
kē xué ɡònɡ tónɡ tǐ
  • scientific community
  1. 科学共同体的伦理精神

    On the Ethical Spirit of the Scientific Community

  2. 具有不同范式的科学共同体以不同的方式理解和解释着自然界,这就是科学本质特征。

    Different models of scientific community understand and explain the nature in different ways .

  3. 论人文社会科学共同体的基本特征

    On the Character of the Community of Human and Social Science

  4. 默顿规范是否为科学共同体所独有;

    Whether these norms peculiar owned by the science ;

  5. 大力培育和推进科学共同体的奖励活动

    Fostering the Award Activities inside me Science Community

  6. 这是科学共同体扩大应用的重要一步。

    This is an important step that has broad implications for the scientific community .

  7. 本文的第二部分将论述建构学习型的科学共同体的基本建构框架。

    The second part of this article discussed the basic building framework of building learning scientific community .

  8. 科学共同体的内部自我纠错机制未必能够确保纠错成功;

    In the scientific community , error correction mechanism is not necessarily able to correct every error .

  9. 对于归纳所得结论的或然性问题,应通过科学共同体的科学实践去解决。

    The probable conclusion induced by inductive method should be examined by practice of the science community .

  10. 科学共同体的发展与民国时期科学教育(1912年-1937年)

    The Development of Scientific Communities and Science Education during the Republic of China Period ( 1912-1937 )

  11. 历史学派虽然考虑到了实践,但他们所理解的实践只是个人或科学共同体的无政府行为。

    The historical school believes practice but it attributes practice to the anarchical behaviour of individual or scientific community .

  12. 它作为近代中国第一个真正意义上的科学共同体,为科学的体制化作了大量的前期工作,成为体制化探索过程中的重要里程碑。

    As the first scientific community in modern China , it did a lot of preparative for scientific institutionalization .

  13. 实现范式转变的根本因素是科学共同体知识观的改变。

    Changing the view of knowledge in the scientific community is the key to realizing the shift of paradigm .

  14. 科学共同体是科学家的特定集团,是现代科学活动的主体。

    Scientific community is scientist 's special group , which is the main body of scientific activity in contemporary age .

  15. 如果某位成员违背了规范,就很有可能被逐出科学共同体。

    If a member contradicts the norms , he / she is likely to be expelled from the scientific community .

  16. 最后,它可创造开放的伦理道德氛围,为科学共同体的发展赢得社会的大力支持。

    Last , it can form a highly-opened moral atmosphere , which wins strong supports for scientific community from the society .

  17. 老一代卫道士控制着科学共同体,用它来传播他们对付青年反叛分子的宣传战。

    The old guard controls the establishment and will use it to disseminate propaganda in their war against the young rebels .

  18. 在当今科技异化的现实背景下,科学共同体已日益与伦理相联系,具有伦理的特性和功能。

    Under the background of dissimilation of science and technology , the scientific community has come to be related to ethics .

  19. 每一个新发现,每一个新理论,在被接受之前,都必须经过科学共同体严格的认可考验。

    Every new discovery , every theory is required to pass rigorous tests of approval by the scientific community before it is accepted .

  20. 其次,它可维持科学共同体的内部秩序,为科学共同体的发展创造良好的内部条件;

    Secondly , it can maintain the internal order of scientific community , which offers good internal conditions for the development of scientific community .

  21. 再次,它可协调科学共同体的社会关系,为科学共同体的发展营造和谐的外部环境;

    Thirdly , it can harmonize the social relations of scientific community , which builds harmonious external environment for the development of scientific community .

  22. 加强科学共同体的科技奖励活动,是改进、完善我国科技奖励制度的一项重要内容。

    Strengthening the award activities of science community is significant to the improvement and perfection of the national system of science and technology awards .

  23. 范式和规范的特征表现在科学共同体、科学制度与价值和文化三个方面。

    The characteristics of paradigm and norms showed mainly on three aspects of the scientific community , the system of science , and values and culture .

  24. 综合研究的建立首先依赖于人地系统范型和科学共同体,在此基础上形成自上至下综合研究体系。

    The synthetic study depends on the paradigm and the science community of human earth system , and finally forms a synthetic study system from upper to downer .

  25. 性格乖戾、脾气暴躁、异乎寻常的名利和权力欲望使斯塔克不能见容于科学共同体。

    Stark , who was known as behavior perversely , irascible temper , unusually eager for fame , interests and power , was rejected by the scientific community .

  26. 作为在科学共同体之外从事所谓科学活动的特殊群体,他们并不等同于一般意义上的业余科学爱好者。

    But as a special group devoted to the so-called scientific activities outside of the science community , they are different from amateur scientists ( or science amateurs ) .

  27. 科技伦理思想作为一种实践精神,对科学家的实践活动具有极大的指导作用,并促进科学共同体的发展。

    As a practical spirit , ethical ideology of science and technology plays a leading role in scientists ' practice activities , and promotes the development of scientific community .

  28. 科学共同体分层与科技人员流动观的差异科学的社会建制经历了小科学和大科学两种不同的社会建制。

    The Stratification of Scientific Community and the Differences of Scientific Personnel Mobility Views ; Science organizational system has gone through two different patters from small science to bi science .

  29. 科学共同体的怀疑并不是因为过于保守,而是因为这些相关的理论不能够提供实验能够验证的具有说服力的证据。赵说。

    Zhao says the scepticism of the scientific community is not because they are too conservative , but because the theories involved cannot offer persuasive evidence , testable by experiment .

  30. 从科学共同体的体制创新与科学发展的互动关系出发,分析了共同体的体制构成及其体制创新的一般过程。

    This paper , starting from the interdynamic relations between regime innovation and scientific development of science community , analyzes the regime structure of science community and the general process of the regime innovation .