼干燥、无腮腺肿大,往往导致漏诊误诊。

    Abstract Sjogren 's syndrome ( SS ) is more common in female . Being lack of dryness in mouth and eyes , parotid gland swelling in early stage of majority patients , SS would be misdiagnosed .

  2. 新型排水柔性接口铸铁管按其接口形式分为A型柔性接口和W型无承口管箍式两种。

    According to the interface type , the new-type drainage cast-iron pipe with flexible interface can be divided into two kinds , A-type flexible interface and W-type no-faucet pipe hoop .

  3. IVU检查结果显示人工输尿管的功能良好,无吻合口瘘,肾脏无明显积水。

    IVU showed good visualization of the reconstructed ureter , there were no anastomotic leakage or hydronephrosis found .

  4. 结果:Gambee氏单层吻合发生吻合口瘘1例(1126),发生率08%,无吻合口狭窄;

    Results One case occurred the leakage of anastomosis in Gambee 's anastomosis with sigle layer group ( 1 / 126 ); the occurrence rate was 0.8 % and no narrowness of anastomosis was found .

  5. 浅析无承口离心排水铸铁管的运用

    Discussions on the application of non-hub centrifugal cast iron pipe

  6. 行前切除术的40例无吻合口瘘发生。

    In 40 cases receiving anterior resection , no anastomotic stoma fistula occurred .

  7. 无吻合口漏、术后大出血、腹膜炎病例,随访疗效满意。

    No cases had anastomotic leakage , large amount of bleeding and peritonitis .

  8. 无扩口管路连接件疲劳寿命预估的损伤力学-有限元法

    Damage Mechanics-Finite Element Method for Fatigue Life Prediction of Flare-free Pipeline Connection Assemblies

  9. 全组无吻合口漏,无手术死亡。

    There were no operative death and anastomotic leakage .

  10. 无扩口导管预装成形技术

    Flare - free Pipe Pre - set Forming Technology

  11. 无尿道口狭窄、尿道阴道瘘等后遗症。

    No stricture on the peristome of urethra or urethrovaginal fistula was observed .

  12. 结果:行肿瘤切除一期结肠吻合22例,无吻合口瘘等严重的手术并发症;

    Results 22 cases received tumor resection and ⅰ stage colocolostomy without any complication .

  13. 结果无吻合口瘘。

    Results No fistula of anastomotic stoma appeared .

  14. 结果28例食管癌患者手术经过顺利,无吻合口漏,无吻合口狭窄和食管返流。

    Results The28 patients have not anastomotic leakage , anastomotic stenosis and esophageal reflux .

  15. 所有的患者均治愈出院,无吻合口漏、瘘的发生,无围手术期的死亡。

    All cases were cured and discharged without anastomotic leakage and death during perioperative period .

  16. 盆腔复发17%,无吻合口发。

    The local recurrence rate was17 % .

  17. 经半年以上随访及结肠气钡双对比造影、电子结肠镜复查证实无吻合口瘢痕性狭窄发生。

    Follow up studies by barium contrast enema and colonoscopy proved no stenosis of the anastomosis .

  18. 结果:12例患者全部达到一期愈合,术后无吻合口瘘发生。

    Results : All the patients healed by first intention and no anastomotic stoma fistula occured .

  19. 食管贲门癌器械吻合600例无吻合口瘘临床分析应用新型血管吻合夹吻合血管后的血流动力学实验研究

    Application of stapling device in carcinoma of esophagus and cardia without anastomotic leakage among 600 patients

  20. 三种流行的衩口类型是,单衩口,双衩口和无衩口。

    The three popular types of vents in suits are single vent , double vent and vent-less .

  21. 建议高炉推广无渣口冶炼的工艺流程。

    It was suggested that the technical process of ironmaking without slag hole in BF should be extended .

  22. 并对其适应症进行了讨论,本组25例行根治术加Ⅰ期吻合.无吻合口瘘发生。

    There was no anastomotic leakage took place in all the 25 patients who underwent radical resection plus I stage anastomosis .

  23. 85例采用改良连续缝合法,6例发生胆道并发症,但无吻合口狭窄。

    Improved continuous sutures were performed in 85 cases and biliary complications were identified in 6 cases with no anastomotic biliary stricture identified .

  24. 结果无吻合口瘘发生,随访83例无吻合口狭窄及术后返流发生。

    Results There was no anastomotic fistular in 97 cases followed-up and no anastomotic stricture and postoperative reflux in 83 cases followed up .

  25. 对11例女性原发性尿道癌采用全尿道切除膀胱壁瓣原位尿道重建术进行治疗,取得满意效果,经随访,术后无尿道口坏死退缩及狭窄。

    From 1967 to 1994,11 cases of primary female urethral carcinoma were treatment with radical resection and bladder flap urethra plastic procedure in our hospital .

  26. 通向隧道入口的长引导,在无交叉口时,应配有此类交通管制,且尽可能用于郊区隧道。

    Long approach roads to the tunnel portals , without junctions , would facilitate such traffic control and are more likely to exist with rural tunnels .

  27. 结果:40例中2例死于其他合并症或并存疾病,38例恢复顺利,无吻合口漏等严重并发症发生。

    Results : 2 cases of the 40 patients died of other complication or accompanied disease . The other 38 cases recovered smoothly , without junction leakage .

  28. 结果自1987年3月~1996年12月连续对772例贲门癌患者应用此方法,无吻合口瘘及近期吻合口狭窄。

    Results From March 1987 to December 1996 , 772 cases of cardiac carcinoma underwent surgical treatment with this method and no anastomotic leakage and stricture developed .

  29. 从1984年1月至1988年4月共手术切除140例,手术切除率达到87.5%,手术并发症率占2.85%,无吻合口痿和手术死亡。

    1984 to April , 1988 . The excision rate was 87.5 % , complication rate was 2.8 % , no death and anastomotic leakage was happened .

  30. 结果两组患者术后均无吻合口瘘发生,无手术死亡。指出术后吻合口瘘和吻合口狭窄是双吻合器手术的主要并发症;

    Results There was no anastomotic leakage or anastomotic stricture and the mortality was zero . Anastomotic leakage and stricture are two common complications follows low anastomosis with staplers .