
jìnɡ mài yán
  • phlebitis;phlebophlogosis
  1. 结果:Ⅰ度静脉炎的治愈率A组为91.49%,B组25.0%;

    Results : The curative rate of phlebitis in first degree was 91.49 % ( 25.0 % in the control group ) .

  2. 但NP组静脉炎发生率(25%)明显高于GP组(0)(P<0.01)。

    The incidence rate of phlebitis in NP group was 25 % .

  3. 伴有寒战的高热,暗示合并门静脉炎

    High spiking fever with chills is suggestive of a complicating pylephlebitis .

  4. 结论将七叶皂苷钠输液用溶液pH值调整至7.4左右,可以显著减少静脉炎的发生。

    Conclusion The adjustment of pH value of the intravenous injection of Sodium Aescinate to 7.4 could significantly reduce the incidence of phlebitis .

  5. 静注5-Fu引起静脉炎临床观察

    Clinical observation of phlebitis caused by intravenous injection of 5-fluorouracil

  6. 但两组患者静脉炎严重程度及静脉疼痛严重程度,无显著差异(P0.05)。

    While the severity of Phlebitis and vein Pain between the grouPs had no statistical significance ( P0.05 ) . 3 .

  7. A组消化道反应、脱发、口腔溃疡、局部静脉炎发生率低于B组(P<0.01)。

    The side effects of Group A such as gastrointestinal toxicity , alopecia , oral ulcer and phlebitis were lower than thoses of Group B ( P < 0.01 ) .

  8. 水胶体敷料防治PICC置管致机械性静脉炎的效果

    Effect of Water-colloid Dressing on Mechanical Phlebitis Induced by PICC Catheterization

  9. 结果:PICC置管途径给药无静脉炎及药液外渗;

    Results Patients with PICC had no phlebitis and physic liquor exosmosis .

  10. PICC后机械性静脉炎的预防

    Prevention of mechanical phlebitis of patients after underwent PICC

  11. NEC组的末梢神经炎和局部静脉炎稍高于IEC组。

    Peripheral neuritis and phlebitis in NEC group were more often than that in IEC group .

  12. 不同敷料应用于肿瘤患者PICC置管后静脉炎的临床观察

    The Clinical Observation of Two Dressing Applied to Cancer Patients with Phlebitis Caused by PICC Intubation

  13. 目的探讨三向瓣膜式PICC导管置管术对预防诺维本化疗所致静脉炎的效果。

    Objective To study the effects of inserted PICC tube in preventing phlebitis caused by navebine .

  14. 自制制剂加TDP治疗PICC致机械性静脉炎效果观察

    Clinical Observation on the Effect of Home-made Agent plus TDP on the PICC-caused Mechanical Phlebitis

  15. 主要毒性反应为静脉炎,其次是轻度的胃肠道反应,MTD为500mL·d-1。

    The major adverse reaction were phlebitis and mild gastrointestinal reaction .

  16. 肝素盐水有效降低PICC插管后静脉炎发生的临床研究

    Clinical Study of the Influence of Dipping PICC Tubes in the Heparin Saline on Decreasing Phlebitis after PICC

  17. 目的探讨三向瓣膜式PICC管经肝素盐水浸泡后再置管,对静脉炎发生的影响。

    Objective To probe the influence of dipping PICC tube in heparin saline on the occurring of Phlebitis .

  18. 增强型透明贴防治PICC置管术所致机械性静脉炎的临床观察

    Clinical observation of enhancement type of transparent sticking strip to prevent and treat patients with mechanical phlebitis induced by PICC

  19. NP组静脉炎及胃肠道反应较GP组重(31.4%vs6.1%和57.1%vs45.5%)。

    Phlebitis ( 31.4 % vs 6.1 % ) and nausea / vomiting ( 57.1 % vs 45.5 % ) were more severe in group NP .

  20. 在实施PDCA循环管理基础上使用药物干预能进一步降低化疗性静脉炎的发生率。

    Based on the PDCA cycle , the incidence of chemotherapy induced phlebitis can be further reduced by the using of drug intervention .

  21. 肛管或腹部湿热敷可有效缓解腹胀。联合药物湿热敷治疗PICC所致静脉炎疗效观察

    A rectal tube or moist heat on the abdomen may be effective in relieving distention . Iodophors , Bactroban and Dexamethasone for PICC-induced Phlebitis

  22. PICC置管途径给药无静脉炎及药液外渗;纺织基人造血管管壁水渗透性和孔径分布研究

    Results Patients with PICC had no phlebitis and physic liquor exosmosis . Study of Textile Artificial Vessel Wall Water Permeability and Pore Diameter Distribution

  23. 结果A组静脉炎、导管堵塞、导管脱出、静脉血栓形成发生率明显高于B组,B组导管相关感染,导管断裂发生率高于A组。

    Results The incidence of phlebitis , catheter blockage , catheter exfoliation 、 venous thrombosis in group A was higher than that in group B , the incidence of catheter correlation infection 、 catheter break in group B was higher than that in group A.

  24. 稳恒0.2T磁场对白兔化疗性静脉炎的影响

    Effect of 0.2T Constant Magnetic Fields on Chemotherapeutic Phlebitis in White Rabbits

  25. [结论]采用康惠尔增强型透明贴贴敷,可防治甘露醇引起的静脉炎,其防治静脉炎的作用机制可能与其抑制ICAM-1和VEGF的升高有关。

    Conclusion : Comfeel plus transparent dressing could prevent and cure manicol induced phlebitis . The mechanism of it possibly is that Comfeel plus transparent dressing can inhibit the expressions of ICAM-1 and VEGF .

  26. 目的观察湿热敷预防PICC致机械性静脉炎的效果。

    Objective To observe the effect preventing mechanicalness phlebitis that have caused by peripherally inserted central catheter ( PICC ) by the way of hydropathic and hot compress .

  27. 通过实施PDCA循环后,能提高化疗护理质量,降低化疗性静脉炎的发生率。

    After the application of PDCA cycle , the quality management of chemotherapy care can be improved and incidence of chemotherapy induced phlebitis can be reduced . 3 .

  28. 异长春花碱(NVB)是长春碱类的化疗新药,由于强烈的局部刺激作用,易导致静脉炎。

    Navelbine ( NVB ) is a new chemotherapeutic drug , having a strong local stimulation and apt to cause the phlebitis .

  29. Ⅱ度静脉炎的治愈率C组为83.87%,DD组58.62%,各度两组比较均有显著性差异(P<0.05);

    The curative rate of phlebitis in second degree was 83.87 % ( 58.62 % in the control group ) . There was significant difference in the comparison of each degree of the two groups ( P < 0.05 ) .

  30. 23例为继发性BCS,分别继发于肝细胞癌(21例)、右肾上腺癌(1例)或血栓性静脉炎(1例)。

    In 23 cases , BCS was secondary to hepatocellular carcinoma ( 21 patients ) or right adrenal carcinoma ( 1 patient ) or thrombophlebitis ( 1 patient ) .