
tǔ dòu ní
  • mashed potato
  1. 请给我盛一勺土豆泥。

    Just one scoop of mashed potato for me , please .

  2. 两勺土豆泥

    two scoops of mashed potato

  3. 她用勺子舀着土豆泥,看上去很高兴。

    She was spooning mashed potatoes and looking happy .

  4. 一切看起来都很完美。我能尝到火鸡和土豆泥。

    Everything seemed perfect . I could taste turkey and mashed potatoes .

  5. pass:递过mashed:捣烂的,土豆泥Dan能把土豆泥递过来吗?

    Jenny : Hey , Dan , will you pass the mashed ? It 's over ... -

  6. 1.sausagen.香肠,腊�她喜欢香肠和土豆泥。

    She loves sausage and mash .

  7. 如今很多新加坡的7-Eleven便利店都配备了Maggie土豆泥自动售货机。

    Many 7-Eleven stores there now have Maggi mashed potato machines .

  8. 但得益于瑞士Maggie食品调料公司,你只需要把热水倒入一包土豆泥粉中,土豆泥就可轻松制作完成了。

    But thanks to Maggi , a Swiss food and condiment company , it can be as simple as just adding hot water to a packet of mashed potato powder .

  9. 尤其是炒蟹粉(stir-friedcrabmeat),俨然是餐饮艺术的杰作:它由土豆泥、胡萝卜以及蛋清加入姜丝爆炒而成,色香味俱浓。

    The crabmeat in particular is a wonder of culinary artifice : a rich tumble of mashed potato , carrot and egg white with ginger .

  10. 再来几块causa:一坨黄色的土豆泥,淋上包括橄榄奶油和生三文鱼在内的各种浇头(双人午餐售价600比索左右)。

    Add a couple of causas - dollops of mashed yellow potato topped with everything from olive cream to raw salmon ( lunch for two , around 600 pesos ) .

  11. 没有,没有……Phoebe要有洋葱和豌豆的土豆泥“马里奥”要有塔特酒口味的,这是我第一次搞感恩节大餐现在全焦了,……我……

    Nooooo , no , no ! Just as long as Phoebe gets her peas and onions , and Mario gets his tots , and it 's my first Thanksgiving , and it 's all burned , and , and I. .. I. ..

  12. 这些不靠谱的表演中包括裸体气球舞男,吃土豆泥的鹦鹉和一个名叫TheBurper的不知所谓的男人。

    Acts include a quartet of male balloon dancers , a parrot who eats mashed potato and man known simply as The Burper .

  13. 有土豆泥、煮土豆,还有烤土豆。

    There 's either mashed , boiled , or baked potatoes .

  14. 土豆泥简直是无与伦比。

    However , the mashed potato side dish is beyond compare .

  15. 我要一份碎肉汉堡加土豆泥。

    I 'd like meatloaf and mashed potatoes , please .

  16. 你能教我怎么做土豆泥吗?

    Can you show me how to make mashed potatoes ?

  17. 将黄油直接放入土豆泥中,趁热拌匀。

    Add butter into mashed potato and mix when it is hot .

  18. 你们两位喜欢土豆泥吗?

    And will mashed potatoes be all right for both of you ?

  19. 鱼片和土豆泥做成球或饼,然后油炸而成。

    A fried ball or patty of flaked fish and mashed potatoes .

  20. 我想土豆泥对我来说就很好。

    I think mashed potatoes would be OK for me .

  21. 有谁关心过我要哪种土豆泥吗?

    Does anybody care what kind of potatoes I want ?

  22. 你会弄成块的土豆泥给我吃吗?

    Ross : Will you make the mashed potatoes with the lumps ?

  23. 杰克别把土豆泥都吃完了。

    Jack , don 't take all the mashed potatoes .

  24. 劳驾,请问你们有土豆泥吗?

    Excuse me ! Do you have the mashed potato ?

  25. 我想我不大爱吃面包加土豆泥。

    I 'm afraid I don 't like bread with potato ketchup .

  26. 鸡蛋土豆泥被制成螺旋形后再进行烹饪。

    Duchess potatoes are piped into spiral shape and cooked .

  27. 做土豆泥本是费时又费力的事。

    Making mashed potato is a long , laborious process .

  28. 肉馅饼土豆泥和桃子派

    Meat loaf , mashed potatoes and peach cobbler .

  29. 我要到对面去看看那些土豆泥。

    I 'm gonna go across the hall to check on the yams .

  30. 我想要一些土豆泥配香肠。

    I fancy some mashed potatoes with these sausages .