
  • 网络scientific logic;The Logic of Science
  1. 科学评价问题是科学逻辑的核心。

    Evaluating theory is a key problem of logic of science .

  2. 皮尔士对于科学的逻辑学有着集中思考,并将科学逻辑作为其全部哲学的基础。

    C.S.Peirce reflected much upon the logic of science , which can be regarded as the foundation of his entire philosophy .

  3. 科学逻辑的知识创新功能试析

    Analyses into the Functions of Knowledge Innovation of Scientific Logic

  4. 从科学逻辑的角度看,科学知识创新是指科学知识的增长。

    Viewed from scientific logic , the knowledge innovation means the knowledge growth .

  5. 论科学逻辑在行政决策中的应用

    On the Application of Scientific Logic in administration Decision

  6. 经济科学逻辑论纲

    SCIENCE On the Program of Economic Scientific Logic

  7. 西方美学范畴在内涵上具有确定性、变异性和科学逻辑的学理性等特质。

    We find that western aesthetic categories are featured in determinacy , variability , and scientific logical reasoning .

  8. 本文就科学逻辑在行政决策中的应用问题进行了一些探讨和研究。

    This article on the scientific logic of the decision-making in the application of a number of exploration and study .

  9. 本文考察了科学逻辑方法在创造性思维活动中的运用,这三种科学逻辑方法是反向求索法、发散求异法和模型类比法。

    This paper investigates the applications of the logic methodology to creative thinking activities . The three logical methods are reversed search , diverging search and model analogy .

  10. 说明就科学逻辑在行政决策中的应用问题进行了一些探讨,科学逻辑作为一门思维科学,在行政决策过程中的作用。

    This paper illustrates the functions of science logic in the process of administrative decision as a thought science by discussing the problems of its application in administration decision .

  11. 研究性数学主要注重科学逻辑的序,而教育性数学则注重科学逻辑的序与认知心理的序之间的完美结合,后者即教育数学。

    Research mathematics emphasizes the sequence of scientific logic ; while educational mathematics , which also refers to education mathematics , stresses the perfect combination between the sequence of scientific logic and the sequence of cognitive psychology .

  12. SSK的工作在一定意义上意味着科学从逻辑实证主义的象牙塔中解放出来,使科学哲学的研究走向科学实践、从宏观的叙事走向经验案例的利益、地域文化与性别的分析。

    The work of SSK predicates that science has been liberated from the tower of ivory of logical positivism and scientific philosophy research trends to scientific practice , macroscopical narration moves forward to the analysis of experienced cases interests and regional culture and sexuality .

  13. 这独立于事实、科学、逻辑或常识。

    independent of facts or science or logic or common sense .

  14. 化学教学中的科学归纳逻辑

    The Logic Method of Summing up scientifically in Chemical Teaching

  15. 人天科学的逻辑结构与类比方法

    The Logic Structure and Analogy Method of Human-Nature Science

  16. 应采用科学的逻辑思辨,建立现阶段集合性警务模式体系。

    We Should adopt scientific logic ponderation to establish the present assembled policing model system .

  17. 科学的逻辑和评价

    The Logic and Appraisal of Science

  18. 米兰达坚信科学和逻辑学会解开这一瘟疫之谜。

    Miranda holds the belief that science and logic will unlock the mysteries of the plague .

  19. 高等学校战略管理过程分析。论述了高等学校战略管理过程是一个科学的逻辑过程,该过程主要包括战略分析、战略选择、战略实施、战略控制四个部分。

    Chapter Two concludes strategic analysis , strategic choice , strategy implementation and strategic evaluation and control .

  20. 它没有一个名正言顺的位置,没有自己的科学化逻辑与依据;

    It has not a deserved position , and has not its own scientific logic and basis .

  21. 重视科学的逻辑,忽视科学赖以产生和发展的人文背景。

    The value science logic , the neglect science depends by produces with the development humanities background .

  22. 计算机科学的逻辑基础

    Logical foundation of Computer Science

  23. 科学、逻辑且先进的中国民法典也应当采取这样的体系。

    A real modern , logical and scientific Chinese civil code should also adopt such a statutory framework .

  24. 因此,严谨的临床思维方式和科学的逻辑思维方式,是每位急诊医生必需的训练。

    So , every emergency doctor should practice to build up rigorous clinical thinking style and scientific logical thinking style .

  25. 建筑策划是为总体规划立项之后的建筑设计提供科学而逻辑的设计依据。

    Since architectural programming provides scientific and logical basis for design after the overall plan , cultural conception should be established .

  26. 他们把自己的认识论叫做“发现的逻辑”、“研究的逻辑”、“科学的逻辑”;

    Both of them concentrate their attention on the logic of discovery , or logic of inquiry , or logic of science .

  27. 要建立科学的逻辑教学体系,最根本的就是要在教材体系体现正确的逻辑观。

    To set up the scientific teaching system , it is most essential to embody right logic viewpoints in teaching material system .

  28. 构建军队政工创新体系应采用科学的逻辑与历史相统一的方法。

    Methods combined scientific logic with historic experiences should be used in the formulating the innovation system of political work in the army .

  29. 民事救济措施还是应该根据民法科学的逻辑结构与民法请求权的思维方式来进行。

    Measures of civil remedy should be involved according to the logical structure of civil science and the scientific way of thinking of civil claims .

  30. 现在谈一下科学与逻辑教育。像我之前所说,科学与逻辑教育中也存在着惰化思想,这些不经应用的思想有害无益。

    Passing now to the scientific and logical side of education , we remember that here also ideas which are not utilised are positively harmful .