
  • 网络skepticism;skeptical
  1. 为寻求真理,必须保持一种科学的怀疑精神。

    In searching after truth , a scientific skepticism must be maintained .

  2. 试论科学中的非理性因素与怀疑精神&评休谟问题及其影响

    On Irrational Factors of Science and Skepticism & " Hume Problem " and It 's Influence

  3. 英国财务报告理事会(financialreportingcouncil)首先指出,对于什么才是专业怀疑精神,审计师的认识很混乱。

    The Financial Reporting Council will today suggest that there is too much confusion among auditors about what actually constitutes professional scepticism , for a start .

  4. 在苏格拉底的生死之间包含着一种召唤,唤起人聪慧的怀疑精神。

    In Socrates'life and death lay an invitation to intelligent scepticism .

  5. 弘扬怀疑精神,培养创新人才

    Promoting the Spirit of Scepticism and Cultivating Innovative Talents

  6. 我的灵感来自于更重视怀疑精神和经验主义的欧洲思想家。

    I draw my inspiration from the more sceptical and empiricist European thinkers .

  7. 第三,物无定极的批判怀疑精神;

    Critical and doubtful spirit that things are unabsolute ;

  8. 他觉得自己既很有教养,又富于怀疑精神。

    He felt himself too cultured and sceptical .

  9. 做学问应该提倡怀疑精神,在不疑处有疑;

    Advocated the spirit of questioning , especially where there seems to be no problem ;

  10. 出于这个原因,企业和审计事务所正饶有兴趣地关注着围绕怀疑精神展开的争论。

    For that reason , companies as well as audit firms are watching the scepticism debate with interest .

  11. 鲁迅《野草》的怀疑精神对穆旦诗的影响

    " Wild Grass " by Lu Xun : Its Influence of Sceptical Spirit upon Mu Dan 's Poetry

  12. 培养创新思维需要理论基本功、厚的兴趣、强的意志力和批判怀疑精神。

    Creative thinking is founded on basic theories , great interests , strong will and a critical mind .

  13. 中国古代科学家祖冲之的科学成就背后蕴涵着宝贵的科学精神,主要包括:锲而不舍、钻研继承的求知精神;求真求实、理性批判的怀疑精神;

    There are invaluable scientific spirit behind Zu Chongzhi ' scientific achievement , a famous scientist in ancient China .

  14. 只有当技术知识和出色的怀疑精神以及创造性思维融为一体,才能为我们国家重新赢得革新优势。

    Only technical knowledge complemented by well-honed critical and creative thinking skills can help us regain our innovative edge .

  15. 反讽是李渔在短篇小说中表现怀疑精神的一种角度。

    Suspicious Behavior LI Yu 's suspicious spirit in his short stories is discussed from the perspective of irony .

  16. 瑞银并不缺少风险意识;它缺乏健康的怀疑精神、独立的判断能力以及强大的领导力。

    The bank did not lack risk consciousness ; it lacked healthy mistrust , independent judgment and strength of leadership .

  17. 再释科学的怀疑精神&谈培养学生的科学怀疑精神

    A Re-discussion on the Scientific Spirit of Suspicion & About the Scientific Spirit of Suspicion Cultivated by Education of Scientific History

  18. 市场需要更加机构化、具有怀疑精神的资金管理机构,它们会在股票廉价时买进,在价格高企时卖出。

    The markets need more institutionalised , agnostic money managers who buy when stocks are cheap and sell when they are dear .

  19. 文章论述了在物理学科教学中应怎样从求实精神、理性精神、怀疑精神等三个方面对学生进行科学精神的培养。

    This article expounds the cultivation of students ' scientific spirit in realism , rationalism and skepticism in the teaching of physics .

  20. 但即使是最具怀疑精神的人也很可能忽略了一个重要的细节,维京人的肠子里满是寄生虫。

    Even the most cynical person would likely miss one key detail , though : Viking guts were utterly infested with parasites .

  21. 此外,审计事务所可能还有必要保留列出关键判断之基本理由的备忘录,以鼓励清晰而具有怀疑精神的思考。

    Firms could also be obliged to keep memorandums setting out the rationale for key judgments to encourage clear and sceptical thinking .

  22. 第三,具有独特的怀疑精神和挑战传统的胆略,实现了理论、知识和学科的创新。

    Thirdly in his unique skeptical spirit and courage to challenge tradition which has realized creation of theory , knowledge and subjects .

  23. 它极具个性,具有智性品格、怀疑精神,信奉女性主义,反抗传统,松散而自由。

    It has strong specialty : the character of wit , suspicious spirit , embracing feminism , resisting tradition and relaxation and freedom .

  24. 《野草》和穆旦诗的怀疑精神不是一蹴而就的,和当时的历史语境有着密切的联系。

    Mudan poetry of the " wild " and not one of the suspected spirit , and then history is closely linked speaking context .

  25. 从培养创新人才要求出发,教育必须着力培养学生的科学的怀疑精神。

    Based on the requirement of cultivating talented persons with creation , education must focus on the cultivation of student 's scientific spirit of suspicion .

  26. 散文集《写在人生边上》贯穿着他的怀疑精神、否定精神、批判精神。

    His collection of prose Writings on the Edge of Life is full of his spirit of doubt , spirit of negation , and spirit of critique .

  27. 随着你开始华尔街的征程,对任何事不要先入为主,但保持怀疑精神,睁大双眼探求所有可能的机遇。

    As you start your journey into the world of Wall Street , assume nothing , question everything , and open your eyes to all possible opportunities .

  28. 多/空策略基金在亚洲如此普遍,致使一位具有怀疑精神的美国对冲基金经理质疑,是否真的存在亚洲对冲基金业。

    The predominance of long-short funds in Asia prompts one sceptical US hedge fund manager to question whether there ever had been an Asian hedge fund industry .

  29. 本文从内在性自我的出现、怀疑精神的确立和确定性的追求三个方面来对此问题进行论述。

    This paper discusses the problem from three aspects : the appearance of inner self , the uprise of the attitude of doubt and the pursuit of certainty .

  30. 科学精神包摄着启蒙精神、怀疑精神、理性精神、批判精神和创新精神,其核心是理性精神。

    The scientific spirit includes the initiatory spirit , doubtful spirit , rational spirit , critical spirit , and innovative spirit . Its core is the rational spirit .