
  • 网络Fahrenheit
  1. 一直都很感激我是飞轮海的一份子。

    Still , I 'm grateful to be part of fahrenheit .

  2. 台湾偶像剧的粉丝们应该对飞轮海很熟悉。

    Taiwanese idol drama fans should be familiar with Fahrenheit .

  3. 我们才能跟飞轮海说嘛!

    So that we can say to Fahrenheit too !

  4. 飞轮海将于26号抵达澳门,27号到新加坡去。

    Fahrenheit will be going to Macau on the26th and Singapore on the27th .

  5. 有任何有趣的网站要分享吗?即使和飞轮海无关?

    Any interesting websites to share even though it 's not related to Fahrenheit ?

  6. 很多很多的活动,所以你们会从电视和杂志商看见更多次飞轮海!

    Lots of activities and you will be seeing more of Fahrenheit on TV and magazines !

  7. 已经有一段时间飞轮海没有去那里和你们有这样的活动了。

    It 's been a while we Fahrenheit haven 't gone there to have event with you guys .

  8. 我们将会为飞轮海和所有喜欢飞轮海的歌迷做到最好。

    We , Fahrenheit Family committee members , will do our best for Fahrenheit and all those other Fahrenheit fans out there like us !

  9. 不知道和飞轮海一同上新闻的艺人是谁吗?在这查查看吧!

    Don 't know who is the celebrity / artiste that was mentioned in the news / related to Fahrenheit ? Check them out here !

  10. 我们大家有目共睹飞轮海之间的友谊不只是单单一个男子团体那么简单,飞轮海也象征了他们四个男生的坚固的友谊。

    We all understand that the relationship of Fahrenheit is not just a boy musical group ; it is also the friendship among four boys .

  11. 飞轮海首张专辑第一次改版送的的卡通画像贴纸正是大东设计的呢。

    The cartoon drawings of Fahrenheit which comes in a sticker form in the second version of fahrenheit 's first album was designed and drawn by jiro .