
fēi máo tuǐ dǎo dàn
  • scud missile
飞毛腿导弹[fēi máo tuǐ dǎo dàn]
  1. 美国国防部发言人沃伦(SteveWarren)在上周四朝鲜首次发射导弹后表示,这种短程飞毛腿导弹允许朝鲜试射,不过美国一直呼吁朝鲜避免采取挑行动。

    ' It 's a short-range Scud missile which they are allowed to test . Nevertheless , we always call on the North Koreans to refrain from provocative action , ' Col. Steve Warren , the Pentagon spokesman , said Thursday after the first firing .

  2. 它应该被击穿,坦克能飞下像一个飞毛腿导弹在执行任务。

    Should it be punctured , the tank could fly off like a Scud missile on a mission .

  3. 这些飞毛腿导弹的射程是650到900公里。

    These are missiles with a range of 650 to 900 kilometers .

  4. 海湾战争中爱国者打飞毛腿导弹效果初步分析

    A Preliminary Analysis of Engagement Effectiveness of Patriot Against Scud in the Gulf War

  5. 这个系统的首次应用是在海湾战争中,担任伊拉克飞毛腿导弹的防卫系统。

    It was first put to use in the Gulf War as a defense for Iraqi Scud missiles .

  6. 新增飞毛腿导弹,导弹想发就发,导弹威力(30-100)自由控制。

    New Scud missiles , missile like hair on the hair , the missile power ( 30-100 ) free control .

  7. 一个著名的例子就是第一次海湾战争中,飞毛腿导弹没能被成功拦截。

    One notable example is the failed interception of the incoming Scud by the Patriot missile in the first Gulf War .

  8. 我们也在关注着化学武器和飞毛腿导弹,要确保他们不会在最后阶段使用。

    We are also watching the chemical weapons and Scud missiles to make sure they are not used in the endgame .

  9. 在飞毛腿导弹上加载核武器也要求搭载在远程导弹上的核弹头小型化,专家们相信,朝鲜还做不到这一点。

    Putting a nuclear weapon on a Scud would also require miniaturization beyond that of the size of a weapon on a long-range missile , which experts believe North Korea hasn 't achieved yet .

  10. 乌克兰危机显然是全球外交政策关注的焦点,即使朝鲜发射更多飞毛腿导弹,也难以推动国际力量对其采取惩罚性措施。

    The crisis in Ukraine is clearly dominating global foreign policy attention to the extent that even if North Korea fires off more Scuds it 's hard to see any momentum building internationally for punitive action in response .

  11. 本文叙述了苏联飞毛腿B导弹的改进过程及其在海湾战争中的应用。

    This article summarizes the change process of guided ballistic missile Scud B in Soviet and its combat use in Gulf War .

  12. 本文对美国报导的洲际弹道导弹大力神I型贮箱与飞毛腿弹道导弹受强激光辐照演示实验的破坏模式和破坏机理进行了分析。

    The paper analyses the failure models and failure mechanisms of " Titan " type I storage and " Scud " ballistic missile shown experiments under strong laser irradiation .

  13. 尽管核查人员销毁了多大数被禁止的弹道导弹,但是根据10年来大量的情报报告及伊拉克内部的报告显示萨达姆保留着一支超过数十枚各式“飞毛腿”导弹的部队。

    While inspectors destroyed most of the prohibited ballistic missiles , numerous intelligence reports over the past decade , from sources inside iraq , indicate that Saddam Hussein retains a covert force of up to a few dozen Scud variant ballistic missiles .