
  • 【法】sham marriage
  1. 她凭借电视剧《黄金女郎》(GoldenGirls)广为人知,怀特在过去几年重返舞台,出演了《假结婚》(TheProposal)等电影和《奶奶也疯狂》(OffTheirRockers)等电视节目,这个真人秀节目表现了老人们的恶作剧。

    Best known for Golden Girls , White has staged something of a comeback over the last few years with films like The Proposal and TV shows like Off Their Rockers , in which older people pull pranks .

  2. 这场假结婚最重要的就是珠宝。

    The most important part of the mock wedding was jewellery .

  3. 当我回来之后,我看了八分之三的电影《假结婚》。

    When I got back , I watched three eighth of the movie The Proposal .

  4. 假结婚的事情在没人受到伤害的时候倒没什么。

    You know , this whole fake marriage thing was okay when nobody was getting hurt .

  5. 但我这周都醉心于工作,就像《假结婚》里的桑德拉·布洛克。

    But I 've been too preoccupied with work , like Sandra Bullock in The Proposal .

  6. 当然,那要等到证明这不是假结婚之后。

    Of course , that 's after it 's revealed that this is not a fake marriage .

  7. 由此可见,当前解决虚假身份假结婚问题显得多么的迫切。

    So it is much urgent to resolve the problem of sham marriage using a false identity recently .

  8. 本文探讨的是利用虚假身份假结婚的法律效力及救济途径。

    This paper focuses on the legal effects and approaches to relief of sham marriage using a false identity .

  9. 配偶是再婚时,此处是填配偶之前配偶的情况。篇幅不足请另附纸(估计是查假结婚用的)

    If your spouse has ever been married before , give the following information about your spouse 's prior marriage .

  10. 当局现在严厉打击这种婚姻。假结婚已经成为移民合法化最简单的方法。

    Authorities here have been cracking down on these marriages , seen as an easy way by immigrants to become legal .

  11. 为了假结婚,人们会花上几千美元。但是我有朋友是美国公民,她们会免费和我结婚。

    People pay thousands for fake marriages , but I have friends who are citizens who would marry me for free .

  12. 租赁假结婚的价钱从每天8000元到500元不等

    Renting a bogus marriage prospect ranges from RMB 500 ( $ 82 ) to 8000 ( $ 1321 ) per day .

  13. 柬埔寨政府近日宣布,禁止50岁以上的外籍男子与本国女子结婚,以防止假结婚和贩卖人口等问题。

    Cambodia has banned foreign men over the age of 50 marrying local women in an effort to combat sham marriages and human trafficking .

  14. 所以他们开启了“假结婚”的奇异潮流,一堆20或者30多岁的年轻人齐聚一堂,参加婚礼主题的聚会,不过新郎和新娘都不是真的。

    So they 've come up with a bizarre party trend of fake weddings , where groups of 20 - and 30-somethings get together to attend wedding-themed parties complete with fake bride and groom .

  15. 另外,还介绍了假结婚包括一方没有真实结婚的真实意思和双方均没有与对方结婚的真实意思两种情形。

    It also provides two situations of sham marriage , including that one side has not really the true meaning of marriage and that the two sides have not the real meaning of marriage with the other .

  16. 肖在审查报告中称,在南拉纳克郡接受法庭审理的人中,有“数量惊人”的一部分因涉嫌假结婚已被拘留,其中大部分人是在利物浦或曼彻斯特接受内政部面谈后被扣押的。

    His report said a " surprisingly large number " of those who attended a forum organised at the South Lanarkshire facility had been detained because of alleged sham marriages , with most held after Home Office interviews in Liverpool or Manchester .

  17. 而目前的法律对于这种具备结婚登记的其他法定实质要件的当事人利用虚假身份、一方或者双方并非出于感情,而是为了其他目的假结婚却没有明文的法律规定予以规范。

    The current legal marriage registrations do not have explicit legal provisions to regulate these who have real statutory elements but using false identities to get married , one or both is not out of love , but a bogus marriage for other purposes .

  18. 随着《婚姻登记条例》的颁布实施,结婚登记时不再要求结婚申请人提交居委会或单位证明,随之而来的是各种各样的虚假身份假结婚现象随之大量涌现。

    With the promulgation and implementation of the " Marriage Registration Ordinance ," marriage registration no longer requires the applicant to submit the proof from neighborhood or units , followed by the phenomena of false marriage rooted by a variety of false identities in large numbers .

  19. 与《非诚勿扰》相比,《宿醉》和《假结婚》存在东施效颦之嫌,而今年美国的票房冠军除了这两部这样以拉斯维加斯为背景的粗俗喜剧片,剩下的都是科幻影片。

    Save for the raunchy comedy set in La Vegas , The Hangover , and The Proposal , which is all fluff compared to If You Are the One , the top box office films in the US this year were all fantasy / science fiction movies .

  20. 而在本周二,布洛克再次登顶好莱坞,被财经网站Forbes.com评为过去一年好莱坞收入最高的女星。在过去一年中,布洛克凭借浪漫喜剧《假结婚》和橄榄球题材影片《弱点》两部叫座影片大赚5600万美元。

    But on Tuesday , Bullock landed atop Hollywood 's heap again when financial website Forbes.com named her the highest paid actress of the past 12 months having earned $ 56 million from two box office hits , romantic comedy " The Proposal " and football film , " The Blind Side . "

  21. 戴只(假)结婚戒指

    Consider wearing a ( fake ) wedding ring .

  22. 他不会用假名字结婚的,可是,他不打算让劳拉知道他的姓氏。

    He couldn 't marry under an assumed name , but he had no intention of letting Nora know his surname .

  23. 婚假和晚婚假应在结婚(后)的一年内使用完毕,否则视作放弃。

    Marrying leave and late marriage leave should be used in the year after marriage , or it will be regards as abandonment .