
  • 网络White Island;Wight;The Isle of Wight;Isle of Wright
  1. (虽然我在怀特岛长大,但因为我在伦敦找到了工作,这里就变成了我生活的主要城市。)

    I grew up on the Isle of Wight , but now that I 've found a job in London , it has become my base .

  2. 英国教育家托马斯·诺德生于怀特岛。

    Thomas Arnold , English educationalist , was born on the Isle of Wight .

  3. 我们将乘汽艇到怀特岛。

    We 'll make a trip by launch to White Island .

  4. 对于男性来说,预期寿命缩短幅度最大的地区是滨海绍森德,沃尔萨尔和怀特岛。

    For men , the falls have been greatest in Southend-on-Sea , Walsall and the Isle2 of Wight .

  5. WildFitness(野外健身组织)此次到了怀特岛进行富有哲理精髓的周末促进健康活动。

    Wild Fitness ( wildfitness . com ) extended its reach to the Isle of Wight where it has distilled its philosophy into a fitness boosting weekend .

  6. 上周的《Hello!》杂志大篇幅报道了凯特和同伴在怀特岛的节日上,超凡的M女士穿着金灿灿的粗斜纹棉布束腰连衣裤和纯黑色的T恤。

    Kate and co were widely featured in last week 's Hello ! magazine at the Isle of Wight festival , the divine Ms M resplendent in denim corset jumpsuit and sheer black T-shirt .

  7. “国家便便博物馆”(NationalPooMuseum)今年三月在英国桑当的怀特岛动物园(IsleofWrightZoo)开幕,由名叫埃克莱斯顿‧乔治(EcclestonGeorge)的艺术家团体中的几个成员所创立。

    The National Poo Museum , which opened in March at the Isle of Wight Zoo in Sandown , was created by a small group of artists from a collective called Eccleston George .

  8. 同时,网上几十位时尚人士都指责说,都是因为她在怀特岛上穿了体操短裤、背心和皱巴巴的皮靴,他们以前的至爱西耶娜米勒(siennamiller)也开始穿黑色了。

    Meanwhile , the number of online fashionistas accusing erstwhile favourite Sienna Miller of getting dressed in the dark thanks to her Wight outfit of gym shorts , vest and crushed suede boots was in the double digits .

  9. 下午,我们观光了怀特岛。

    In the afternoon , we go around the island .

  10. 在怀特岛上,只要不太贵。

    In the Isle of Wight , if it 's not too dear .

  11. 怀特岛还是欧洲发现恐龙化石最多的地点之一。

    The island is also one of the richest fossil locations for dinosaurs in Europe .

  12. 怀特岛常常被当做落后于时代近十年的古雅的地方。

    The island is often viewed as a quaint place a decade or so behind the times .

  13. 南安普敦英格兰中南部地区的一个市镇,临英吉利海峡中的一个海湾,面对怀特岛。

    A borough of south-central England on an inlet of the English Channel opposite the Isle of Wight .

  14. 该组织的目标是要在2020年以前,让与英国南海岸遥遥相望的怀特岛达到能源自给。

    Its aim is to make the Isle of Wight , off Britain 's south coast , energy-independent by2020 .

  15. 卡西迪与运输经理科特雷尔,在怀特岛音乐节相识9个月后就传出了怀孕的消息。

    Cassidy 's pregnancy comes just nine months after she met transport manager Cottrell at the Isle Of Wight Festival .

  16. 最有人气的沙滩是桑当沙滩在怀特岛上

    C : D : Sandown Beach on the Isle of Wight , this beach is the most popular . C :

  17. 盎格鲁-撒克逊诸国接受基督教始自肯特,直至苏塞克斯和怀特岛的皈依,前后经历了近百年时间。

    Anglo-Saxon kingdoms accept Christianity began with Kent experienced nearly a hundred years till the Conversion of Sussex and Isle of Wight .

  18. 这两人一见面立即檫出火花,一个月后,于2004年11月15日,他们在怀特岛结婚了。

    The couple instantly ' clicked ' and they married on the Isle of Wight a month later on November 15 , 2004 .

  19. 德维特夫妇刚在怀特岛考兹的游艇港口许下了誓言,就在这时梅夫人出现了。

    The Dights had just exchanged their vows at the yacht haven in Cowes , Isle of Wight , when Mrs May emerged .

  20. 他去年12月毕业,并从北威尔士驾船航行了500英里回到他在怀特岛的家。

    He graduated last December and has just sailed the 500-miles from North Wales to his home in Totland , Isle of Wight .

  21. 1970年的今天,第三届英国怀特岛音乐节开幕,其中包括英国艺著名吉他手吉米·亨德里克斯的最后一场在英国的演出。

    1970-The third annual Isle of Wight rock festival , which would feature the last UK performance from Jimi Hendrix , opens in Great Britain .

  22. 他只乘过一次船(而且只乘到怀特岛①),还晕了船,闹得可惨呢。

    He had only once been in a ship ( and then only as far as the Isle of Wight ) and had been horribly seasick .

  23. 但如果该工程(11月15日开始)成功的话,怀特岛将可能成为实现环境友好未来的先锋军。

    But if the project , launched on November15th , comes off , the Isle of Wight could be in the vanguard of an environmentally friendlier future .

  24. 呈现出的如此美妙的景色,可以说是超过了驰名遐迩的怀特岛的类似景致。

    A scene so wonderful and so lovely is exhibited , as may more than equal any of the resembling scene of the far-famed Isle of Wight .

  25. 从家中失踪五个星期之后,一只宠物猫最终在一艘从怀特岛驶向普尔郡的豪华游轮上与自己的主人团聚。

    A runaway cat who sailed from the Isle of Wight to Poole on a luxury motor cruiser has been reunited with her owners after five weeks away from home .

  26. 两个月之后,两人又在怀特岛的海滨度假区(在帕丁森位于西伦敦的家的南边八十英里)共同迎接了2010年的到来。

    Less than two months later , they quietly welcomed 2010 together at the seaside resort of the Isle of Wight , 80 miles south of Pattinson 's family home in west London .

  27. 举例子来说,在怀特岛上安装大型的风轮发电机受到岛民们的强烈抵制,所以不可能成为生态岛远景规划的一部分,格林说。

    For one thing , there is such fierce resistance to large wind turbines on the Isle of Wight that they are unlikely to be part of the eco-island vision , says Green .

  28. 在美国,海沃德的评论被理解为麻木不仁的。而上周末,当他决定在英格兰南部怀特岛乘游艇出行时,要求他下台的呼声重新出现。

    Some of Hayward 's comments were ed as in the United States , and when he decided to go yachting last weekend around the Isle of Wight in southern England , there were renewed calls for him to go .

  29. 一共有三封邮件:一封是弗农姨父的姐姐玛各寄来的明信片,她正在怀特岛度假。还有一个灰色的信封,看上去像一张支票——最后一封是给哈利的信。�

    Three things lay on the doormat : a postcard from Uncle Vernon 's sister Marge , who was vacationing on the Isle of Wight , a brown envelope that looked like a bill , and - a letter for Harry .

  30. 不过有一天,弗雷德借着一阵好风,将船驶到了怀特岛,一路上非常顺利,除了在回来的路上撞到了浮标。图灵随口说了一句“我果然应该对浮标多加注意”,

    But one day Fred took the helm over to the Isle of Wight , helped by a favourable wind , and all went well except that on the way back they bumped into a buoy and Alan said , without thinking , ' I really ought to be a bit more careful with buoys . '