
  • 网络Parasurama
  1. 持斧罗摩从哥卡拿开始掷斧头,它落入坎亚库马瑞。

    Parasurama threw his axe from gokarnam and it fell at kanyakumari .

  2. 国王卡塔瓦雅阿尔诸那派遣他的士兵去夺回他的牛,持斧罗摩杀了整队军队,以及持斧的国王。

    King Kaartaveerya-arjuna sent his soldiers to take he cow and parashurama killed the entire army and the king with his axe .

  3. 持斧罗摩罗摩,以一种英雄的姿态,装备有斧头,毗瑟奴为了僧侣阶层婆罗门的利益而毁坏刹帝利,或者武士阶层。

    Parasu-rama-rama with the axe-in the form of a hero , rama , armed with an axe , Vishnu destroys the ksatriyas , or warrior caste , in the interest of the priestly caste , the brahmins .