
  • 网络agent service;Intermediary service
  1. 重庆市技术创新中介服务体系问题及对策研究

    Study on the Problems and Countermeasures in the Intermediary Agent Service System for Technological Innovation in Chongqing

  2. 亚洲一流体育中心城市应是至少具有亚洲范围内的体育竞赛表演、体育中介服务、体育人才和物流集散、体育投融资、体育休闲服务、体育传媒和体育文化交流功能的中心城市之一。

    The services such as : sports competition , sports agent service , exchange of person and material associated with sports , sports financing , sports entertainment service , sports dissemination and cultural exchange , etc , should be available in the top sports center .

  3. 随着加入WTO和市场经济的进一步完善,必须尽快建立和完善我国的科技中介服务体系。

    So we must create and improve the technology intermediate service system as soon as possible .

  4. 武汉市科技中介服务业可持续发展的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis on the Sustainable Development of Wuhan Technological Intermediary Service Industry

  5. JDBC数据中介服务提供了一个元数据API来指定这种对象到关系映射。

    The JDBC Data Mediator Service provides a metadata API to specify this object-to-relational mapping .

  6. 文章对我国加入WTO后中介服务行业形势进行了分析,讨论了其面临的挑战和机遇,提出了应对措施。

    This article analyzed the situation after we entered the WTO , discussed the challenge and opportunity , put forward the dealing measure .

  7. 传输服务、事件服务和中介服务都是通过ESB提供的。

    Transport services , event services , and mediation services are provided through the ESB .

  8. 提出了改进的服务描述、查找和集成过程,利用基于合同网的交互协议规范的服务提供方、中介服务和服务用户3方协作,实现了面向服务质量的交互式Web服务选择。

    Subsequently , improved service universal description , discovery and integration process with QoS considerations were proposed . QoS oriented interactive Web service selection was realized through the contract-net-based collaboration of service consumer , service provider and service broker .

  9. 至此,您应该对JDBC数据中介服务元数据了然于胸了,并且清楚地知道如何使用这种元数据来形成结果SDO数据图。

    By now , you should be fairly comfortable with the JDBC Data Mediator Service metadata and how it is used to shape the resulting SDO data graph .

  10. 会议口译另外一个重要的工作来源就是高端中介服务行业,比如说国际性公关公司与专业会议组织者(PCO)。

    A more significant source of work for conference interpreters is the higher-end intermediation service , like international PR companies and PCOs .

  11. 到现在为止,我们讨论了如何编写JDBC数据中介服务代码来执行一些基本选择查询和更高级的查询(涉及过滤器和数据库中的多个表)。

    Thus far , we discussed how to write your JDBC Data Mediator Service code to perform some basic select queries and more advanced queries involving filters and multiple tables against a database .

  12. 这些技术不是每个应用程序的最佳体系结构,所以在决定何时将SDO和JDBC数据中介服务用于应用程序时一定要慎重。

    These technologies are not the best architectural choice for every application , so take care when making the decision to use SDOs and the JDBC Data Mediator Service in your application .

  13. 数据中介服务(DMS)负责从数据源创建数据图、依据数据图的变化更新数据源。

    Data mediators services ( DMSs ) are responsible for creating a data graph from data source ( s ), and updating data source ( s ) based on changes made to a data graph .

  14. 本章先对中国银行业进行概述,之后选择商业银行作为编制银行业SPPI的蓝本,论述了商业银行金融中介服务SPPI的编制过程。

    This chapter first on Chinese banking carding select commercial banks as a blueprint ; discusses financial intermediary service of commercial banks .

  15. SDO提供了通过ChangeSummary跟踪对数据对象的更改的能力,而JDBC数据中介服务允许指定OCC列来管理更新中的数据冲突。

    SDO provides the ability to track changes to data objects using a ChangeSummary , and the JDBC Data Mediator Service allows the specification of an OCC column to manage data collisions on updates .

  16. 其中包括:员工在家照料新生婴儿前三个月的外卖食物津贴;一对一咨询,帮助员工寻找托儿所;保姆中介服务的折扣价和全美各地BrightHorizons儿童保育中心的优先入学权。

    Among them : a stipend for takeout meals during the first three months parents are home with a new baby , one-on-one consultations to help parents in their child care search , discounts for nanny placement services and priority access at Bright Horizons child care centers across the country .

  17. 农产品营销中介服务平台整合建设研究

    Studying Integrative Building of Marketing Agency Service Platform of Agricultural Products

  18. 电子商务对中介服务业影响思考

    Thoughts about the E - commerce Influence on the Agency Industry

  19. 高校科技中介服务体系构建

    The Construction of the Science and Technology Agents System in Universities

  20. 关于政府人才市场中人才中介服务的研究

    A Study of Human Resources Consulting Services in Government Employment Market

  21. 广东市场中介服务业的产业关联特点及发展思考

    A study on industrial relevancy of market intermediary service industries of Guangdong

  22. 推动中小城市科技中介服务产业化的思考

    Considerations about Promoting the Industrialization of Minor Cities ' Sci-tech Intermediate Service

  23. 中介服务能力不足;加强农村金融服务提高农业综合生产能力

    Strengthening the Rural Finance Service and Improving the Agricultural Comprehensive Productive Forces

  24. 专业中介服务机构虚假陈述民事责任研究

    On Civil Liability of False Statement of Professional Service Agency

  25. 体育中介服务业的市场准入研究

    Research on Market Access of the Intermediary Service of Sports

  26. 广州健全社会中介服务体系与市场信用制度的研究

    Research on Perfecting Intermediary Service System and Market Credit System of Guangzhou

  27. 科技中介服务机构核心员工薪酬体系的设计

    Compensation System Design for Core Employees in Science Service Agencies

  28. 我国房地产中介服务业发展探究

    On the Development of Estate Intermediary Service Industry in China

  29. 我国个人信用制度存在的问题有:信用中介服务的市场化程度很低;

    These problems includes : low degree of marketization of credit intermediary services ;

  30. 发展房地产中介服务业的制度建设研究

    On the Institutional Improvement of Developing the Intermediary Service Trade of Real Estate