
  • 网络Colorado College
  1. 对于影响一国奥运表现的各种因素,科罗拉多学院(ColoradoCollege)的丹尼尔约翰逊(DanielJohnson)是进行了相关研究的经济学家之一。他发现,主办奥运会的效益并不是一次性的。

    One of the economists who have studied the factors that effect nations ' Olympic performance , Daniel Johnson of Colorado College , found that the benefits of hosting are not one-offs .

  2. 举个例子来说,我毕业于科罗拉多学院,这个小型的文科学院尽管还算受人青睐,但绝对不能望斯坦福大学的项背。

    For example , I graduated from Colorado College , a small liberal arts institution that is admired but , needless to say , is no Stanford .

  3. 大学的功能在于引导学生去创造多彩而眩目的生活,从这个角度来看,科罗拉多学院在这个时期并不比哥伦比亚大学或康奈尔大学或其他长春藤联盟大学逊色。

    In terms of students who went on to interesting or prominent lives , Colorado College may have done just as well in this period as Columbia or Cornell or any other Gotta-Get-In destination .

  4. 科罗拉多矿业学院(ColoradoSchoolofMines)的毕业生也非常抢手。

    Graduates from the Colorado School of Mines are getting snatched up too .

  5. 科罗拉多大学法学院的院长决定我从下个秋季学期起就不能去上课了,我的分数太低了。

    The dean of the University of Colorado School of Law decided that I couldn 't return to classes next fall because my grades were too low .

  6. 美国科罗拉多丹佛商业学院开展的一项研究发现,长得漂亮的女性在应聘需要一点“男性气质”的工作时会比较吃亏。

    Good looks can slay a woman 's chances of snaring jobs considered " manly ," along to a learn along the University of Colorado Denver Business School .

  7. 美国科罗拉多丹佛商业学院开展的一项研究发现,长得漂亮的女性在应聘需要一点“男性气质”的工作时会比较吃亏。此外,安全总管、硬件销售人员、监狱看守和拖车司机等职位也不青睐长得漂亮的女性。

    Too hot to be an engineer or prison guard ? Good looks can kill a woman 's chances of snaring jobs considered " masculine , " according to a study by the University of Colorado Denver Business School .

  8. 其中一名研究人员是VinitDesai,科罗拉多大学丹佛商学院助理教授。

    One of the researchers was Vinit Desai , an assistant professor at the University of Colorado Denver Business School .

  9. 2008年5月28日,美国总统布什在科罗拉多州出席空军学院毕业典礼。

    On28 May2008 , the President of USA , Bush , attended the graduation ceremony of Air Force Institute in Colorado .