
zhōnɡ děnɡ jiào yù
  • secondary education;secondary-school education
中等教育 [zhōng děng jiào yù]
  • [secondary school education] 在初等教育与高等教育之间的一种教育,分普通、技术、职业中学或大学预科等

  1. 大多数学生至少参加5门普通中等教育证书考试。

    Most of the students sit at least 5 GCSEs .

  2. 他在学习普通中等教育证书的德语课程。

    He 's doing German at GCSE .

  3. 她已获得10门学科的普通中等教育证书。

    She 's got 10 GCSEs .

  4. 她一拿到普通中等教育证书后就没再上学了。

    She quit school as soon as she had taken her GCSEs .

  5. 我读中学六年级的时候有一年的时间可以重新参加普通中等教育证书考试。

    I had one year in the sixth form to retake my GCSEs .

  6. 在接受中等教育约5年后便可参加普通中等教育证书的考试。

    Examinations for the GCSE are taken after about five years of secondary education .

  7. 中等教育的大幅扩张正对该系统造成巨大压力。

    The vast expansion in secondary education is putting an enormous strain on the system .

  8. 今年,英国有大约3710名学生参加了普通中等教育证书(GCSE)中文考试,157699名学生参加了GCSE法语考试,54037名学生参加了GCSE德语考试。

    Some 3710 pupils in the UK took the GCSE Chinese exam this year while 157699 sat GCSE French and 54037 took German .

  9. 而STW课程则呈现的是三大整合的特征:学校本位学习与工作本位学习的整合、学术学习与职业学习的整合以及中等教育与高中后教育的整合。

    And the STW curriculum is characterized by the integration of school-based learning with work-based learning , the academic learning with vocational learning , and the secondary education with post-secondary education .

  10. 自该校13年前刚刚成立起,汉语就是11岁到13岁学生的必修课程,此外,今年该校有70名学生在英国普通中等教育证书(GCSE)考试中选择了汉语科目。

    From when the school first opened 13 years ago , Mandarin has been compulsory for 11 to 13 year-olds , and 70 pupils took the subject for GCSE this year .

  11. 我15岁的女儿不愿为拿到英国普通中等教育证书(GCSE)而努力学习,称自己把时间花在穿着打扮上更有意义,为的是与她那个讨人喜欢、勤奋、上私立学校的有钱男友约会。

    My 15-year-old is disinclined to work for her GCSEs , saying her time is better spent preening herself in preparation for assignations with her delightful , diligent , privately educated , moneyed boyfriend .

  12. 三重教育取决于中等教育中的选择教育。

    Tertiary education depends on the education chosen in secondary education .

  13. 中等教育专业,主修英语教学。

    So it 's second education , specializing in teaching english .

  14. 教师在肯尼亚中等教育体系中占有重要地位。

    Teachers occupy important positions in the secondary education system in Kenya .

  15. 其中存在化学课程的是中等教育和高等教育。

    There is the chemistry course education and higher education is medium .

  16. 16岁时,学生要参加全国统一考试,称为“普通中等教育证书”考试。

    At 16 , students take national examinations called GCSE 's.

  17. 中等教育包括文法学校,职校以及艺术类学校。

    Secondary education comprises grammar schools , vocational schools and art schools .

  18. 撒哈拉以南非洲中等教育发展的滞后与复兴策略

    The Lag of Secondary Education in SSA and the Strategies for Renewal

  19. 我们的宗旨是让所有儿童完成中等教育。

    Our aim is that all children complete secondary education .

  20. 中等教育从7年级开始,在10年级之后结束。

    Start secondary education in seventh grade and end it after tenth .

  21. 关于我国普通中等教育现状和对策的思考

    Present State of General Secondary Education and Its Solutions

  22. 国际中等教育面临新挑战:实现教育与就业的有效连接

    The New Challenges International Secondary Education Faces : Connecting Education with Employment Effectively

  23. 许多英国学校的海外分支通常也提供国际普通中等教育证书。

    Many of the overseas branches of British schools also commonly offer the IGCSE .

  24. 技工学校也是中等教育的一种形式。

    Technical workers'schools , like vocational schools , are a form of secondary education .

  25. 英国中等教育普通证书考试及特点研究

    A Study on the General Certificate of Secondary Education and Its Characteristics in England

  26. 提出的改革包括把18岁以下的中等教育变为义务教育。

    The proposed reforms include making secondary education compulsory up to the age of18 .

  27. 为了拿到普通中等教育证书,我将考六门课。

    I 'm taking six subjects for gcse .

  28. 国际教育协作研究协会全国中等教育工作者协会

    International Association for the Study of Cooperation in Education National Association of Middle School Educators

  29. 初等和中等教育属公立教育,是免费和义务的。

    Elementary and secondary education , which fomp3s public education , is free and compulsory .

  30. 许多学生在拿到普通中等教育证书后便离校了。

    Many children leave school after gcse .