
  • 网络aTTha garudhamma
  1. 随着佛教的入住中国,“八敬法”在具体宗教实践中必然遭遇于中国女性伦理而发生一定程度的改变。

    Buddhist " Eight precepts of reverence " encountered the Chinese female ethics when Buddhism arrived in China , which , to certain extent , changed the practice of Buddhist " Eight precepts of reverence " .

  2. 据我所知,法鼓山的僧团里,虽然比丘尼的戒律中涵盖了「八敬法」,但是圣严法师并未要求法鼓山的比丘尼,与比丘互动时必须遵守八敬法。

    Within the monastic Sangha of Dharma Drum mountain , I was told , while these eight precepts are included in the full precepts taken by bhikshunis , Master Sheng Yen does not require that bhikshunis follow them in their interactions with bhikshus .