
  • 网络Critical philosophy;critique philosophy
  1. 面向21世纪的批判哲学及哲学批判

    The Critical Philosophy and the Philosophical Criticism Towards the 21st Century

  2. 康德的图型说是他整个批判哲学体系的重要环节。

    Kant 's schema is the important part of his whole critical philosophy .

  3. 本论文主要研究列斐伏尔(HenriLefebvre1901-1991)这位现代法国哲学家、西方马克思主义创始人的日常生活批判哲学思想及其发展过程。

    In this dissertation the researcher mainly studies critique of everyday life , a concept first put forward by Henri Lefebvre ( 1901-1991 ), a modern French philosopher and the founder of Western Marxism .

  4. 康德批判哲学的还原与批判。

    Reduction and criticism of kant 's critical philosophy ii .

  5. 第二个大转向是从批判哲学到生存论哲学;

    The second transition from Kant 's philosophy to the contemporary existential philosophy ;

  6. 因而,自由概念在其批判哲学中也就占据了核心地位。

    So , the concept of freedom becomes the core of his critical philosophy .

  7. 列斐伏尔是西方马克思主义日常生活批判哲学的开拓者。

    Lefebver is the pioneer in the critique of everyday life of Western Marxism .

  8. 它们一起呈现了一个更平和、更能接受的批判哲学面相。

    Together they present the blander , the more acceptable face of the Critique .

  9. 他批判哲学的二元划分,用语言哲学和实用主义消解了传统哲学的问题。

    He criticized the dichotomy of philosophy , his philosophy of language and pragmatism digest traditional philosophy problem .

  10. 王船山哲学的基本问题是探询真实的存在,这种探询要求着批判哲学的识度,也即在主体知行活动的视域内探究存在。

    Wang Chuanshan 's philosophy is to explore the real existence within the field of the subject 's activities .

  11. 后马克思主义这一术语早在20世纪50年代末就已出现于波兰尼的后批判哲学语境中。

    The term of post - Marxism had emerged in Polanyi 's post - critical philosophical contex in the late 1950s .

  12. 康德的批判哲学并不是要建立一个系统,但是他的三个批判确实成为某种体系。

    Kant 's critical philosophy is not opposed to system-building , and the three Critiques constitute a system of a kind .

  13. 和知识的本性一样,批判哲学几乎成为共信的成见和自明的前提。

    A general remark may still be offered on the result to which the Critical philosophy led as to the nature of knowledge ;

  14. 在这道墙壁面前,康德蹈虚入空,将批判哲学的一般方法在情感方面使之登峰造极,从而宣泄了康德郁积多年的宗教情感。

    On emotion , Kant made the common methods of critical philosophy at the peak , which drove off Kant 's religion emotion deposited many years .

  15. 批判哲学于是首先进而对形而上学以及别的科学上和日常观念中所用的知性概念的价值加以考察。

    The Critical Philosophy proceeds to test the value of the categories employed in metaphysic , as well as in other sciences and in ordinary conception .

  16. 批判哲学认为思维是主观的,并且认为思维的终极的、不可克原的规定是抽象的普遍性、形式的同一性。

    If we are to believe the critical philosophy , thought is subjective , and its ultimate and invincible mode is abstract universality or formal identity .

  17. 英国马克思主义的思想深刻地启发了伊格尔顿,成为他文化批判哲学的理论基础,也是他终身坚持的主要理论。

    British Marxist ideology profoundly inspired Eagleton , and became the theoretical basis of philosophy of his cultural criticism , and also his lifelong adhere to the main theories .

  18. 康德整个批判哲学体系的最伟大之处就是,用先验的方法把自由从自然领域划分出来,并厘定了自由与自然的界限与各司其职。

    The most greatest feature of Kant 's whole critical philosophy system is differing freedom from natural field with transcendental method and setting the limits and scope of freedom and nature .

  19. 不过,这些知识的隐喻尽管凸现了“认知活动”的关系性,但依然没有从近代批判哲学所固有的认识论中解放出来。

    However , although all the knowledge metaphor has shown the relationship of the cognition activity , it still has not been liberated from the inherent epistemology of modern critical philosophy .

  20. 本文通过对康德批判哲学文本的解读,考察了蕴涵在这种哲学中的对象性思维方式自身发展的各个环节,以及贯穿在这些环节中的实践和辩证法问题。

    Through analyses to Kant criticism philosophy , this thesis studies all links in the development chain of object thinking mode , and the practice and dialectics problems running through these links .

  21. 鲍威尔的批判哲学既是宗教的批判,也是政治的批判,但归根到底是宗教批判。这是由鲍威尔批判哲学的思辨性质所决定了的。

    The critical philosophy of Powell is both religionary criticism and political criticism , but in the final analysis was religionary criticism , which was determined by the idealistic character of his critical philosophy .

  22. 将思想与事物自然截然分开的观点,特别是康德的批判哲学所发挥出来的,与以前那种认为思想和事物能完全符合的信心,正像反对。

    The divorce between thought and thing is mainly the work of the Critical Philosophy , and runs counter to the conviction of all previous ages , that their agreement was a matter of course .

  23. 作为人类哲学思想的蓄水池,康德不仅以其批判哲学实现了对传统哲学的根本变革,而且以其新哲学理念深刻影响了现当代西方哲学的总体发展。

    As a reservoir of human philosophical thoughts , Kant not only revolutionized the traditional philosophy with his critical philosophy but also deeply influenced the overall development of modern Western philosophy with his new philosophical ideas .

  24. 康德历史学的思想,是具有批判哲学特色的历史哲学,开创了在人类理性范围内理解历史终极目的之先验理性历史哲学的先河。

    Kant 's thought about history was a kind of historic philosophy with characteristics of critical philosophy . It pioneered the rational apriorism of historic philosophy which made human beings understand the ultimate goal of history rationally .

  25. 这两派一直争论不休,后来康德对二者进行了调和,发展出了自己的批判哲学的体系,康德对传统的形而上学进行了批判,否定了关于本体论的知识的可能性。

    They are opposed to each other all the time , then Kant try to mediate them and establish his system of Critical Philosophy . Kant criticizes traditional metaphysics and negates the possibility of knowledge about ontology .

  26. 批判哲学与经验主义相同,把经验当做知识的唯一基础,不过不以基于经验的知识为真理,而仅把它看成对于现象的知识。

    In common with empiricism , the critical philosophy assumes that experience affords the one sole foundation for cognitions ; which however it does not allow to rank as truths , but only as knowledge of phenomena .

  27. 复次,老年教育也包含许多丰富的哲学观点及理论,从解放哲学、转化理论、后现代主义到人文主义、进步主义、批判哲学等等均可以置放入老年教育中运用。

    Besides , aged education includes many rich philosophical viewpoints and theories as well , ranging from emancipatory philosophy , conversion theory and postmodernism to humanism , progressivism and critical philosophy , all of which can be applied to aged education .

  28. 同时,与西方世界日常生活批判哲学的语境相比,中国的日常生活问题还有其特殊性,这就决定了它极其复杂的问题结构和西方理论在解释中国问题时的有限适用性。

    Meanwhile , compared with the Western linguistic context of criticizing philosophy of daily life , China 's problem of daily life has its particularity , which has determined its extremely complicated problem structure and the limited suitability of western theory while explaining China 's problem .

  29. 他批判经院哲学,建立其唯物主义理论大厦;

    He criticized the scholasticism , built up his materialism mansion ;

  30. 批判的哲学和哲学的批判&论马克思主义哲学功能的现实实现

    Critical Philosophy and Criticism of Philosophy & On the Real Accomplishment of Philosophical Function