
  • 网络critical thinking;Thinking Critically
  1. 批判思维教学方法在美国学校健康教育中的作用分析&兼评保罗(Paul)的批判思维观

    An Analysis on the Role of the Teaching Method of Critical Thinking Playing in American Health Education & Concurrently Reviewing Paul 's Perspective on Critical Thinking

  2. 苏克扬·李正在教批判思维和研究课程。

    Sookyoung Lee teaches a class on critical thinking and research .

  3. 换言之,太多选择会钝化人的批判思维。

    Choice , in other words , dulls the critical faculties .

  4. 批判思维与中学历史教学的研究

    The Research on Critical Thinking and History Teaching in Schools

  5. 为什么要进行批判思维的培养?

    Why is it necessary for critical thinking training .

  6. 批判思维代表着教育、经验和研究的结合。

    Critical thinking represents the combination of education , experience , and research .

  7. 高校学生理性批判思维之训练&对经济类本科教学探讨之二:原著阅读

    The Training of Rational Critical Thinking of Undergraduates & Economic Course Teaching Approach ⅱ

  8. 综合国内外学者对批判思维的研究成果,对批判性思维涵义进行了界定。

    Foreign scholars on critical thinking research , defining the meaning of critical thinking .

  9. 批判思维是科学的思维方法中,一种可以提高个人综合思维能力的思维方法。

    Critical thinking is a scientific thinking method which can improve personal comprehensive thinking ability .

  10. 高校研究生学术批判思维的训练策略研究

    Study on Training Strategies of Academic Critical Thinking of Graduate Students in Colleges and Universities

  11. 采用讨论法,鼓励学生大胆质疑,培养学生的批判思维能力;

    To adopt discussion and encourage the students to question ; to train their critical ability .

  12. 黄展骥先生历来注重谬误研究,倡导批判思维、独立思考。

    Mr. Huang Zhan-ji has always paid great attention to fallacy study and advocated critical and independent thinking .

  13. 信息管理人员必须熟悉批判思维,以推理出所要管理的信息集合。

    An information manager must be familiar with critical thinking to reason about the collection of information to be managed .

  14. 除此之外,参与式教学还潜移默化地提高了学生的合作学习能力、自主学习能力和批判思维能力。

    In addition to , participatory teaching also subtly improve students ' cooperative learning , self-learning ability and critical thinking skills .

  15. 本专业重点培养学生的批判思维能力和适应性,以面对瞬息万变的世界的种种挑战。

    Our programs emphasize critical thinking and adaptability in order to help you meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world .

  16. 反而我一直培养自己的沟通技能,批判思维和想象力才似乎更适合于我的人际关系领域。

    The skills of communication , critical thinking , and imagination that I was cultivating seemed more suitable for an interpersonal field .

  17. 我们做不到。要有效地处理这些问题,我们就必须在人类社会各个群体中培养批判思维之风。

    We can ' t.To effectively deal with these issues , we must cultivate the spirit of critical thinking throughout human societies .

  18. 结果表明外语接触量的增加有利于学生批判思维倾向的提高。

    The results revealed the increase in volume of second language exposure contributes to the improvement of students ' critical thinking dispositions .

  19. 文章的引言部分,主要阐述在我国中学历史教学中培养学生批判思维的必要性。

    The foreword part of the article mainly expounds the necessity of training the students ' critical thinking during our history teaching in schools .

  20. 主要采用问题探究协作学习策略,让学生在自我反思与小组合作中主动获得自主批判思维能力的发展。

    The main learning strategies adopted are problem inquiring and cooperative study . Students are supposed to acquire initiatively the competence of independent criticism .

  21. 写作使批判思维可见,在写作中培养批判思维必须改变传统的教学方法,设定一些问题、以过程为中心、以学生为中心。

    Writing makes critical thinking visible . In teaching , teachers should change teaching methods and to emphasize on process and on students ' learning .

  22. 中国的商学院还应调整课程结构,鼓励学生主动探索更加开放的学习环境,批判思维以及分析能力在这种环境下极为重要。

    The Chinese should also change the structure of lessons and encourage students towards a more open learning environment where critical thinking and analysis are crucial .

  23. 专家说,很多毕业生缺乏企业所需的批判思维、外语和基本职场沟通等技能。

    Experts say that many of the graduates lack skills such as critical thinking , foreign languages and basic office communications that businesses are looking for .

  24. 例如,直觉思维、联想思维、幻想思维、批判思维和逆向思维等等。

    For example , we will be these ways of thinking & intuitive thinking , associable thinking , fantasy thinking , critical thinking and reverse thinking and so on .

  25. 第三,要使每个人,特别是领导干部的思想得到解放,也就是说要有独立思考、批判思维和创造能力。

    Third , we need to free the minds of everyone , particularly the minds of leading officials so that everyone can have independent and critical thinking and make innovation .

  26. 通过对文献的分析、研究,我们不难发现科学主义思潮、教育研究科学化运动,哲学、心理学、社会学、文化学等科学基础理论的发展,批判思维便是课程理论最主要的发展动力因素。

    Through the analysis and research to the documents , it is not difficult for us to find the scientific ideological trend ; the movement of education research being scientific ;

  27. 批判思维是指人们用不同于常规的角度和方法去观察与分析客观事物,对其性质、价值、精确性和真实性等作出个人独立的判断,并提出综合的、有建设意义的见解。

    Critical thinking means that people watch and analyse objective things differently from routine angles and methods , making personal judgement to its nature and raising synthetically and constructive opinions .

  28. 应深化改革现行师范教育,从增强道德责任感、发展批判思维、提高反思意识和能力等途径培养学者型教师。

    To cultivate teachers of this type , it is necessary to reform the current normal education through enhancing moral responsibilities , foster critical thinking and developing a reflective mentality and capability .

  29. 20世纪以来,国内外学术界关于批判思维的研究越来越深入,且得到各国各级教育部门的重视。

    Since the 20th century , the academia in and abroad deepened more and more the research of critical thinking , which has drawn the attention of the education departments of all levels of various countries .

  30. 这不是什么高深的科学,不过是教育工作者要求学生和企业领导人要求员工利用他们的见识、批判思维和创新思想,完成做正确的事这项任务。

    This idea is not rocket science . It amounts to educators asking students and business leaders asking employees to bring their insights , their critical thinking and innovative ideas to the task of getting the right thing done .